How to discipline your cat

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 28 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Discipline Your Cat Properly
Video: How To Discipline Your Cat Properly


If you love your cat very much, it can be difficult for you to discipline it. Even with bad behavior, your cat can look so cute and innocent that you don't want to scold or punish her.It also happens that the cat pisses you off, she does not obey, no matter how hard you try. You start to wonder, "Who is the boss here: me or she?" However, there are the right methods to teach your cat the best manners.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing to Raise Your Cat

  1. 1 Consider possible difficulties. Cats can be difficult to train. Dogs are more willing to follow directions from their owners, so they tend to be easier to train than cats. However, cats can also be disciplined by understanding their behavior and interacting with them correctly. It takes a lot of patience to train your cat as it is difficult to motivate.
  2. 2 Find what motivates your pet. Each cat has something that helps to achieve obedience from her. This important factor is called the motivator of the animal. Most often, this is a cat's favorite treat, which she is crazy about. For some animals, it is cat food with tuna, for others, slices of boiled chicken.
    • Whatever treat you choose, keep it close at hand and be ready to reward your pet for following your commands.
    • Never hit an animal if it does not do what you want it to do, otherwise the cat will be offended by you and stop obeying.
  3. 3 Love your pet. When teaching your cat, the first thing to do is to make sure that it obeys you. You will not be able to do this if you do not establish a warm, trusting relationship with the animal. The training process should not be stressful for the cat. It is necessary to establish friendly relations with the animal from the very beginning. As a result, the cat will begin to respect you, want to please you, and will follow your commands.
    • Pay a lot of attention to your cat when you first come into contact with it. Hold the animal in your arms if he likes it. Otherwise, just talk to the cat, try to pet if she doesn't mind, and treat her to something tasty. The acquaintance period will take from several days to several weeks, depending on how quickly the cat gets used to the new conditions.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Veterinarian, Royal College of Veterinary Surgery Dr. Elliot, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal care. Graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Has been working in the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Veterinarian, Royal College of Veterinary Surgery

    Pippa Elliott, a licensed veterinarian, explains: “Showing your love to your cat also means satisfy all basic feline needs... Along with food and shelter, this includes time for games, opportunity climb, stretch your paws (sharpen your claws!) and hunt (even just for toys). If these needs are met, the cat behaves better. "

  4. 4 Spend time with your kitten. While it is imperative to discipline your cat immediately after it starts to misbehave, keep in mind who you are dealing with. When interacting with your cat, there are a few special factors to consider that can affect its willingness to obey you. If you have a kitten, be prepared to be restless, extremely curious and inexperienced. It will take a while for the kitten to learn what is good and what is bad, so be patient.
    • On the other hand, if you have a kitten, this has a number of advantages. If the kitten did not have another owner before you, you can significantly influence its behavior.
  5. 5 Make time for an adult cat. If the animal came to you already in adulthood, or if there is a need to raise it when it has already grown, remember that adult cats are distinguished by independent behavior.Your pet may have certain habits and you will have to make an effort to discipline him.
    • However, adult cats are calmer, more understanding and less prone to wrongdoing.
  6. 6 Consider your pet's previous experience. Before you start training your cat, remember the conditions in which it lived before. If you took a kitten out of the cattery, he is well trained, well-groomed and well-fed, then the animal, apparently, has no traumatic experience in the past. However, if the kitten has been mistreated or spent a long time outdoors, you will have to put in a little more effort to make it forget about the bitter past.
    • Remember that after living on the street or being mistreated, the animal may be traumatized and suspicious of you and the new environment, depending on past experiences.
  7. 7 Consider your pet's personality. The characters of cats are no less varied and complex than the characters of their owners. To better understand your pet's personality, ask yourself a few questions. How is your cat different? Is she eccentric, enjoyable, lazy, or loving? The character traits of a cat will help you understand how to act in certain circumstances.
    • The training of fearful and fearful cats should be approached with special delicacy. Before you start raising such a cat, you need to gain her trust.
    • In order not to harm an aggressive cat, it is best to show it to a pet behavior specialist.

Method 2 of 3: Training your cat

  1. 1 Satisfy the animal's needs. Take care of the basic needs of your cat so that it can show its natural behavior. Cats love to run, bite, scratch and explore - make sure your pet can do what he likes. Plus, if your cat is happy, you don't have to punish him for bad behavior. There are many ways to do this.
    • Place a scratching post. Place one or more scratching posts in your home for your pet to scratch with. In this case, the cat will not tear furniture, walls and other unsuitable objects.
    • Have toys for your cat to chew and bite on. Chew toys, small balls and stuffed mice will help your cat satisfy its basic instincts without biting you. In addition, your pet will not bite other objects that are not intended for this.
    • Set up a playground for the kittens to play on all day. Kittens love to jump, climb and explore the world around them, so set up a cat play area for them or set up a special corner in the house where they can frolic without harm to your property.
  2. 2 Reward your pet for good behavior. You need to let your cat know when she is doing the right thing. This way, you can reinforce good behavior in the animal. This can be anything: using a litter box, eating neatly, scratching a scratching post instead of furniture, using toys and not other objects. You need to be consistent. Try to reward your cat often for good behavior so that it begins to associate with pleasant consequences. Most often, various delicacies are used for this. However, do not overdo it, otherwise your pet may gain excess weight.
    • You can also reward the animal with your attention. Talk to your cat in an affectionate voice, pet her, and hold her in your arms so that she feels that you appreciate her good behavior.
  3. 3 Play with your pet. Another way to let your cat know that she's doing the right thing is to play with her. Get out an interactive cat toy that the animal likes. For example, many cats love moving and swinging toys, such as sticks with feathers or shiny objects at the end.Don't miss an opportunity to play with your pet. This will allow the cat to warm up and feel like you love her.
    • Lazy owners can use a laser pointer. Many cats literally go crazy at the sight of a spot of light from a laser pointer and can chase it around the room while you lie quietly on the couch. However, some believe that this is not fair to the animal, since it cannot catch red spot.

Method 3 of 3: Discipline your cat

  1. 1 Speak in a special tone. It happens that the cat misbehaves, and it needs to be called to order. It is important not only to reward the animal for the correct behavior, but also to let him know what not to do. In this case, it is necessary to be consistent so that the cat understands every time that it is doing something wrong. When your pet misbehaves, speak to him in a special tone. You should not yell at the cat, as this can scare her. Instead, speak in a strict tone so that the animal knows that it is wrong. The cat will begin to associate this tone with inappropriate behavior.
    • For more impact, pronounce the pet's name and add something else in a stern but calm voice, such as "bad!" As a result, the cat will understand that she is doing the wrong thing; the disadvantage of this method is that the animal may associate its name with bad behavior.
  2. 2 Try to avoid situations in which your cat may misbehave. This can be done in two ways. You can remove the animal. For example, if your cat loves to peep into your plate, you can remove it from the kitchen or dining room during meals. Although the cat's meowing behind a closed door will give you a few unpleasant moments, it will teach her not to repeat this mistake.
    • You can take the cat by the scruff of the neck and carry it out the door of the room. If your pet resists and tries to bite you, grab it by the scruff of the neck and say no. If the cat persists, pick it up and take it to another room. In doing so, keep saying no.
    • Never lift a cat by the scruff, as this can hurt it and there is a danger that it will scratch you. Remember that a cat bite can lead to a dangerous infection.
  3. 3 Use water as a deterrent. To dissuade the cat from any action, you can spray it with water from a bottle at the appropriate time. For example, this method can be used when the animal is about to jump on the table or gnaw on the leaves of houseplants. This should be done stealthily so that the cat does not suspect you. Try splashing the animal when it is not looking at you and has its back to you. Otherwise, your cat will associate you with unpleasant splashes of water and will shy away from you.
    • Some people think that this method is not suitable for raising cats, but its effectiveness depends on the specific animal.
  4. 4 Set traps. Traps can be used to wean your pet from inappropriate behavior. For example, if your cat loves to play with rolls of toilet paper, place an empty plastic bottle on top of the roll, which will fall to the floor at the right time and scare the animal away. If the cat often jumps onto the kitchen table, cover it with double-sided tape or foil, and its surface will begin to be associated with unpleasant sensations in the animal. Traps like these will teach your pet the right behavior.
    • There are even scare rugs on the market that send a weak electrical signal through your cat's paws when she steps on them.
  5. 5 Be firm and consistent. No matter how you punish the animal, you need to be firm. Even if you are crazy about your cat, you should show her that you are serious about her bad behavior. In addition, consistency is needed.Whenever your pet misbehaves, you should react quickly and take appropriate action right away. If you postpone the punishment until later, the cat will not know what it is being punished for and will become afraid of you.


  • Don't yell at or treat your cat rudely. The cat reacts to your tone, even if it does not fully understand what you are talking about.
  • Never provoke the animal. Leave the cat alone when she is sleeping or hiding. Obsession on your part can lead to unnecessary conflict.
  • Never hit the cat or throw anything at it, otherwise the animal will be offended and start to fear you, which will break the good relationship.
  • If the cat is behaving aggressively, talk to your veterinarian or pet behavioral specialist.
  • Never handle an aggressive cat, as it may bite you. Cat bites can lead to serious infections. If you are bitten by a cat, see your doctor immediately.
  • Do not be rude as this could be considered animal cruelty.
  • If you put your cat outside, it may not need a scratching post. In this case, the animal can get by with a suitable tree, fence or something similar. This will save you money.