How to eat fewer fries

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Your French Fries Questions Answered By Experts | Epicurious FAQ
Video: Your French Fries Questions Answered By Experts | Epicurious FAQ


French fries are a classic in most fast food restaurants, a popular and convenient food. Unfortunately, French fries are neither the most nutritious nor the healthiest food. Most of the time, fries are fried in oil, which means they are high in fat. In addition, many restaurants season their fries with salt or other condiments that are high in salt. While fries are delicious, they should be eaten in moderation. In this article, you'll find some simple tips to help you reduce your cravings for fries and eat them less often.


Part 1 of 2: How to Reduce Cravings for French Fries

  1. 1 Plan when you can afford to eat fries. You can decide to completely get rid of this bad habit or try to eat only small portions, but sometimes you can give free rein to your desires. Plan small incentives or indulgences for yourself when you allow yourself to eat fries.
    • Evaluate how real your goal is to never eat this forbidden dish again or eat too many potatoes. Be honest with yourself and be realistic about your goals and whether they fit your lifestyle.
    • Enjoy your favorite fried foods in moderation. If at some point it turns out that you have eaten too much, that's okay. Forgive yourself and move on by making healthier, healthier food choices.
    Specialist Answer Question

    "Is it possible to cook fries so that the dish is healthy?"

    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS

    M.Sc. in Nutrition, University of Tennessee at Knoxville Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney transplant patient care and weight loss counseling at the University of Arkansas Medical. He is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She received her MA in Nutritional Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2010.


    Claudia Carberry, a professional nutritionist, answers: “Traditionally, fries are cooked with a lot of oil and salt. Don't go overboard and try reducing the ingredients mentioned above for a healthier alternative. "

  2. 2 Order baked potatoes instead of French fries. French fries have many qualities that make them a convenient food, which is why they are easy to get hooked on. French fries are high in fat, carbohydrates, salt and crunchy. These are the typical qualities of convenient food.
    • If you find yourself craving fries, try baked potatoes instead. You can bake potatoes yourself or order this dish at a restaurant or cafe. Baked potatoes, like deep fried potatoes, are higher in carbs, which may satisfy your french fries cravings.
    • Keep in mind that baked potatoes can be just as high in calories as fries, and sometimes even higher in calories.Avoid adding foods that are high in fat, such as sour cream, cheese, or bacon bits, to your potatoes. A little butter, salt and pepper are allowed.
  3. 3 Eat homemade baked fries. Many nutritionists recommend preparing your favorite convenience food or restaurant meals at home. This way you can better control what they are made from, and therefore their nutritional value.
    • Try making baked fries at home. There are many techniques for making potatoes crisp to resemble restaurant fries.
    • Baked potatoes are lower in fat. In addition, you can use less salt (or no salt at all), and you can also do without special seasonings that contain a lot of salt.
    • Leave the skins when baking the potatoes. The peel contains a large amount of fiber and minerals that are beneficial to the body.
    • For crispy potatoes, try the following cooking technique: Bake whole potatoes at a high temperature of about 220-230 ºC, cut into thin slices and drizzle with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil.
    • Keep in mind that frozen pre-cut fries are usually fried before freezing, so they will have more fat than homemade fries.
  4. 4 Limit the consumption of restaurant food and fast food. If you usually eat fries in restaurants or cafes, try to visit such establishments less often.
    • When you are away from home, try to eat less at fast food establishments in order to avoid the temptation to order fries.
    • Try to take your lunch with you, cook dinner at home more often and carry something for snacks with you, then you will be less tempted to grab a bite to eat at fast food establishments.
  5. 5 Try other alternatives. Many cafes and restaurants offer healthier alternatives to fries, such as salads, steamed vegetables, and broth soups. Moreover, such dishes may be cheaper.
    • Within the walls of the house, you can show creativity. Try nuts, whole grain crackers, fresh fruit, or chopped vegetables like carrots or celery. Fries can even be made from carrots or apples.

Part 2 of 2: Eating Less French Fries

  1. 1 Order a small serving of French fries. If you really really want to eat fries, at least reduce the serving size. The fewer fries you have, the less you eat.
    • Try ordering small fries. Many restaurants offer a children's portion, which contains even fewer potatoes than a regular small portion.
    • If you are in a fast food restaurant, do not settle for an increase in the order size, which usually means an increase in the serving of fries as well.
    • Don't take advantage of the free addition of French fries. Many restaurants today offer "unlimited" portions of fries. Don't pay extra for this feature and ask the waiter not to add fries for you.
  2. 2 Eat french fries with something low in calories. If you are going to order french fries, then choose an additional healthy main course. This will help reduce your total calorie intake.
    • For example, if you usually have a fried chicken sandwich and fries, order the grilled chicken sandwich and fries better.
    • This will help reduce the calories and fat in your sandwich while still enjoying your favorite French fries in peace.
  3. 3 Eat the main course first. If you ordered the main course and fries, eat the fries at the end, after the main course. Start your lunch or dinner with a main course and fruit or vegetables.
    • If you eat your main course and low-calorie snack (or side dish) first, that food will fill your stomach, leaving little room for your fries.
    • You can also try ordering additional vegetables or salad as a snack - this will reduce the total calorie content.
  4. 4 Fool yourself by eating fewer fries. There are many tricks, especially when you are away from home, that will allow you to eat fewer fries.
    • If you know the main course is served with fries, ask for half a serving or a baby serving of fries.
    • Ask the waiter to serve only half of the serving, including the french fries, the waiter will certainly comply with this request.
    • Ask the waiter to remove your plate of leftover fries if you think you've eaten enough. Even if you are full, when there is a plate full of French fries in front of you, it will be difficult to resist not to eat another piece and more ...
    • If you're at home, serve yourself a small serving of fries. Transfer the rest to a container and refrigerate next time.
  5. 5 Eat mindfully. If you don't pay attention to your food, it's easy to eat more than you planned. In addition, you simply will not feel any satisfaction from a small portion.
    • Take the time to really enjoy your ordered fries. If you are in a hurry, you will not have time to enjoy the taste and smell of the dish. You will want to eat more potatoes and it will be more difficult to limit yourself to a small portion.
    • Eat slowly and stop when you feel 80% full. Wait 20 minutes before eating further. During this time, the brain will understand that the stomach is full, and you will feel that you are no longer hungry.
  6. 6 Just don't order fries. If you feel a strong urge to eat fries, but find that it will be difficult for you to eat very little, it is easier and better not to order fries at all.
    • A hard or stressful day at work can lead to the urge to eat fries. If you succumb to this desire, you are unlikely to be able to stop in time and not overeat.
    • If this is your case, then simply try not to eat fries. If you know you will not be able to control yourself by having a portion, it is best not to tempt yourself.