How to deal with procrastination

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Procrastination – 7 Steps to Cure
Video: Procrastination – 7 Steps to Cure


Are you prone to procrastination? Procrastination is the habit of putting things off until the last moment. People who are prone to procrastination rarely do something on time, and if they do, they make numerous mistakes and omissions. If all this is about you, read this article!


  1. 1 Get a calendar or planner. Train yourself to write down everything that needs to be done in your planner. Be specific: write down the exact dates and use different colors to prioritize tasks (red for urgent, blue for exams and major events, green for urgent, black for what needs to be done during the week).
  2. 2 Get started right away. Don't be put off. Start doing business as soon as you get home from school or work. Whatever you have to do, start doing it! Plan ahead, start with urgent matters, make sure all work is done neatly, and double-check yourself. After completing urgent tasks, take a break. Have a snack and watch some TV. If there are no good gears, turn it off and just relax. Limit your break to 15 minutes. This will be tricky at first, especially if you really enjoy the show; but you need to learn to resist the urge to watch TV and get back to work. Once you get used to it, it will become easier for you to turn off the TV.
  3. 3 Start with the things you promised yourself to do today. If you do not do what was planned for this day, then tomorrow, when you already simply MUST do it, you will regret that you did not do it yesterday. Every day brings new tasks with it, if you leave everything for the same time, you will run out of steam and, most likely, you will not have time to do everything on time and efficiently.
  4. 4 Use your free time wisely. Did you have a free minute? If you still have plenty of time after you've completed all of the day's work, take this opportunity and start doing what needs to be done in a week or two. Motivation for this: when the deadline comes, and everyone is in a hurry to finish the task, you can relax and watch TV, take a walk, go to the pool, go shopping, play football or learn dancing, and so on ... You will not regret!
  5. 5 Be kind to yourself. If you really waited for the last minute ... Get down to business and see it through to the end, do not make the decision to drop everything. Otherwise, you will train your brain to the fact that there is nothing wrong with leaving things unattended.


  • Getting a good night's sleep every day will help you stay fully armed and energized every day that comes.
  • Resist TV habits, unhealthy food, iPods and computers - if all this distracts you, create a punishment for yourself (for example, give your laptop to friends or family for a week and see if you can get through it).
  • Be positive


  • NEVER work without respite; the body needs breaks from time to time. Take time to relax in the bath, take a walk and get some fresh air, watch TV, listen to music ... if you do this every 15 minutes every now and then, you will always be ready to return to work with renewed vigor.