How to look good after waking up

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Ways To Wake Up Extra Beautiful
Video: 13 Ways To Wake Up Extra Beautiful


If you've slept poorly or a little, or just aren't ready for the new day, you can still look fresh. You probably want to see a rested and clean face in the mirror, so you will need to take care of your emotional state, skin and body.


Method 1 of 4: Quick Solutions

  1. 1 Let light in the room. Sunlight or its artificial counterpart will help the body wake up. Not only will it make it easier for you to get up, you will be able to improve your internal clock, feel refreshed, and your mood will improve.
  2. 2 Do a couple of exercises in the morning. Exercise raises your body temperature and promotes the production of endorphins that help the body wake up. Exercises should not be difficult: do a few leg raises, a couple of twists, twist your arms. Exercise should be aimed at improving flexibility, should force you to move in different directions and involve all limbs.
  3. 3 Wake yourself up with scents. Smells can invigorate and energize. Here are some tips:
    • Coffee helps many people in the morning, and the benefits are not limited to its composition. Scientists have proven that the aroma of coffee reduces stress levels and helps you feel energized.
    • Try aromatherapy. As a result of research, a link has been established between the use of essential oils and the state of alertness / sleepiness. There are scents (like citrus fruits) that lift your mood and stimulate your brain by releasing seratonin and the hormone norepinephrine. Try inhaling the scent of rosemary essential oil to get rid of any sleep residue.
  4. 4 Have some coffee. Caffeine misleads the brain by combining with adenosine and removing it from the blood. Adenosine is a substance that causes drowsiness. The less adenosine in the blood, the less a person wants to sleep. But remember that with regular use, the body will adapt and stop responding to coffee.
  5. 5 Drink cold water. If you drink cold water in the morning, it will start your metabolism. Cold water forces the body to expend more energy to maintain a normal body temperature (36.6 degrees).
  6. 6 Sprinkle cold water on your face. This will come as a surprise to the body. In addition, cold water reduces fatigue, increases metabolic rate and stimulates the central nervous system.

Method 2 of 4: Improving Sleep Quality

  1. 1 Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Sleep contributes to a healthier appearance. The younger the person, the more sleep he needs. Teenagers need up to 10 hours of sleep, and young children even more.
  2. 2 Avoid stimulants. Most people use stimulants in one form or another every day. Avoid coffee, tea, and sugary sodas at least 4-6 hours before bed and you will start to get enough sleep.
  3. 3 Create a comfortable environment in your bedroom. There are many ways to improve your sleep quality at the expense of your surroundings. It may be easier for you to fall asleep on some days, and more difficult on some days. There are several ways to make a room comfortable to sleep.
    • Reduce the temperature. A person falls asleep faster in a cool room (15-21 degrees). In addition, in the cool, a person sleeps deeper and longer. High air humidity interferes with sleep and affects the quality of sleep.
    • Take out all the light. When there is less light, a certain signal is sent to the brain, and the concentration of the hormone melatonin begins to increase, which makes a person feel sleepy.When the light comes on in the morning, the body wakes up: the temperature rises, the melatonin level drops, the person prepares for a new day.
  4. 4 Create an evening ritual for yourself. Find several ways to relax before bed to help you calm down and prepare for the night. Here are some examples:
    • Do some exercises. Doing yoga before bed relaxes muscles, calms the mind, and prepares the body for sleep.
    • Try reading or writing. Reading reduces stress levels (while reading, a person is less nervous). Just six minutes is enough to significantly slow your heart rate and relax your muscles.
    • Take a warm bath or shower. When taking a bath, the body temperature rises dramatically. When a person comes out of the water, the temperature drops sharply, and this contributes to relaxation. Scientists have established a direct link between a decrease in temperature and a state of sleepiness.

Method 3 of 4: Skin Care

  1. 1 Take care of your skin. The sun's rays cause a number of skin problems, including age spots and wrinkles. To keep your skin looking clean in the morning, try to avoid exposing it to the sun as often as possible.
    • Apply sunscreen regularly to your skin. It is recommended to use products with an SPF factor of at least 15. Remember to reapply the product during the day, especially after sports.
    • Stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day. Stay out of the sun during the height of a hot day. To keep your skin looking young and healthy, stay in the shade.
    • Handle your skin with care. Do not use harsh soaps or harsh chemicals. Shave hairs in the direction of growth, not against. Don't rub your skin with a towel, but blot it.
  2. 2 Use small amounts of retinoids. Retinoids are found in a wide variety of skin products. They fight acne, wrinkles, blackheads, freckles and increase collagen production.
  3. 3 Analyze how you paint. Decorative cosmetics can harm the skin. Below are some tips to help you look good without harming your skin.
    • Rinse your brushes regularly. As a result of a number of studies, it was found that most women do not wash their brushes, and bacteria accumulate on them. Wash your brushes once a week with warm water and a little cleanser.
    • Rinse off makeup before bed. If this is not done, a rash, fungus, whiteheads may appear on the skin. Wash your makeup off with an oil-free cleanser.
    • Do not use oil-based cosmetics. Many people have oily skin on their face, and oil-based cosmetics can cause skin problems. To prevent pores from clogging, the skin does not redden, and acne is a thing of the past, do not buy such cosmetics.
  4. 4 Exfoliate your skin. If the pores are not cleaned, they will become clogged and appear larger. Brush out dirt and grease with a soft brush and cleanser every night.
  5. 5 Apply to skin moisturizing cream after an evening shower. Moisturizers are needed for all skin types: normal, dry, oily, sensitive. They protect the skin and smooth it out, so that the skin is soothed.
  6. 6 Get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Try making a cucumber mask, using spoons or tea bags over your eyes. Tea contains tannin, which fights edema. If you decide to use cucumbers or spoons, leave them in the refrigerator for a few hours first. These agents have an effect similar to that of ice - they reduce inflammation and pain. Apply any of the products listed above to the skin of your eyelids for a couple of minutes.

Method 4 of 4: Good Habits

  1. 1 Go in for sports! Everyone knows that sports are good for your health, but they are good for your skin as well. Exercise tightens and strengthens muscles, which improves skin tone.In addition, exercise improves blood circulation, oxygenates and nourishes cells, tightens pores, and reduces inflammation. There are many types of physical activity, and they are all good for the skin.
    • Rinse off makeup before exercising. This will prevent the pores from clogging.
    • Exercise in moisture-permeable clothing to keep your skin cool and clean. It will also help prevent acne.
    • Exercise in a cool place where your body temperature won't rise too high. This will prevent the inflammation on the skin from intensifying.
    • Use a moisturizer. If applied prior to class, it will repel sweat. After exercising, especially after swimming, the cream will help solve the problem of dry, cracked skin, improving its condition and appearance.
    • Sports can help fight stress and anxiety. Rejoice in your condition, your self-confidence and your physical fitness. Just 15 minutes of exercise can reduce anxiety levels.
  2. 2 Start your morning with hydrotherapy. Scientists have found that the alternation of cold and heat (including the sauna) is beneficial for health. Blood circulation improves, metabolism accelerates, mood rises, a person becomes vigorous and energetic. After washing in the shower, douse yourself with cold water, then hot and cold water again.
  3. 3 Stop smoking. Studies have shown that smoking has a negative effect on skin condition and causes diseases such as psoriasis. The heat generated by the cigarette affects the skin. Elasticity deteriorates as the blood vessels constrict. In addition, the amount of vitamin A in the blood decreases due to nicotine.
  4. 4 Change diet. Eat healthy foods. They should be high in fiber and low in fat, especially saturated fat. Such a diet will give you energy and cheer you up. Poor diet can cause drowsiness and mood deterioration.
    • Eat foods high in folate and vitamin B12, including green leafy vegetables. They will help fight depression.
    • Eat more fruits. Research has found a link between fruit and physical health and a more positive attitude towards your well-being.
    • Eat fish more often. Scientists have found that seafood helps fight depression. Try to eat fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids every day.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. Drink about 2-3 liters of water a day. Water improves blood circulation, improves skin elasticity, makes it denser, moisturizes and strengthens.

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