How to ignore a girl who hates you

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 6 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Psychology Of 💥Ignoring💥 A Woman
Video: Psychology Of 💥Ignoring💥 A Woman


When someone hates you, it is only natural to avoid that person by all means. Gossiping about you, provoking embarrassing situations, or bullying you can be painful, annoying, and even stressful. In such a situation, it is important to understand the cause of the problem. Not paying attention to the person is just a short-term solution that will help you avoid embarrassing situations. Is there no logical explanation for the person's behavior, or have you mistreated your ex-girlfriend? The exact reason will help you find an effective solution and behave correctly in the future.


Method 1 of 3: How to protect yourself from the bully

  1. 1 Remove the girl from your Facebook friends. Online bullying is just as offensive as it is in real life. People often use social media to spread rumors and inappropriate information. Remove the girl from your Facebook friends so she stops bombarding your page with rude comments. In addition, such a step will show that you are not interested in further communication.
    • To remove a girl from friends on Facebook, go to her page, click on the Friends button, and then select “Remove from friends”.
    • This applies to all social networks. Unsubscribe from Instagram and Twitter updates, and don't watch Snapchat stories.
  2. 2 Get away from the situation. Abusers love a sense of control over people's emotions and actions. They are always waiting for a specific reaction. Leave to avoid a conflict situation and show that the girl does not control your actions.
    • Don't make eye contact. Keep your head high and look forward. This will show that you are not interested in petty squabbles.
  3. 3 Seek support. Discuss the situation with a reliable person. Sometimes a third party finds more effective solutions that cannot be reached on their own.
    • If a classmate teases you, talk to a teacher, parent, or trusted adult to find a way out. Adults always give good advice and help to resist aggression.
    • If the situation occurs in the workplace or concerns a romantic relationship, then it is better to seek help from a friend or a psychologist.
  4. 4 Do for honor. Resist the temptation to respond rudely to other people's attacks in the face or behind the back. Don't gossip, shout, or dramatize. Be a model of good behavior. Your kindness will force the girl to reconsider her behavior.
    • If a girl spreads rumors behind your back, then calmly explain the true state of affairs. It is important that others do not believe in gossip. Say: “I don’t know what Alena told you, but this is how I see the situation.”

Method 2 of 3: How to Stand Up for Yourself

  1. 1 Don't fall for provocations. The best way to ignore a person is to show that you are not interested in them. If a girl calls names, then don't stoop to her level. Do not participate in the exchange of insults at all. Be polite so that she has no choice but to leave you alone.
    • For example, you met at school and she started shouting insults across the hallway. Do not answer. Say "I'm sorry" politely and keep walking.
  2. 2 Don't take grudges personally. Usually, the reason for the behavior of bullies lies in low self-esteem. Very often they harass you just because you need to win back on someone, so do not take grudges personally.
    • Consider the importance of your relationship with this person so that you don't take hurt feelings personally. Are you close with a girl or just know each other? How much do you value her opinion? How much does the girl's actions affect the attitude of loved ones towards you?
    • Also think about how this girl treats others and why. Does she treat almost everyone badly or just a few? What could be the reason? Her insecurity? Is it hard for her at school? Can there be other reasons for her behavior?
  3. 3 Approach the situation with humor. Laugh in response to harsh remarks so as not to despair, as well as confuse the girl and stop the insults. Abusers need a negative reaction, but if they respond positively, they can change their behavior.
  4. 4 Show empathy. The behavior of rude people is often caused by internal pain or misunderstanding. Try to see the girl as a person who has been hurt and who is trying to cope with her problems by hurting other people. Don't let this do to you. Show compassion and you will protect yourself from anger.
  5. 5 Protect yourself. If all of the above doesn't work, then don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. No need to scream and lose your temper. Say simply and bluntly, "I don't like the way you treat me. Stop acting like that."
    • Sincere words are always disarming. If at a meeting a girl insults you or speaks rudely, then calmly say: "I am already tired of your insults." Such a remark is much more effective than retaliatory insults.

Method 3 of 3: How to fix the situation

  1. 1 Don't shy away from responsibility. If the girl hates you, then there may be reasons for this. Try to understand what actions provoked hatred so as not to ignore it for the rest of your life. Clarify the reasons in a one-to-one conversation.
    • The easiest way to admit responsibility is to apologize. Take the girl to the side and say, “I know you were very angry about my behavior last semester, so I want to apologize. I hope we can solve the problem and you will stop getting angry. ”
  2. 2 Start a conversation. It's always important to talk about the situation, even if the girl hates you for no apparent reason. Offer to drink coffee or tea together to sort out the situation. It is helpful to clarify the situation even if you are innocent. For safety's sake, offer to talk in a quiet but crowded place.
    • Say, “I would like us to solve the problem. Let's talk after lunch over a cup of coffee? ”.
    • Speak in the first person so that the girl does not go into defensiveness. For example, say something like, "I hate when you call names."
    • Be clear about what you are waiting for. For example, tell the girl, “I wish you would stop calling names.”
    • Don't criticize, threaten, advise, or assume you know what she's thinking. Express only your feelings and desires.
    • If the situation occurs at school, then talk in the presence of an adult.
  3. 3 Change your behavior. You cannot control other people's actions, but you can control your own. Depending on the situation, there are several ways to radically change your behavior so that the girl stops perceiving you as an object of hatred.
    • If you are being bullied, try to understand that the girl’s personal suffering may be the cause of this attitude. Try to say something nice to her from time to time, or invite her to sit down with you at the dinner table and see how her attitude changes.
    • If you've hurt a girl in the past, do something nice for her. Buy a coffee or chocolate bar and attach a note asking you to improve your relationship. The girl will not necessarily treat you better, but you will send a positive signal.


  • Treat people with respect and empathy to avoid provoking personal hatred.
  • Don't get involved in social media squabbles.


  • If a girl uses violence or threatens you, then contact your elders or the police.