How to Trust and Rely on Christ

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You Can Always Trust & Rely On God Being Faithful (Inspirational & Motivational Video)
Video: You Can Always Trust & Rely On God Being Faithful (Inspirational & Motivational Video)


Does it matter? Let's see if you think your salvation in Christ rests on the difference between simply faith and trust.


  1. 1 “He who believes and confesses with his own mouth will be saved.“But the word faith in this case means more than just faith. This word is the closest one found by the translators to the Greek word pisteuo. The difference is that the Greek word includes concepts such as trust and rely... (Romans 10)
  2. 2 Ponder the following story. One man pulled a tight rope across Niagara Falls and released a statement that he would rope a wheelbarrow over the falls with stones. The day came and a large crowd, excited by the event, gathered. The man came out with his new wheelbarrow and asked the crowd a question: “How many believes that I can walk the rope back and forth? “The crowd roared with approval:“ We all believe you can do it. ” The man with iron composure walked up the rope there and came back. The crowd erupted into applause. Then the man said: “How many believes that I can transport a person back and forth in a wheelbarrow? “The crowd rejoiced even more and supported his proposal with cheers. The man himself was ready for this and said: "If you believe, raise your hands." Many hands flew up, and the crowd again greeted his offer with loud cheers. Then he invited volunteers to come out from those who believe that he can safely transport him over the waterfall and bring him back to earth. It is not surprising that there were no applicants. Despite the fact that many believed that he could do it, no one wanted to get into his car. Everyone who raised their hands as a sign of faith in him said: "You are crazy, I will never get into this car." Many say they believe in Jesus Christ, but few are ready to dare to get into His car. What happens when Christ speaks to you saying, “Trust me. Trust me. Are you ready to submit to Me, to surrender your life under My control? "" Many are called, but few are chosen. "
  3. 3 Check yourself against this: “You believe that there is only one God; and you do well: both the demons believe and tremble.” (James 2:19)
    • This passage of Scripture clearly shows that faith alone is not enough for salvation.
      • If Satan and his demons believe and understand that God exists, has it led them to heaven to God?
        • No, demons do not subject their lives or their existence to His dominion and control, and do not build a relationship with Him as ministers.
  4. 4 Check the use of this word in synodal and other Bible translations. Whether the meaning of "trust and rely" is conveyed everywhere
  5. 5Check out the translation of the Greek word "pisteuo" by the Symphony.
  6. 6 Note that the synonyms for trust are - confidence, dependence, faith and conviction. It is not just a belief in the existence of something. Believing and trusting Him for your salvation is completely different from believing only in His existence.
  7. 7 Explore how emasculated the concept of salvation has been; it’s not just faith that saves. Saves trust, obedience, adherence and perseverance. It is the ability to trust and rely on someone else that Christ had in mind when he said that we must be like children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
  8. 8 Act like children to your parents. Children show confidence in their parents, an understanding of their dependence on them, faith and rely on them, as if to say: "Feed me, dress me and give me everything I need."
    • Receive the Holy Spirit, as Jesus spoke about it, addressing his disciples and followers; this applies to all whom the Lord has called. During this last time, God is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, and His children will receive a blessing.
  9. 9 Follow Christ our good Shepherd. How do sheep behave towards the shepherd? They follow him, depend on him, trust him and rely on him. The picture should already be clear. Faith alone is of little value, for even demons in hell believe that Christ can save and that He is Lord. Read James 2:>
  10. 10 Consider the following: God's gates are narrow and few will enter them. A believer may not enter, but one who trusts and relies on Him will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through these narrow gates.
    • This is why most of the church needs to be saved. “What else does this mean?” - many will ask, reading this article. Perhaps you are thinking about it, but: "Yes, the church, for the most part, is people who sit on church pews and do not know how to trust God and rely on Him."- and only this is the true source of salvation and discipleship in Jesus Christ. Trusting, relying and being obedient is much more than just believing.
    • You may believe that a person can walk on a rope over a waterfall, but would you want to sit in his wheelbarrow and cross the waterfall with him (that is, completely trust him with your life)? No way in the world. Why? It is the fear of letting go of your life and putting it in the hands of another.
  11. 11 Think about what it will cost you a refusal, because the truth is that it will go over "with someone else"but not with you. Do you see the difference? This is how we believe in Christ.
    • So trust Him, rely on Him, do not be afraid to depend on Him and give your life into His hands! Where are you now? If you have not yet entrusted your whole life to Christ, do it now: "Teach me to trust You!"and also Psalms 73:28, 115: 10-11, 91: 1-16. Let trust in God become a constant process in your life.


  • Trust is not a one-time event. It's a way of life, day after day, minute by minute.
  • Obey Him as Your Lord fate, confess it every day and receive the power of God.
    • Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me."
  • Receive the Holy Spirit. Christ told his disciples and followers to await the coming of the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit. This is a blessing for all whom the Lord has called.

    "And I will send the promise of My Father on you; but you remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high ..."


  • Sometimes there are doubts that one can trust so much, experience such a hunger and such a thirst for the holiness of the Lord. Then pray: "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief." It takes a while for some people to be convinced of this. Faith is a gift from God, but it should be understood that "God's grace is sufficient for everyone." No, do not give up and continue to trust the Lord, and He will give you an answer and peace and show you the right way to serve the Lord, even in weakness, because you can become stronger by going through doubts and problems.
  • If you feel like you can't trust Christ, you may just never really meet Him. Trust Him, rely on Him, and obediently walk the narrow path.