How to throw a ball in baseball

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Throw a Baseball - Baseball Throwing Mechanics
Video: How to Throw a Baseball - Baseball Throwing Mechanics


1 Get into a throwing position. Before you can throw, your body must be “ready” for the throw.Legs should be shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, body relaxed, and hips and shoulders should be in line.
  • Start by pressing the ball glove to your chest. From this position, it will be convenient for you to make a quick throw.
  • Make sure your legs are not crossed. The throw will start from the feet and after that, you will take a step forward. You must not step forward before throwing.
  • During the throw, your feet and shoulders should be in line, just as they were before the throw.
  • Always stay alert and focused when preparing to throw. Even if you’re waiting for your turn to practice your throw, don’t mess around, practice your throwing stance.
  • 2 Take the ball correctly. When you are in position, your next step is to take the ball. While it may seem like holding the ball isn't all that difficult, it is important to take the ball correctly. Place your index and middle fingers on top along the seams of the ball, with your thumb under the ball, so that the third ball grip is on the bottom. With your ring finger and little finger, you need to gently hold the ball on the side.
    • Grabbing the ball along the seams has a positive effect on the speed and direction of the throw. If you hold the ball in this way, it is more likely that the ball will fly in a straight line rather than a curved line.
    • Do not hold the ball with your palm, but with your fingertips. Holding the ball with the palm of your hand will slow down the speed of the push, which means the power and accuracy of the throw.
    • Ideally, with the correct grip, you should be touching all the seams of the ball with your fingers. It is difficult at first, but by practicing properly holding the ball, you will get better at throwing the ball over time.
    • At first, in order to correctly position your fingers, you will have to look at the ball to see the seams, but with practice, you will learn to feel the seams by touch and, without looking, take the ball correctly.
  • 3 Move your joints correctly. The most important thing for a good throw is correct movement of the joints. We are talking about the hand, elbow and shoulder joints. With a good throw, all three joints should push at the same time. If one of the joints is lagging or not pushing during the throw, train hard on each swing.
    • When you swing for a throw, the hand should be free to go back over the shoulder. Do mill exercises to train your shoulders. Swing your arms forward in a circle.
    • Make sure that during each throw, the arm is slightly bent at the elbow. Although you have practiced the mill exercise, in order to get the ball backward, swinging, you need to bend your arm slightly at the elbow. Straightening your elbow will shorten the length of your throw.
    • When doing the windmill exercise, it should be somewhere between a circular motion and how you pull the bowstring. The elbow should be slightly bent, but at the same time you need to make circular movements behind the torso.
    • The wrist must be incredibly flexible and must be used with every throw. As they say, "it's all about the wrist." Before releasing the ball, your wrist needs to be bent backward so that your palm is facing forward. When the ball is thrown, the wrist is straightened with a sharp movement. This gives a boost and increases the accuracy of the throw.
  • Method 2 of 3: Throwing the Ball

    1. 1 Take a position. Once you are confident in the correct position, grip and synchronization of movements, complete all three points at the same time and shoot. The torso should be turned to the side opposite to the target, and the ball should be held against the chest with the hand that you will throw.
    2. 2 Mentally identify the target you are throwing at. If you want to throw accurately, you must clearly know where you want to hit the ball. When throwing to your partner, always aim for the chest. Do not be afraid to use your hand to mark the line along which you need to take position.
    3. 3 Wave your hand. To swing, roll the ball back behind your torso. You need to bring your elbow back so that you can bend and straighten it as you rotate your arm. When the arm goes forward in line with the body and the ball is directed to the target, throw the ball.
    4. 4 The body should move forward with the throw. When you are ready to release the ball, step towards the target with your foot on the opposite side of the hand you are throwing. If you are right-handed, you will step with your left foot. Spontaneously roll your hips towards your target.
    5. 5 Maintain eye contact with the target as you throw. The throw will follow the gaze, so if you look around without focusing on the target, you will not hit the target with the ball.
    6. 6 Follow the throw strongly. After the throwing hand has released the ball, it must continue to move towards the ground in opposition to the pelvis. This will add strength to the throw and increase your accuracy.
    7. 7 Check the stance in the final phase of the throw. Due to the throw, the stance should be slightly wider and you will stagger a little, the hips turn towards the goal, and the throwing hand will go diagonally along the body to the opposite thigh.

    Method 3 of 3: Train Your Movements

    1. 1 Practice sharp lunges with your brush. If you feel that every time you throw, it is difficult for you to make an extra jerk with your wrist, train your lunges. Together with your partner, kneel opposite each other at a distance of 1.5-3 meters. You don't need to use defenses, you don't need to throw hard to inflict injury.
      • Bend your arm at the elbow so that it is vertical or parallel to your torso. You won't need to swing, so keep your shoulder and elbow in one position.
      • Use your non-throwing hand to support the elbow of the throwing hand. This is done on purpose to keep your arm from moving, so grab your elbow firmly to keep your forearm from moving forward.
      • Only throw the ball with a wrist motion. Start by taking the ball correctly and pulling your hand back a little, and then throw the ball forward with a sharp movement. If you are throwing with a brush, do not use other parts of the body for this.
      • When you work out, take a couple of steps back. This will strengthen your wrist and help you throw the ball even at a distance. Never get closer than 6 meters to your partner, so as not to accidentally injure him and yourself.
    2. 2 Train to finish the blow. If you find it difficult to throw accurately and yet quickly and strongly, you may need to practice finishing your throw. To do this, get on one knee (the knee from which you will throw) at a distance of 3 meters from your partner. Throw the ball lightly, paying attention to the backswing and stance.
      • As soon as the ball is released, bring your hand diagonally along the body, so that the throwing hand remains on the opposite thigh. If you were standing, your hand would be on your hip.
      • You don't need to dwell on the speed and strength with which you are doing the exercise. Concentrate on the accuracy of the throw and on getting the shot done.
      • Make sure that even though you are dribbling the ball diagonally along the body, your hand will still release the ball when it is level with the target. If you release the ball too early or too late, you will miss the mark.
      • When you feel more confident in completing the throw, gradually increase the distance, but do not get up from your knee. Finally, start practicing the standing movement.
    3. 3 Practice setting goals. Knowing how to throw well with the brush and accompany the throw, you will learn to aim well. To practice, stand with a partner at a short distance from each other (3-4.5 meters) and use the above exercises to throw the ball to each other.
      • Before each throw, the gloved hand should be directed to the chest of the opposite person. Take a small step with the same foot at the same time.
      • Train without a glove. To focus on precision rather than strength.
      • While throwing, keep your gaze on your partner's chest. You should never look away until he has caught the ball. Marking a target, stepping forward and making eye contact should help you aim perfectly.
      • When practicing aiming, step further and further back and, if necessary, put on a glove.


    • In the early stages, do not worry about the power and speed of the throw, as the most important thing is to learn how to accurately. Once you are more accurate throwing, you can learn to throw harder and faster.
    • To avoid stretching your arm muscles, always warm up before throwing.
    • While it may seem odd to start throwing with only your wrist and fingers, keep practicing. Strengthening your wrist and fingers is essential to deliver a strong and accurate shot.
    • When bringing your arm back, turn your elbow slightly away from you.


    • Do not throw too far, as this can cause serious injury, such as a ruptured shoulder muscle, lip or tendonitis in the elbow joint.
    • Do not throw in the direction of windows, or other glass or breakable objects.
    • Don't throw at people who don't expect the ball to fly at them.