How to feel full of energy every day

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wake Up Full of Energy, Feel Great Everyday, Subliminal Messages, Subconscious Programming
Video: Wake Up Full of Energy, Feel Great Everyday, Subliminal Messages, Subconscious Programming


Feeling energized on a daily basis will dramatically improve your standard of living. This goal can be achieved in several different ways. Healthy people only need to change their diet, start exercising, and make some other lifestyle changes. You also need to get enough sleep every night so that you feel refreshed and energized when you wake up.


Method 1 of 3: Proper Nutrition to Energize the Body

  1. 1 Avoid processed foods. This measure will help you maintain a healthy diet and energize. Fresh, whole foods are better than processed foods because they contain more beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Processed foods - prepared meals (such as those for reheating in the microwave), fast food, and the like - are high in calories. It often contains preservatives, added sugars and fat, dyes, and other harmful ingredients. Such food is poor in nutrients and therefore less energizing.
    • Whole foods are rich in nutrients and provide the body with much more energy. These include fruits, vegetables, unsalted nuts, lean meats, fresh fish and seafood, eggs, low-fat milk, plain yogurt, and low-fat cheese.
  2. 2 Eat a balanced diet. Remember to eat whole foods and ensure that your diet is well balanced, that is, includes all major food groups. A balanced diet will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs and help you feel more energized throughout the day.
    • Fruits and vegetables should make up half of the entire diet.
    • Eat as many grains as are appropriate for your age, gender, and physical activity level. The appropriate amount of grain products, half of which should be whole grains, can be determined using this website (in English).
    • Get the amount of protein that is appropriate for your age, gender, and physical activity level. This quantity can also be determined using this website (in English).
    • A balanced diet should include dairy products, the amount of which can also be quantified using this site (in English).
  3. 3 Eat the right amounts at the right time. Don't eat too little or too much, as this can negatively affect your energy levels. Skipping meals or not consuming enough calories slows down your metabolism as your body tries to conserve energy, which can lead to lethargy. On the other hand, overeating (especially eating excessive amounts of refined carbs and sweets) can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, which can lead to a burst of energy, followed by a fit of fatigue (and possibly a breakdown). Try eating three meals a day or six times smaller meals, and spread your meals evenly throughout the day.
    • Don't overeat. You can have good control over portion sizes, but if you suddenly find yourself losing control and eating a lot at a time, this is a sign of overeating. This behavior can disrupt a healthy diet. If you find that you overeat, do not keep those foods in the house that usually lead to this. If you have the urge to eat too much, do something that distracts you: handicrafts, exercise, and so on.
    • Don't skip meals. Always keep healthy snacks on hand in case you have to rush and don't have time to eat properly.
    • Refrain from emotional overeating. If you tend to eat during emotional distress, be it anger, joy, sadness, or feeling alone, those emotions act as triggers for overeating. Emotional overeating interferes with a balanced diet. Instead of eating, look for other activities that can help you release emotional stress.
    • Don't eat at night. Eating more calories in the afternoon can cause problems, especially if you tend to eat processed or fatty foods. To avoid the temptation to grab a snack late at night, try to get the majority of your calories throughout the day. Eat more at lunch than at dinner.
  4. 4 Drink water to stay hydrated. It is essential to drink water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, avoid fatigue, and stay energetic. If you are not used to drinking enough water throughout the day, you run the risk of becoming more tired.
    • Adult men are advised to drink about 3 liters of water per day.
    • Adult women are advised to drink a little more than two liters of water daily, or rather 2.2 liters.
    • When playing sports or other physical activity, more fluid is lost along with sweat, in which case the daily water intake should be increased.
  5. 5 Avoid fake energy sources. There are many foods that claim to energize you, but this is not always the case. Even if the body does extract energy from them, it is often a short-term effect. Many of these foods have negative properties that outweigh the potential energy gains.
    • Coffee can provide a short-term boost of energy, and recent research shows that it is not as bad as previously thought. However, the caffeine in coffee is mildly addictive, and if consumed in the afternoon can adversely affect sleep and ultimately reduce energy levels the next day. It should also be borne in mind that coffee with sugar and cream adds extra calories and fat.
    • Energy drinks are high in caffeine - that doesn't necessarily mean they're inferior to coffee. However, it has been found that when consumed excessively, energy drinks can cause heart problems. In addition, many energy drinks are high in sugar (i.e. empty calories), which can lead to a breakdown at the end of the day.
  6. 6 Consider using herbal teas and herbal supplements. Many herbal teas and herbal supplements help energize the body. Be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist before using new supplements, especially if you are taking any medications.
    • If you are not getting enough B vitamins from your diet, you can take a B vitamin supplement. You can increase your energy levels by taking a daily multivitamin with vitamin B. Talk to your doctor about whether this method is right for you.
    • If you are deficient in vitamin B12, take care to make up for the deficiency to help boost energy levels.
    • Siberian ginseng increases endurance, relieves fatigue and reduces stress. It is sold in the form of tea and dietary supplements.
    • Ginkgo is another plant that helps the body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a substance that promotes the metabolism of glucose in the brain, which in turn increases mental energy and mental clarity. Ginkgo can be purchased separately as a tea additive, it is also sold in tea blends and as an additive.
    • Green tea is sold as an extract and as tea itself. It contains natural caffeine and other beneficial properties (for example, it is an antioxidant), thanks to which it improves well-being and energizes.
    • Peppermint essential oil is also energizing. Peppermint oil has been shown to improve feelings of alertness in sports, according to studies investigating the effects of peppermint oil.

Method 2 of 3: Getting regular exercise

  1. 1 Exercise daily to recharge your batteries. Even if you feel too tired to play sports, start exercising and you will feel that you are gaining strength. If you feel tired, even moderate exercise like simple walking will motivate and energize you.
    • A moderate exercise such as walking around the area for 10-15 minutes can be more energizing than 45 minutes on a treadmill.
    • Practice yoga. The calm energy generated by yoga can be more productive than the much more typical tense energy that depletes rather quickly and can even lead to depression. Yoga energizes calm, confident and optimistic energy, which is not accompanied by tension.
    • Do Pilates. Pilates is another set of moderate exercises that can help you recharge with calm energy.
    • Practice Taijiquan gymnastics. Taijiquan also helps you recharge with calm energy.
    • Engage in strength training. Performing strength exercises slowly and calmly can also help you recharge your batteries.
  2. 2 Listen to music while doing sports. When combined with moderate exercise, music can help recharge you with calm energy.
    • Ongoing research shows that music can energize people with calm energy. This is especially true when you combine music with moderate exercise.
    • Listening to music while exercising can help you recharge with calm energy during exercise and stay more energetic for longer after exercise.
  3. 3 Know your options. Even moderate physical activity can lead to the fact that you go beyond, your body will not be able to produce calm energy, and you will get tired.
    • After an intense workout, you will feel tired at first, but even this type of workout will eventually provide you with more energy than giving up exercise.
    • Keep in mind that vigorous exercise can energize you with more intense energy, which can increase productivity, albeit with more fatigue.
  4. 4 Eat fruit before exercise. Fruit is very healthy and goes well with sports.
    • Fruits aid digestion and help the body absorb more nutrients.
    • The nutrients from the fruit supply the body with energy, which can help you exercise more effectively and feel more invigorated throughout the day.
    • Oranges, bananas, and apples work well.

Method 3 of 3: Maintaining a Regular Wake and Sleep Regimen

  1. 1 Stick to a set sleep schedule. Adequate sleep patterns are essential to stay energized throughout the day. Developing healthy sleep habits and following an appropriate schedule will help you feel refreshed when you don't need to sleep and tired by bedtime.
    • Get enough sleep every night. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, while teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep a night.
    • Try not to sleep during the day if possible. Daytime sleep can disrupt the established routine.
    • Avoid stimulants like caffeine in the afternoon.
    • Engage in moderate exercise in the late afternoon, and set aside for vigorous exercise in the morning or mid-afternoon.
    • Relax before bed. Try to leave all your worries outside the bedroom and never think about them in bed. Try not to have emotional discussions and arguments in bed.
    • Make sure your bedroom is lit with natural light. The alternation of light and dark will help you maintain proper sleep patterns.
    • Do not eat or watch TV in bed. Try to use your bed only for sleep so you don't have trouble falling asleep.
  2. 2 Seek help if you are very tired. If you feel tired despite following a normal sleep schedule, you may need help. Discuss sleep problems with your doctor.
    • Keep a sleep diary to help you spot possible anomalies.
    • If you decide to see a doctor, be sure to tell him that you are following a normal sleep schedule (if your records indicate this).
    • Your doctor may want to check to see if you have conditions that often cause fatigue, such as thyroid disease, depression, anemia, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
  3. 3 Observe the daily routine. To stay energetic, you need to plan your time. Try to keep your stress to a minimum and you will have time for other fun activities.
    • Use a scheduling app or calendar to prioritize tasks.
    • Remember to review your plans regularly so you don't miss out on anything.
  4. 4 Don't plan too much. Sometimes you have to stop and realize that you just don't have enough time for everything that you would like to do. Instead of filling every free minute with work and activities, set aside some free time to reduce stress.
    • Set aside time for rest and leisure in your schedule. It is important to plan not only work, but also leisure time.
    • Set rules for relaxation. For example, turn off your phone or avoid using email and social media. You can even purchase applications that will turn off Internet access at a certain time. While these apps are designed to improve productivity, they can also be used for scheduled rest.


  • The brain is connected to the body. Even if you're feeling tired, pull yourself together and get down to business. Brain stimulation will keep you active throughout the day. If that doesn't work, try taking a nap after you're done with your current business.
  • Increase the load after you feel you are capable of more. When tired, exercise to get your heart rate up. Then rest and build up your strength for the next exercise.If you feel that you are getting more tired after each workout, try doing something else. Avoid overloading to avoid injury.
  • Energy bars are a great source of nutrients and energy between meals.