How to speak backwards

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Talk Backwards (Translator Website)
Video: How to Talk Backwards (Translator Website)


Are you looking for an original, unusual way to start a conversation or surprise and confuse your friends? Try writing or speaking backwards! Even the most ordinary thoughts will sound interesting and funny. This takes a little practice, but the results are worth it.


Method 1 of 3: Write backwards

  1. 1 Come up with some interesting phrase. Practice on "I'm learning to write backwards on wikiHow."
  2. 2 Type the entire phrase backwards, from start to finish, as if you were holding a mirror to a monitor, like this: ".WoHikiw an derepan modaz write a letter I" (I am learning to write backwards on wikiHow "backwards).
    • Alternatively, write each word backwards separately. This will make it a little easier to read: "I want to use modaz derepan en woHikiw".
  3. 3 Try it yourself. The more you practice, the faster you will get, until you learn to type and read backwards as if you had been doing it since birth.

Method 2 of 3: Speak backwards

  1. 1 Come up with some clever phrase. For example, "Eagles are very skillful hunters."
  2. 2 Write the phrase backward as described in the "Write backward" section. In this case, it will sound like this: ".
  3. 3 Read the phrase out loud as if you were reading ordinary words.

Method 3 of 3: Speak backwards to the recorder

Choose a simple phrase. Try, for example, "I love creamy peaches." The key to this method is to choose short phrases because you will memorize and repeat unfamiliar words.

  1. 1 Turn on the recorder and say the phrase as usual.
  2. 2 Play the recording backwards to hear you say the phrase backwards.
  3. 3 Practice imitating intonation and sounds. The phrase "I love peaches with cream" should sound something like "ImakWILs Os ikisREP Yulbul".
  4. 4 When you're ready, write down how you say the phrase backwards.
  5. 5 Play the new recording in reverse. Get ready to laugh!


  • When you talk to your friends backwards, it will be clearer if you speak each word separately. If you say the entire phrase backwards, it is likely that only you will know what you are talking about.
  • In the 1970s, there was a comedian who called himself "Professor Backwards". He had a number in which he spoke backwards from start to finish. If you can find one of these rare recordings, you will have a valuable example of this kind of comedy performance.
  • Try reading a dictionary and saying the words backwards. For a more advanced level of speaking backwards, try reading encyclopedias.
  • Practice with a friend, try to understand what each of you is saying.
  • Memorize vocabulary, not sentences.If you want to talk to others backwards, vocabulary is key.
  • Exercise a lot. You already know your native language, so now all you have to do is work it backwards, word by word. It's easier than you think.
  • Pronounce each word as it sounds, not as it is spelled. For example, Vanya is pronounced as Anyav, not as Yanav. Moreover, there are words that are very difficult to pronounce, because they begin with certain letter combinations.


  • Some words spoken backwards may sound inappropriate or suggestive. Be careful.
  • It's like, it's strange how your sentences will look, so you will write if: If you write like this, your sentences will look as strange as this.