How to play as a sniper in Team Fortress 2

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TF2: Basic Sniping Tutorial
Video: TF2: Basic Sniping Tutorial


Those snipers, ruthless assassins with an Australian accent from Team Fortress 2! They are destined for the role of support players, but an experienced sniper knows how to play with equal efficiency both in defense and in attack.Armed with a rifle, snipers can send a bullet directly in the forehead to anyone, shutting up anyone. Also, snipers are armed with SMGs and a kukri blade, which they especially like to cut into even chunks of spies sneaking up from behind.


  1. 1 Sniper arsenal. Each sniper has three starting weapons: a 25-bullet sniper rifle (main weapon), SMG 25/75 - a medium-range secondary weapon, and a kukri - a melee weapon. There are other weapons available to the sniper, but the path to them is through achievements and loot chests. Thus, a sniper can change his weaponry to the “The Huntsman” bow, a jar of urine “Jarate” (used as an additional weapon), as well as the “Razorback” shield, which protects an additional weapon from being stabbed in the back.
  2. 2 Sniper rifle. This rifle is very powerful and is ideal for long range work. A headshot with a sniper rifle is just one! - can be lethal. And to aim, by the way, is best at the head.
  3. 3 How to use a rifle correctly? As a rule, it is recommended not to look through the scope most of the time in order to get an idea of ​​the state of affairs on the battlefield. When you look through the scope, the field of view narrows, and the speed of movement slows down. Experienced snipers are proficient in 4 rifle shooting techniques: unscoped, hardscop, strafe and quickscope. Do not be alarmed, we will explain the meaning of these words in the following paragraphs.
  4. 4 Shooting without sight. She is also shooting from the hip, this is shooting from a rifle without switching to sight mode. Without a sight, it is appropriate to shoot any target that is close enough, as well as those who move too fast (scouts, for example). If it seems to you that using the scope is too dangerous, help the team by shooting from the hip - you may help to kill the enemy.
  5. 5 Hardscop. So, the longer you aim through the scope, the more lethal the shot turns out. When the sight is activated, a special indicator appears, when it is at maximum, then the lethal potential of the shot is maximum. In this case, you can hide (camp) and aim, say, at the passage in order to shoot at enemies passing by. However, there is one moment - when you aim through the scope, a small red dot appears on the target. The enemy can notice what is in your sight and take action. Accordingly, it is better for you to aim a little to the side, so that later, seizing the moment, raise the sight to the level of the enemy's head. A hardscop in hand can be quite effective, but experienced players disdain such tactics - after all, it practically does not require skill.
  6. 6 Streifscope. A strafe scope, as you might guess, is a combination of aiming and strafe (moving left and right using the A and D keys, respectively). At the same time, the crosshair is kept at the level of the players' heads, so that it would be easier to aim later. The strafe scope shows itself well on flat maps. Most players will only activate the crosshair when the enemy is near the crosshair mark.
  7. 7 Quickscope. A good muscle memory and hands "sharpened" for the game by a sniper - that's all you need to master the Quickscope. This is the technique of true masters of the "Sniper" class. When they see the enemy, they quickly bring the crosshair of the sight to his head and activate the sight. After clicking the right button, the mouse is quickly transferred to the head of the enemy. Shot accuracy increases if you use the mouse in conjunction with the A-D keys (that is, if you strafe). It will take a lot of time to master the Quickscope, but it will pay off, because a sniper who owns this shooting technique is just a gift for any team. Such a sniper can fight even at a medium distance, which cannot but affect the course of the match.
  8. 8 Use SMG for medium range combat. This weapon performs well when firing at relatively close range.However, it does quite a bit of damage, although it shoots quite quickly. Use it when the enemy is too close to aim.
  9. 9 Melee is kukri and only kukri. Like any melee combat, kukri will give you an unforgettable experience of killing an enemy. But there is one subtlety - this is not the most powerful weapon in its class, they need to be used either when it is not possible to use something else, or when the enemy has little health left.
  10. 10 Think strategically. Think about where you, the sniper, will be most effective. Consider the place itself - you are a sniper, cramped small rooms are disgusting to you. You'd better find something secluded and preferably something on a higher ground. Still, of course, you need to hide from the enemy team's snipers and spies. And finally - do not meddle in close combat, 125 health units of a sniper do not predispose to this.
  11. 11 Know the enemy by sight. Watch the battlefield, analyze the actions and movement patterns of enemies. Since you are a sniper, then your worst enemies, almost anti-classes are spies and ... other snipers. Do not forget to look around from time to time to check if a spy is sneaking up on you, if another sniper is aiming at you.
  12. 12 Watch out for spies! Don't relax! Look around often so as not to get a knife in the back from the spy! For reference: a knife in the back from a spy - instant death. Keep in mind that spies will behave suspiciously, so feel free to attack any players passing by you. Remember that even if you stand with your back against the wall, this will not protect you from a spy who is also armed with a revolver. Hearing will help protect you from the spy - the effects of disguise and invisibility, when deactivated, produce a characteristic sound that will warn you of an impending danger. Remember, if you cannot get through a player on your team, then this is a disguised spy.
  13. 13 Watch out for snipers! Remember that even you, the sniper, can be on the fly - by another sniper. Move erratically, jump, sneak, or jump from a seated position. The faster and more unpredictable you move, the harder it is for a sniper to hit you.
  14. 14 Help your teammates. While shooting enemies is fun, your job is to support other players. If you see a battle “yours and not yours,” then help your comrade with a bullet, aptly fired at the enemy. Do not waste time on paranoid identification of spies, do not get involved in mini-games a la "sniper versus sniper", because all this will prevent you from helping the team and distract from the main game (and if you get carried away, the enemy sniper can kill your entire team) ... This is especially true on maps like 2Fort, where the very structure of the map pushes the snipers of the two teams to check who has the longer barrel and, more correctly, the hand. Remember: your job is to cover your teammates and not be exposed to bullets. If you really want to kill, then kill a bunch of "medic + heavy under the boost."
  15. 15 Alternative weapons and methods of obtaining them.
    • The Huntsman Bow is a mid-range weapon that can deal an obscene amount of damage! From this bow you will shoot arrows, which the game engine will process as projectiles. It takes one second to pull the string. A bow pulled to the maximum can kill or thoroughly cripple, say, a scout with one shot. However, if you charge a shot for more than 5 seconds, both accuracy and damage are significantly degraded. Headshots (headshots) kill almost everyone (except, perhaps, heavy). The Huntsman bow replaces the sniper rifle in the main weapon slot. A player with a bow can be very annoying to others, especially if he fires maximum charged shots at enemies, hoping that they will not survive it.This, however, is not encouraged, the contemptuous name for such players is "Lucksman" (a hint that all the achievements of such players are the result of luck, not skill).
    • Shield "Razorback" saves from a knife in the back, that is, from spies. However, it protects from just one blow. The scheme is as follows: the shield is put on you, the spy attacks you in the back, the shield breaks, you survive, and the spy cannot attack or go invisible for the next two seconds. This shield is one of the alternatives for the SMG in the secondary weapon slot. However, although the shield will protect against a knife, it will not protect against a bullet from a spy's revolver, so think twice about whether to use it.
    • The "Jarate" weapon, aka "Bankate", is just a can of urine that can be launched at the enemy. All hits on an enemy drenched in urine are mini-critical, that is, dealing 35% more damage than usual. Help the team by dousing enemies left and right! By the way, if you pour over a spy, then you can see him even when he goes into invisibility mode. The bank has only one charge, it recovers in 20 seconds. You can take the can from the sniper's locker in the respawn room (where you appear after death). The question of why the sniper has endless cans of urine in his locker remains open ... Bankate replaces the SMG in the secondary weapon slot.
    • The "Tribalman's Shiv" melee weapon is used to identify spies. Attacking with this weapon inflicts a bleed effect for 6 seconds. This effect will be noticeable to others (which, however, is not as effective as setting fire to pyro). The enemy spy will also bleed - even if disguised or invisible. This weapon helps to locate the spy and replaces the kukri.


  • Headshot will immediately kill a Medic, Scout, Engineer, Spy and other Sniper. To kill a Heavy, Soldier, Demomen, or Pyro, you need a Charged Shot. A full charge will take 3.3 seconds, although this is usually not required.
  • If you sneak along the bottom of the ramp to an open area, you will be invisible to the enemy until he runs up the ramp. They won't see you until they get the chance, so shoot ahead of the curve.
  • A fully charged sniper rifle shot will kill any player with one headshot (players with the invulnerability effect will not kill, but this is a mechanic feature).
  • Do not forget to sit behind cover to hide more safely.
  • Enemy buildings are also targets. A sniper, if nothing interferes with him, can break a level 1 turret with just one fully charged shot.
  • When you aim with a rifle, a small red dot appears on the target, giving away your intentions headlong. This point is visible even through your scope, but remember: neither your rifle glows, nor does any glowing line extend from the rifle to the point.
  • Find a secluded and hidden place away from the battlefield, where it would be difficult to climb.
  • Shooting without a scope is quite difficult, so don't risk it if you're not 100% sure.
  • Any player who comes up to you from behind can be a spy. Check everyone!
  • The charge shot indicator will show you how powerful it has become.
  • Shooting without sight and headshots are two incompatible things, unless you are using the newly added “classic”.

What do you need

  • Computer
  • Steam account