How to daydream

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Daydream
Video: How to Daydream


Probably, everyone can remember how unexpected ideas or awareness of problems came to him during sleep. When the rational mind is turned off, even opposing ideas combine to form non-standard new solutions.

Daydreaming is a way to consciously induce such a dream, which is distinguished by two important factors. First, it is easier for you to remember new ideas and solution details. Secondly, what is happening is more controlled.


  1. 1 Make sure homeostasis is in balance before daytime daydreaming. In other words, you need to be as calm as possible. If necessary, go to the toilet and drink a glass of water so that nothing distracts you.
  2. 2 Choose a suitable time, such as taking a short break before you usually go to bed. Tired logic will not interfere too much with your dreams, interfering with solutions that are unusual for it.
  3. 3 Find a quiet corner where no one will interrupt you. A good option is to daydream in the car, if you are not driving and the cabin is quiet enough, and the trip is going to be a long one. You can also choose one of the following options:
    • In your bedroom (unless you are sharing a room with someone else).
    • In the bathroom. Sounds funny? Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised.
    • In the study at home, if there is a comfortable chair.
    • In a quiet garden.
  4. 4 Let your eyes do what they like. Most people close their eyes, but some choose to daydream with their eyes open, including "distracted vision", defocused or cursory gaze, and other modes of relaxed visual perception.
  5. 5 Calm your mind. You can play music to drown out the distractions outside. Music is full of feelings, which is also good for daydreaming. The main thing is to choose the songs in accordance with the style of the desired vision.
  6. 6 Create in your mind an image of a real situation and imagine the course of its development. Play all the actions in your imagination with the greatest possible realism, as if everything is really happening.
  7. 7 Imagine all the positive things that can improve your attitude to the situation, and add them to the story. To preserve the integrity of the plot and the group of characters, it is better to imagine yourself in a different setting. It also contributes to a positive attitude towards events. Your dreams should be positive.
  8. 8 Role-playing is another useful form of daydreaming. Define goals and setting, and play the situation in faces.
    • Imagine that you are in the pages of your favorite book or in the frames of your favorite movie.What would you do? How will the other characters react to your unexpected appearance? (If you haven't been together all the time). What will the enemy say? Consider all this!
  9. 9 Imagine yourself in the future. Three years have passed, and you are in the right position with the required responsibilities. Imagine how you work, and play different situations in faces.
  10. 10 Try to think of a product you like and imagine how you can achieve or improve it.
  11. 11 Imagine that you already have qualities that need to be developed. Imagine your actions in different situations and use them as a basis for actions in real life. How will your ideal react to different problems (war, conflict, unexpected situation at a party, on a date, etc.)? Daydreaming like this will improve your problem-solving abilities, as well as your ability to judge other people's opinions.
  12. 12 If you are going to dream with your eyes open, you do not need to stare at the first object that comes across (a mirror, a box with fabrics). It is better to choose something related to the topic of reflection in order to concentrate on the real problem. A good example is a book. While reading, you can notice how your eyes slide over the letters, but you think your own way, not understanding the meaning of what you read.
  13. 13 You can write down your dreams. This stimulates the pursuit of lucid dreams, but it is better not to write or at least securely hide the notes if they are personal and you do not want anyone to see them.


  • Conscious dreams are worth tackling if you need to develop a topic or solve an issue that darkens your life. Dreams also lift your spirits and awaken the imagination, opening up unknown distances.
  • Learn to daydream without losing control of what is happening around you. It may seem like this is contrary to the principle of daydreaming, but in life it makes daydreaming even easier.
    • Do not fly away into dreams during a conversation, it is annoying.
    • Do not dream if at this time you are expected to complete another assignment at work or school. Side effects are fraught with dismissal or reduced academic performance.
  • Create a holistic image of a new self that you like. Imagine that you are playing the role of a hero, only in dreams. Develop your character by confronting him with different problems.
  • To maximize role-playing daydreaming, develop tactile memory by feeling objects and remembering those perceptions. Then it will be enough to remember your feelings.