How to go to concerts

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Go To Concerts Alone | What to Bring to Concerts (2020)
Video: How to Go To Concerts Alone | What to Bring to Concerts (2020)


Many people enjoy going to concerts of their favorite bands and artists. Follow the tips in this article and you can avoid the annoying and even dangerous mistakes that many concert goers make.


  1. 1 Sign up for newsletters in online ticket stores and Facebook pages of your favorite artists. This way you can find out about upcoming concerts in advance, and you will have the opportunity to buy a ticket. Not all concerts have posters or radio advertisements.
    • Some sites allow you to set up a mailing list so that you will receive notifications about the dates of concerts of your favorite artist in your city when his administration provides the site with this data.
  2. 2 Regularly check the artist's website for new dates and to check if his plans have changed.
  3. 3 After learning about the concert, check the availability of tickets. Many performances sell out instantly.
    • Do not assume that tickets are sold out until you are told about it at the box office.
    • Talk to people with similar musical preferences. Most likely, they will know about the upcoming concerts.
    • Often in the last days before a show, additional tickets appear on sale. These are tickets that the artist or promoter kept for themselves, but which they have to sell if they didn't come in handy. Check the availability of tickets regularly.
    • Groups that are gradually becoming more in demand may still play in smaller clubs. This is a great way to listen to your favorite music, but you need to buy tickets as early as possible.
  4. 4 Bring your friends along with you. It will be safer and more fun for you.
    • Start inviting people as soon as you find out about the concert.
    • Agree on who will buy the tickets, because if you buy them separately, you will have to sit in different places. (Unless it's a club with a dance floor.)
    • Chat with your friends regularly after you all decide to go. Make sure no one changes their plans so that you don't accidentally buy an extra ticket.
  5. 5 Buy tickets from a trusted company. Do this on the website of the concert venue, on the artist's website, or on the website of the ticket company. Compare prices and buy the best tickets.
    • You can buy a ticket on the Internet or in person at the box office - both options give you the opportunity to choose good seats. It makes no sense to spend the night under the doors of the concert venue in order to get the most advantageous seats, unless the concert is held where there are no places as such, and the sooner a person arrives, the closer he can be to the stage.
    • Try to figure out when the tickets will go on sale and buy them right away.
    • If you buy tickets on the site, the site may first bring out the worst places in the search. Unless you're sure if tickets really sold out quickly, refresh the page a few times and you may be able to find better seats.
    • If you buy a small number of tickets at a time, the seats should be decent. If you decide to order 10 seats or more at once, most likely you will not get the best seats.
    • On the Internet, you need to pay with a card. Cash and cards are usually accepted at the box office.
  6. 6 Choose the delivery method that suits you best.
    • Buy an electronic ticket (e-ticket) and print it yourself - it's cheaper. Such tickets are easy to counterfeit, so if you want to sell it when you can't go to a concert, it will be difficult to do so, because you can only check if a ticket is valid by scanning it at the entrance.
    • Some sites allow you to leave your ticket at the entrance so you can pick it up when you arrive or earlier.
      • Upon receipt, you will need to present an identity document.
      • In most cases, you will want the name on the ticket to match the name on the credit card used for payment.
      • Don't delay getting tickets. If you decide to pick them up at the entrance, you will have to stand in a long queue. In addition, you will not have time to correct the error (for example, if your tickets were not delivered, and the money has already been debited from the card).
      • It's better to pick up your tickets in advance, because that way you can sell them if something unexpected happens. The buyer will not be able to collect tickets for you.
      • You can get tickets at the ticket office at the entrance during the usual office hours.
      • In small concert venues, this service may not be available. Find out beforehand.
  7. 7 Do not buy tickets from online auctions, because you risk overpaying for a ticket and getting a fake one.
  8. 8 Find out what time the concert will start by looking at the time on your ticket. The administration of the concert venue will notify you of the changes.
    • Some groups start performing at exactly the time indicated on the tickets. It is better to arrive exactly at this time or earlier.
  9. 9 Calculate the time you need to get to the place, taking into account the current road conditions.
    • Sometimes fans of certain artists gather in the parking lot long before the concert and then drive to the concert together. They can start celebrating early in the morning and continue to celebrate until the start of the concert. If you want to participate, stock up on food, drinks, toilet paper and bring some change of clothes. Do not leave things unattended and the car is not closed.
  10. 10 Prepare everything you need in advance. Make a list and show it to everyone who comes with you.
    • Think about what you will be wearing.
    • Withdraw money from an ATM.
    • Add up tickets, ID, money, phone, camera (if allowed), parking pass, and any other documents you need.
    • Try to eat before the concert, because the food that is sold at concerts is usually very poor or expensive.
  11. 11 Try to take a travel companion or go with someone in the same car. Sometimes it turns out that quite a few acquaintances go to the concert, so it is better to unite in order to spend less money on gasoline, parking, etc.
    • Agree where you will meet. It is best to do this at someone's home, where you can park safely (preferably closer to the city center).
    • Decide what time you meet. Those who are usually late should be told to come earlier.
    • In large cities, there are big traffic jams, especially near the venue of the concert on the day of the event. Leave early.
  12. 12 Dress for the weather, but remember that it will get hot in the room. Dress in multiple layers and bring a jacket if it's cold outside. When visiting open areas, you should know the weather forecast in advance - there is a possibility that you will have to stand for quite a long time and wait for something to start.
    • Warm sweaters and jackets can be put in the closet because they will get too hot.
    • Not all places have wardrobes, and many fill up as soon as people start entering. It is best to wear something that you can hold in your hands.
    • Do not forget that your bag will be inspected before you let you in. Hide your camera if you forgot to leave it in the car.
    • In some places, visitors are also probed to make sure they are not armed. Women will be searched by women and men by men. Hear what they tell you and the whole process doesn't take more than a few seconds.
    • Always keep your ticket with you. If you exit during a performance, you may be asked to show your ticket again to be admitted inside. You may also have your ticket checked after you have taken your seat.
    • Take a bag with you that is comfortable for you. The smaller it is, the better.
    • The bag should be placed on the floor between your legs or carried over your head when moving. A bag that will zip up securely is best, because otherwise something could be stolen from you.
    • If you have to move often, dance, participate in slam, it is better to put things in your pockets and leave your bag at home.
  13. 13 Do not take food and drinks with you. You will not be allowed inside with this, and if someone sees you with their food or drinks, you will be asked to leave the concert area.
  14. 14 Follow the instructions of the guards and the concert venue staff. Inform them about any dangerous, prohibited or illegal activity at the concert.
  15. 15 Take pictures unless prohibited. If shooting is prohibited, and you want to photograph something, do it at your own peril and risk.
    • You may be asked to stop filming, take away your property, or detain you for further proceedings.
    • You can claim that you were not aware of the ban, but that does not absolve you of responsibility. It is better to hide the camera and make it so that it will no longer be seen by the guards. It will be easier for the employees of the institution to warn you than to kick you out, but you should not risk it again.
    • Video attempts are usually responded to faster.
    • Pictures taken with a camera are still photographs. Your phone may be seized.
    • If you manage to return the phone, it may be damaged, it may not have a SIM card, or it will be in a box with a dozen of the same phones that look identical, and you can pick it up only an hour or more after the end of the concert.
  16. 16 Some very famous performers (especially foreign ones) began to prohibit the use of phones at concerts due to the possibility of taking photos and filming videos. Check if this ban applies to the concert you intend to attend.
  17. 17 Smoking is prohibited in all public areas. Some establishments have designated smoking areas. Stick to the rules, show respect for others.
  18. 18 Find out if there will be a warm-up. A lot of people like it because the warm-up gives you the opportunity to listen to two bands for the same money and get to know the music of the new band. As a rule, less popular bands perform as opening up, but they usually work in the same style as the main performer. If you are not interested in this performance, look for friends during this time.
  19. 19 Arrive before the show starts and buy drinks, food or promotional items.
    • If you arrive early, the selection of promotional items will be great.
  20. 20 Tables with promotional items, beer and wine are closed until the end of the concert. Don't think that you can buy something on the way back.
  21. 21 Aim to arrive early to buy artist or band T-shirts, CDs or mugs and drop off your jacket in your closet. If you buy a jersey, store it in the inside pocket of your jacket so you don't carry it around with you.
  22. 22 Enjoy the concert. A lot of people leave before the end of the show, but you can wait for the en-ses.It is quite possible that you will even be able to take someone's vacant seat at the end.
  23. 23 Grab things from the wardrobe and lockers and go outside.
  24. 24 Agree with your friends to meet at a certain place at the exit so that everyone can go to get the car together.
  25. 25 Drive carefully out of the parking lot. In crowded places, there are often traffic controllers.


  • Drinks are sold at the bar or at special stands in most establishments. You can start drinking even before the show starts. Keep track of how much you drink, because drunk people are often not allowed inside.
  • At concerts of heavy and punk music, there is often slam. The people who participate in it do not want to harm others at all, although it may seem so. If you fall, they will help you up and be expected to do the same.
  • Many artists find concert photos and videos a great way to promote their music. Such performers authorize the recording and distribution of the material. However, this rarely happens, so find out if there is a ban on filming before you come to the concert, because otherwise your equipment may be removed.
  • For the concert, choose comfortable and stable shoes that will not slip off your feet. Avoid platform shoes or high heels.
  • The floor in most places is made of vinyl or concrete, so be careful not to slip.
  • Take some earplugs with you to protect your ears. There are special earplugs that block certain frequencies, and you can buy them at a musical instrument store. You will hear music as well as others, it will just be quieter.


  • Keep all valuables with you. Something often disappears from the lockers.
  • Not all places have wardrobes and lockers. You always have to pay for a luggage room.
  • Be careful with electronic devices as they can be easily damaged at a concert.
  • Attending a concert can have a negative effect on the body. The music will be too loud; if someone is smoking nearby, it will be harmful to your lungs; shocks from neighbors can lead to bruises and fractures (although this happens very rarely and depends on the nature of the concert); dehydration can make you feel nauseous and dizzy.
  • Food stands and souvenir shops close when the main performer enters the stage, so you won't be able to buy water or food later.