How to stop drinking alcohol

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stop Drinking the Poison and Learn to Let Go | Kathryn Arendt | TEDxSaintAndrewsSchool
Video: Stop Drinking the Poison and Learn to Let Go | Kathryn Arendt | TEDxSaintAndrewsSchool


You have gone to this page, so you have decided to quit drinking. It's a good news. The bad news is that breaking this habit is difficult.The truth is, it's painful and shouldn't be sweetening the pill. And the great news is that with today's medicine, support groups, and psychological help, it has never been easier to quit drinking. If you realize that you are drinking too much, be aware that sobriety has many benefits: the risk of stroke is reduced, weight is normalized, hangovers are avoided, the risk of all kinds of liver diseases is reduced, and overall health improves.


Method 1 of 4: Deciding to Quit Drinking

  1. 1 Write down the reasons why you want to stop drinking. This should be your personal decision. If you want to be successful, it must be because you really want and are willing to quit. To help you do this, write down your reasons for quitting alcohol altogether.
    • List any reasons that negatively impact your health, well-being and family.
    • Every time your hand reaches for a glass, return to this list.
  2. 2 Talk to your doctor. If you decide to quit yourself, remember that abruptly abstaining from alcohol can be deadly. If you experience any of the symptoms (panic attacks, extreme anxiety, tremors, palpitations), immediately seek emergency medical help... This condition can worsen to delirium tremens, which can be fatal if not treated promptly.
    • Do not think that you are alone in your struggle. You have a heavy burden, but many people (including those with medical education) are ready to help you. It is often easier to quit with medical intervention than it is on your own.
    • Doctors in the process of overcoming alcohol dependence suggest using benzodiazepines to alleviate symptoms. Benzodiazepines, which include alprazolam (Xanax®), clonazepam, diazepam, and lorazepam, are psychotropic drugs designed to calm anxiety and suppress panic attacks. These drugs are often addictive and should not be taken with alcohol. They can be taken only for a short time and only under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. 3 Change your attitude towards quitting alcohol. Remember, you are not parting with your best friend, but with your enemy. Set yourself up to make the process easier. Your better half wants to quit, and your selfish half wants to leave it as it is.
  4. 4 Try to choose a significant date for quitting alcohol. It's great that you decided to quit drinking - you showed firmness and courage, but be reasonable. If you drink a lot and often, then first reduce the amount to avoid withdrawal syndrome (in this case, it is better to see your doctor - he will help you develop a plan to quit alcohol).
  5. 5 Get rid of all bottles, cans, and the like. If you have guests, you don't have to offer them beer, wine or cocktail. It's okay to offer people tea, lemonade, cola, or something similar.
  6. 6 Get to know your feelings. Cry when necessary. Laugh whenever you get the chance. Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when tired. This will seem strange at first - accept it. You haven't listened to your feelings for a long time. You need to get used to it.
  7. 7 Avoid people and situations in which you are likely to drink. You will have to say goodbye to some of your drinking buddies and drunken places. I must say that it will be a revelation for you to understand that your friends drank with you only from time to time, and then two mugs and two glasses against your five.
    • Don't do anything you are not ready for. If you drank a lot on the beach, do not go there this year. If you usually drink a lot during dinner with a certain friend, do not go to him this time. Staying sober is what matters to you. Take care of yourself, others will wait.

Method 2 of 4: Strategies for Achieving Sobriety

  1. 1 Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed initially. Moscow was not built in a day. You won't be able to break your habit in a week. Everything is good.Small victories must precede big ones. At first, try to simply reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. If you drink a lot, abrupt and complete abstinence from alcohol is a direct path to physical and emotional distress.
    • Imagine vomiting and paralyzing headaches while drinking too much. Have you already experienced this? Then try to refresh and piece together those memories. The pain you feel is a good omen. This is a harbinger of wanting to change your habits, and this is the first step.
    • Even if you have reduced the amount of alcohol consumed by one portion a day, this is already a success. There are no small steps at this stage. The mistake will be to be content with the amount of alcohol drunk. Keep working and reduce your alcohol consumption. Reduce your total intake by at least one serving each week. If you are more ambitious, try to cut your alcohol in half each week.
  2. 2 Be sure to eat before drinking. Eating before drinking will diminish your interest in it. Among other things, food will make the intoxication process more difficult. If you do this, then don't be fooled and don't get drunk to the point of not eating.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. Water will help maintain water balance in your body, improve your well-being, and flush toxins from your body. Men are advised to drink 12 glasses (3 liters) of water a day and women 9 glasses (2.2 liters).
  4. 4 Review recipes that contain alcohol. This makes it harder to justify having alcohol in your home. Use non-alcoholic sparkling wine instead, or cross that part out of the recipe altogether.
  5. 5 Don't try to explain to people the reasons for your sobriety. Many people do not drink like alcoholics. They are not like us and it is difficult for them to really understand that we have a problem with alcohol. Of course there are those who have the same problems. In any case, you will often hear the phrase "Come on, is this a problem ?!". When you decide to stay sober anytime, anywhere, just say, "No thanks, I'd rather drink some juice, I watch my weight." If you meet with these people often, they will all understand and think "What a fine fellow!"
  6. 6 If you drink regularly, change your drinking habits. If you must drink after work or when you get home, change your routine and do something else. Visit your parents or friends. A small change can help break the cycle and break the addiction.
    • Buy a day planner and schedule your activities for the times you usually drink. Spending time with other people will make it uncomfortable and more difficult to get drunk. If you plan such events in your diary, you will want to participate in them.
  7. 7 Do not give up. Many people will find excuses, such as "I've been drinking for so long, it won't change anything" or "I've tried so often, I just can't." Many experience hopelessness and despair when they learn that they have rapidly progressive cirrhosis of the liver. Quitting drinking can help prolong your life, no matter what happens. How long to extend is up to you. Don't make excuses for yourself not to quit. Avoiding alcohol is self-justifying.
    • If this is not your first attempt to quit drinking, remind yourself: if you managed to at least try to give up alcohol, then what gets in the way this time - what if you can quit once and for all. There is no age limit for quitting alcohol; it is never too late to quit drinking. Even if the last thing you do is stop drinking, winning will pay off and give hope to other people.
  8. 8 Don't let guilt overwhelm you. Many people will feel stupid and blame themselves for not doing this before. There are no guilty ones, there is a worst enemy, and that is alcohol. He whispered in your ear that he is much more important than anything else in your life. But nothing is more important than you.Nobody will need you if you die. Therefore, you must discard outdated rules and start from scratch, like the government of a country after a revolution.
    • Guilt is only one side of the equation. If you are driven by guilt, then you should not deceive yourself - you do not want to quit drinking. Taking care of yourself, the happiness of loved ones and friends (who also take care of you) and the desire to leave a mark on the earth - this is why it is worth staying sober. Feelings of guilt are just one of the reasons why you should give up alcohol.

Method 3 of 4: Sobriety Strategies

  1. 1 Get a sobriety wallet. Whenever the thought of buying a drink comes to mind, put that money in your sobriety wallet. It literally shocks you. Staying sober means experiencing all the material benefits that you simply did not notice before. The sobriety wallet will help you with this.
    • Spend money from your sobriety wallet on healthy stress relievers: get a massage, visit a spa, sign up for a yoga class. If you are not a fan of these activities, then entertain yourself differently: buy a new CD player, a new set of furniture, or some gifts for your friends.
  2. 2 Buy an inexpensive piece of jewelry as a reminder of your sobriety. Buy a ring or bracelet, get a tattoo on your arm, or get a special manicure to remind yourself that your hands no longer buy or touch alcohol.
  3. 3 Take vitamin B daily for the first week without alcohol. Alcohol affects the body's ability to absorb this vitamin, in particular thiamine. Vitamin B deficiency can cause serious cognitive impairment, including Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome or cerebral edema.
  4. 4 Make lists. Create non-alcoholic alternatives for all the activities you did while drinking. List of ways to celebrate. List of options for a romantic evening. List of ways to relax and unwind. Communication list. Many people live fulfilling lives without drinking alcohol as a stimulant. Convince every cell in your body that this is possible, and it will help you make the jump. much easier.
  5. 5 Remember what it feels like to get drunk. As soon as you start to feel the urge to have a glass or two, try to visually imagine who you would be like if you got out of control. Do you want to plunge into the maelstrom of alcohol and unconsciousness again? Do not indulge in the thought that you will remain this person forever. You are an alcoholic, there is no getting away from this, it must be admitted, but this does not mean that you cannot be a happy, sober and balanced alcoholic. This is your goal.
  6. 6 Enjoy the psychological benefits of being sober. Evaluate how good it is to fall asleep without being comatose and not wake up at three in the morning from unbearable dry mouth and head splitting from pain. Appreciate how nice it is to remember people with whom you met the day before and remember how glad they were to see you. Appreciate how good it is to love yourself for who you are, rather than punishing yourself for who you have become.
  7. 7 Always remember the reasons for your decision. Protect them. We don't always have reasons for doing certain things, but when we do, they give us meaning and make us principled. This is good. So what are your reasons for staying sober?
    • "I never want to miss work because of a hateful hangover again."
    • "I never want to embarrass my child in front of his friends again."
    • "I never want to disgust my spouse for going too far again."
    • "I never want to drive drunk again."
    • "I never want to call my friends and family while drunk and act like an idiot again."
    • "I never want to hide bottles all over the house again."
    • "I no longer want to pretend I remember what happened last night when I don't remember anything after X hours."
    • "I don't want to ruin this marriage either because of my alcohol addiction."
    • Or, "How does it feel to feel good again."
  8. 8 Don't avoid situations where you used to drink. Learn to see the good in everything - you can have a good time without alcohol. On the other hand, if you know that the temptation will be too great, do not put yourself in a situation in which you are likely to stumble. Be smart about your limitations - everyone has them.
  9. 9 Think high, inspiring. Remember a prayer, poem or poem (for example, Hamlet's monologue "To be or not to be?") And say it if you realize that you are losing your head. This trick will help you control yourself.
    • Here are some inspirational quotes that can help you calm your thoughts:
      • "Health is the greatest gift, existence is the greatest wealth, loyalty is the best feeling", - Buddha
      • "Believe that you can, and you will already be halfway there.", - Theodore Roosevelt
      • "I believe that laughter is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, a lot of kisses. I believe in my strength when it seems that everything is wrong. I believe that happy girls are the most beautiful girls. I believe that tomorrow will come. another day and believe in miracles ", - Audrey Hepburn
  10. 10 Reward yourself for your success. Reward yourself for every day and every hour that you are not drinking. This is more effective at the beginning than expected. Wrap gifts (you don't have to wrap - it's up to you) and give them to friends or family members for safekeeping. Visit a friend when an hour, day, or week of sobriety has passed and take your gift. Let a friend or family member share your joy.
  11. 11 Learn to meditate. Practice meditation regularly, especially in the morning. At the end of the session, solemnly promise not to drink alcohol. Think back to the calm state of your mind while meditating later, when you are drawn to a drink. It will distract you.
    • Take up yoga! It will help you deal with stress and calm your mind. Group yoga classes are best, where you can energize other people. Soak up this positive energy.

Method 4 of 4: Get Help

  1. 1 Ask for help. This may be the hardest part of the road to recovery, but telling family members and others what you are going through and what you want to achieve is huge step... Whether you like it or not, few people achieve sobriety and even fewer stay sober alone. Feel free to let your family and friends know what you are dealing with.
    • Give directions in case you need their help. If you are determined, ask them to take the alcohol away from you if they see you drinking. Ask them to be your support and help you return to sobriety.
  2. 2 Join an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group or go to a rehab center. And don't be discouraged if an A.A. meeting isn't what you want. These meetings are not for everyone. Many people who have given up alcohol have done so without AA help. The vast majority of people who quit drinking and left this stage of life behind them did so, realizing the need to quit drinking once and for all and never return to drinking.
    • However, Alcoholics Anonymous may be extremely effectiveif you really made a choice in favor of a sober life. One study found that the abstinence rate among people who attended AA meetings was 81% versus 26% among those who did not. The difference is over 50%.
    • Attend A.A. meetings regularly. Be consistent and attend meetings on a regular basis - you will be taught to abstain from alcohol in a variety of ways, which in the long term will reduce the likelihood of relapse. Many people get used to going to this kind of meeting, but this habit instills life-affirming values ​​and is not harmful to health.
    • Typically, abstinence programs have a caregiver. A caregiver is someone, preferably not a friend of yours, to rely on when your sobriety is at stake. The caregiver should be able to tell you if you are making a mistake and not be soft on your words. Alcoholics with caregivers find it much easier to stay sober this way than without them.
  3. 3 Watch how being sober changes your life before your very eyes. After 90 days of complete sobriety, your worldview will change, and your body will work in full recovery mode. You will stop losing weight, feel more energy and enjoy who you are. You will gradually become a completely different person.
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to talk about your experiences. Whenever you feel weak, depressed, or pessimistic, reach out to someone you trust. Holding back negative feelings is not a good idea. Trust. This could be a caregiver, friend, or mom. Whoever it is, learn to recognize and overcome your feelings instead of suppressing them and never being honest with yourself.
    • When you're ready, share your experience with others who need support. Maybe you will agree to talk to high school students about your addiction and its consequences. Perhaps you will write an honest letter and post it online. Whatever you do, try to repay the help you received. Even if you convince one person, that's more than enough.
  5. 5 Commit yourself to a sober lifestyle. Recognize and remember that there is nothing more important in your life than being sober. Your life depends on sobriety. All the people you love share your aspiration. You, you personally, deserve to be sober, healthy and happy.
    • Remember, your decision to quit drinking must be the same. Avoid any alcohol. One drink of alcohol can cause a relapse.


  • Live for today, do not think about what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow is tomorrow, and you live now.
  • Remember what you care about the most - alcohol can ruin it all.
  • Remember that giving up less pleasure (drinking) for more (health, better relationships, or a clear conscience) is actually the easier path in the long run. In the end, it's worth it!
  • Why alcohol is taking over your life is a question you can only answer when you EXCLUDE alcohol from your life.
  • Visualize as often as possible - imagine yourself sober everywhere and everywhere, it really works.
  • Keep chocolate handy. People who quit drinking often have sugar cravings - this is normal. Chocolate increases endorphin levels and helps reduce the urge to drink.
  • As soon as you are pulled for a glass, rinse your mouth with mouthwash for 30 seconds. Buy as nasty liquid as possible. The whole trick is in the association: craving for alcohol is an unpleasant taste. Over time, such a liquid will literally discourage the desire to even think about alcohol.
  • Don't make quitting a habit. Do it once and for all.
  • EXPLORE. Face it - be honest about how alcohol has negatively affected your health. You will be surprised at the amount of harm alcohol has done to you over the years before symptoms show up. In almost ALL cases, the consequences are irreversible. The best one can hope for is to stop the development of disease. Change your diet, control your weight, seek medical attention and, above all, REFUSE ALCOHOL COMPLETELY. You will feel stronger, healthier, smarter, happier and most importantly, you will enjoy life much more. There are several liver diseases and related complications. Take time to study them.Read about them just once, and you will want to stay not just sober, but VERY sober. The longer you drink, the more these diseases should scare you. Fear is a powerful weapon against alcoholism, let it serve as a reminder of how stupid it was to drink in principle.


  • A chronic alcoholic who quits drinking once and for all puts his health at great risk. If you abruptly stop taking depressants that depress the central nervous system, this can lead to the so-called "delirium tremens". A few days after a sudden withdrawal from alcohol, withdrawal symptoms such as increased anxiety and tremors can lead to epileptic seizures and ultimately to epilepsy with devastating consequences. If you are a chronic alcoholic, then before you suddenly stop drinking, consult your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe medications, such as benzodiazepines, and recommend a rehabilitation program to help you overcome alcohol withdrawal.