How to feel confident in a swimsuit

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


In order to feel confident in a swimsuit, it is not at all necessary to lose weight or have a supermodel figure. A sense of confidence comes from the right clothes and satisfaction with who you are. All you need is to choose the right swimsuit and build your confidence.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing the Right Swimsuit

  1. 1 Find the right swimsuit. This will require you to try on a variety of swimwear until you find one that fits your figure perfectly, whatever it may be.The swimsuit should be of the correct size so that it does not fit too tightly and the ties will not cut into the skin. Also, make sure your swimsuit is snug against your body.
    • Choose a cut and swimsuit color that gives you a sense of self-confidence, regardless of current fashions.
    • Don't be afraid to mix styles. For example, you can choose a tankini swimsuit, a suit with a tight top and loose shorts, or any other combination you like.
    • If you have large breasts, you can opt for a swimsuit with supportive tabs. Like bras, these swimwear are usually sized to fit your chest.
    • Vendors in the lingerie department will help you determine the right size and choose the right swimsuit.
  2. 2 Order your swimsuit online. Often, online stores offer a wider selection of clothing than your local supermarket, and most online stores allow you to return items that are not suitable for you, provided that you are not wearing them. Good sellers will describe the product you are interested in and answer all your questions.
    • First, take your measurement, and then carefully compare the values ​​obtained with the sizes of swimwear available in the online store.
    • If you like a swimsuit, order two different sizes and choose the one that suits you, returning the second one.
    • By ordering a swimsuit from the online store, you can see how it will look in reality by trying it on in the sun. Try on the ordered swimwear at home when you are in a good mood and confident.
    • Wearing a swimsuit, move around in it. Before buying a swimsuit, make sure that you are comfortable in it and that it stays in the right place.
  3. 3 Think about where you will be putting on your new swimsuit. If you are going to sunbathe in it by your home pool, a striped bikini or an open-top bandeau bikini strapless will do. If you are planning to swim in the public pool or swim in the sea with your friends, it is better to choose a more modest swimsuit.
    • Remember that the fabric stretches slightly when wet, so choose a slightly tighter swimsuit if you are going into the water.
  4. 4 Highlight beneficial details. Perhaps you have beautiful collarbones, or you are proud of your graceful hands. Find a bathing suit that flaunts your figure.
    • For example, old style swimsuits often have a deep cut on the chest, but are rather closed at the bottom, at the hips.
    • If you are proud of your legs, choose a swimsuit with a high cut along the thighs. A swimsuit with a racer top will accentuate your arms.
  5. 5 Take care of the accessories. A scarf, sunglasses, wide-brimmed hat, colorful earrings, or a pair of new wedges will accentuate your suit and add grace to it. If you're still a little embarrassed after wearing a new swimsuit, accessories can help you gain confidence.
    • When choosing accessories, do not forget about the sense of proportion. The glamorous look is fine for a pool party, but hardly appropriate when kayaking down a mountain river.
    • Don't forget about lipstick! Not only will it boost your self-confidence, but it will also protect your lips from UV radiation.
  6. 6 After wearing a swimsuit, try on different clothing options with it. Wearing over a swimsuit should work well with it, giving you added confidence. Choose clothes that highlight your figure while hiding what you don't like.
    • For example, if you don't want to show off your hips unnecessarily, choose a sarong by tying it around your waist.
    • A sundress or a robe worn over a bikini will favorably emphasize almost any figure and protect against sunburn.

Method 2 of 3: Build Self-Confidence

  1. 1 Learn to love your body. Constantly thinking about what you lack for self-confidence will not lead to anything good.Once you realize that your body is perfect in its current form, you will feel more confident in almost any swimsuit.
    • Remember that you may be the only one who pays attention to your imaginary flaws. People around you look more at whether you are enjoying what is happening, or moping, being in a depressed mood.
    • When you find yourself having unpleasant thoughts, turn your attention to something positive. For example, switch from a negative thought, “I hate my wide hips ...” to a positive thought, “But my collarbones are great!”.
  2. 2 Smile. A simple smile demonstrates your confidence and friendliness. When you smile, people around you are more likely to smile back at you. The smile returns to you and you feel more confident.
    • When you smile, your voice sounds friendlier and more pleasant to those around you.
    • When you smile, endorphins are released, which increase mood and self-confidence.
    • Laughter is also good for your body. It helps to relax muscles and relieve tension.
  3. 3 Spend less time with people complaining about life. If your friends are constantly complaining about their bodies, it will be difficult not to join them and begin to mourn your shortcomings. This will in no way increase your self-confidence. Instead, try to connect with those who are happy with themselves and their bodies. Confidence is contagious!
    • Remember that the more you regret your perceived shortcomings, the more likely you are to believe they really exist.
    • Don't keep talking about flaws. When your friends start discussing the imperfection of their bodies, change the topic of the conversation or make a joke, without allowing yourself to be drawn into a painful discussion of your own and others' shortcomings.
  4. 4 Consciously build your confidence. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and devote this time to meditating on thoughts of compassion and love for yourself. Learning to refrain from negative self-esteem takes practice and time.
    • For example, in positive meditation, you can focus on the thought “I am loved” or simply on the word “love”.
    • Concentrate on your breathing. If you feel that thoughts of self-esteem have entered your mind, let them go without paying attention to them.
  5. 5 Cultivate courage. Try to dress in a way that grabs the attention of those around you: wear bright clothes, T-shirts with colorful animal prints, and open dresses. By getting used to attracting attention with your defiant clothes, you will develop courage and courage in yourself.
    • Open clothes (short skirts, plunging cut dresses, etc.) will help you become more courageous in your choice of clothes.
    • This may not be easy at first, but over time, you will begin to realize that you deserve the attention of others, and you will become accustomed to attracting interested glances.
  6. 6 Pay attention to how you perceive the people around you. If you are overly critical of them, then it is likely that you are too hard on yourself. Instead, try to notice attractive features in the people around you when they are wearing swimwear. Stop thinking negatively by switching to positive thoughts.
    • Don't compare yourself to other people. Your goal is to become kinder and more forgiving towards all people, including yourself.
    • This will help you realize that there are no people with exactly the same bodies: each body is beautiful in its own way. This also applies to your body!

Method 3 of 3: Taking good care of your body

  1. 1 Avoid drastic diets. As a rule, such diets provide for a strict restriction of calories consumed for a certain period of time and are aimed at losing weight quickly. Often, 500 or 1000 calories a day are supplemented with "cleansing" juices, diet pills, or diuretics.Although at first this or that diet may seem quite effective, weight loss is mainly due to fluid loss. At the same time, the metabolism slows down significantly, as a result of which fewer calories are burned.
    • Most strict diets imbalance the proper balance of nutrients.
    • Radical diets have a negative effect on mental health. Not having enough calories can lead to irritation, fatigue, and lethargy.
    • You are unlikely to gain self-confidence if you are undernourished.
  2. 2 Don't skip meals. These skips increase the amount of fat in the midsection, which is the abdominal area. Instead, it's healthier to limit yourself to smaller portions, which has been proven to help you lose weight, according to clinical research.
    • Skipping a single meal increases hunger, which can lead to subsequent overeating. This entails a vicious cycle of overeating followed by fasting, which is fraught with many health problems.
    • Prolonged fasting forces your body into survival mode: it gets the energy it needs by burning muscle, while conserving body fat. This is clearly the opposite of what you would like to achieve on the eve of the beach season!
  3. 3 Exercise daily physical exercise. If you want to lose weight in order to feel more confident in your bathing suit, remember that not only a proper diet, but also regular physical activity is important for losing weight. Try to devote at least 150 minutes (2 and a half hours) to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to vigorous exercise each week, or a combination of both.
    • Teenagers are advised to exercise for about one hour daily.
    • Choose the kind of exercises that you like - you will not abandon them while enjoying the workout. Finding the right combination of exercises will boost your self-confidence. You can include cycling, jogging, swimming, dancing, and so on in your workouts.
    • Do strength training at least 2 times a week. This type of workout includes lifting weights, exercising on machines, squats, push-ups, bar exercises, and various yoga exercises.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods. A healthy diet should include plenty of vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains. Be sure to include lean meats and other protein sources such as fish, beans, eggs, and nuts in your diet. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, but add some healthy fats found in vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, peanut, canola, and other oils) to your diet.
    • Avoid drinks that contain added sugars, such as soda, energy drinks, and sugary coffee drinks. Limit juice to one serving per day.
    • Alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and stronger drinks are also high in sugar. If you want to lose weight, limit your alcohol intake to one serving (half a glass of wine, a small glass of beer, or 30 milliliters of hard liquor) per day.
  5. 5 Watch your posture. A confident posture helps you gain self-confidence. In addition, erect posture improves blood flow to the brain. As a result, the brain receives more oxygen, which improves its function and energizes you.
    • Pay attention to the position of your hands. If your palms are facing outward, this indicates that you are feeling insecure and anxious.
    • Poor posture and slouching create an impression of insecurity and anxiety. However, as the muscles have to maintain an unnatural position, they undergo additional stress, which can cause health problems over time.