How to play the chain game

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chain Cut - a game having fun
Video: Chain Cut - a game having fun


1 Find at least 3 people (the more, the better and more difficult).
  • 2Get together and stand in a tight circle (shoulder to shoulder)
  • 3 Let each person reach out to the center of the circle and take the person opposite by the hand; each participant must hold hands with two different people.
  • 4 Try to free yourself so that all the participants in the game in the chain hold hands with each other.
  • 5 You can't let go of the other person's hand. When the circle is formed, some participants may have their backs to the circle, others inward.
  • Warnings

    • Sometimes it is very difficult to disconnect the chain, and sometimes it is simply impossible to do it.
    • It is best to play in a cool place to avoid sweating or smelling in close quarters.
    • Don't twist your shoulders; this can cause a sprain in the shoulder or wrist.
    • This game involves close contact with people, so it is not recommended to play it for those who suffer from claustrophobia or do not feel well in the company of people.
    • This game involves touching, so it is unlikely to be suitable for those who are sensitive to touching other people.