How to get fit and stay healthy

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Eat Wisely, Stay Healthy - SingHealth Polyclinics
Video: Eat Wisely, Stay Healthy - SingHealth Polyclinics


You did it! You have reached your sporting goal! Now that you have achieved your dream figure, you need to focus on being able to maintain that figure and a healthy lifestyle. You may need to change some of your eating, exercise, and overall lifestyle habits. Sometimes it is not so easy to maintain the shape or health that you have done so much to achieve. Most people find it difficult to keep what they have achieved. But there are many ways to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Method 1 of 3: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Plan

  1. 1 Remember to check with your doctor and dietitian periodically. When, instead of a goal of losing weight, you have a goal to maintain your figure, which you have managed to achieve, your diet will also change. Chances are, you have been seen by a doctor and dietitian a lot while losing weight, so now is the time to discuss new goals. If during the time that you were achieving the figure of your dreams, you have never consulted a doctor and / or nutritionist, most likely, the time has come to use this opportunity!
    • Make an appointment with a therapist. Talk about your plans, talk about the diets and exercises you did, about all the changes in your lifestyle. Discuss further strategies and make a plan to keep improving your figure.
    • A dietitian is a nutritionist who will tell you which diet you should follow right now. If you have lost excess weight and achieved your goal, now you will need to change your diet, which will focus on maintaining your weight, rather than losing weight. Your dietitian will work out a diet and nutritional regimen for you that suits your new goal.
  2. 2 Review your goals. Most likely, the previous goal was to achieve a healthy and beautiful body. Now that you've achieved that, it's time to set a new goal that won't let you relax! Try to set yourself short and long term goals.Research has shown that shorter-term, more achievable goals will help you achieve results much faster on more important things.
    • An example of a small health goal would be to run 5 km. Set yourself a long-term goal - to run 5 km in two months, then the short-term goal that will help you achieve the main one will be this: to run 2.5 km by the end of the first month. Or the goal is to run 5 km in a shorter period of time.
    • Strive for lofty goals! Perhaps your next goal is to run a marathon? Even though you have short-term goals, keep aiming for higher goals. But in the process of achieving these lofty goals, you will certainly have to set simple short-term goals for yourself.
    • Do not scold yourself if something is not working out for you, or if you realize that you cannot achieve several goals at once. Most likely, from your previous goal (to achieve a good figure), you realized that achieving the goal as such is not the most pleasant thing. It is much more interesting to fight for this goal.
    • Be realistic and set yourself up for success. Goals that are too high or too difficult are not always realistic. Make sure you are ready to do what it takes to achieve your goal.
  3. 3 Make a meal plan. Diet and eating habits are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Plus, this is important so that you can stick to your plan for as long as possible. Again, this is most often the job of a dietitian, so don't neglect it and seek help in designing a diet that meets all of your needs.
    • The diet is a variety of meals and snacks over a period of 1–2 weeks. You will shop and cook on the basis of the new diet, which will save you from the temptation to buy something unhealthy.
    • Write down what you are going to eat at each meal, what snacks and drinks you will have. This information should always be at hand in a notebook or calendar. You can think about what foods you will need to prepare each dish, as well as when you plan to cook.
    • For example: breakfast - ½ a plate of oatmeal with berries. Lunch: Spinach salad with grilled chicken (grilled on the weekend). Afternoon snack: 1 yogurt, dinner: grilled salmon, broccoli and steamed brown rice (chop broccoli during dinner preparation).
    • The more detailed you plan for your next meal, the more likely you will be able to stick to the plan without shying away from your diet.
  4. 4 Make a training plan. The training plan should be similar to the diet, that is, it should include in detail the exercises that you intend to perform to maintain your figure. You can ask your personal trainer to help you set a new goal, choose exercises, and create a training regimen.
    • Just saying that you are going to "get in shape" will be perceived as the words that you are going to build a house without even having a blueprint. This step-by-step plan will help you achieve your goal:
    • Start your workout plan by writing a goal. For example, "run 5 km" or "run 20 minutes without interruption."
    • After you have written down a goal, consider in detail what steps you will have to take to achieve that goal. For example, if you want to run 5 km, your plan might be: run / walk 1.5 km 3 days a week for a month, run / walk 3 km 4 days a week for the second month, and run / walk 5 km. 4-5 days a week for the third month.
    • Another option is to follow a plan that your personal fitness trainer will create for you. Many popular fitness trainers can provide training programs that fit your goal and your lifestyle.

Method 2 of 3: Nutrition to Keep You Fit

  1. 1 Ditch all diets right away. Diets imply restrictions that ultimately backfire. In addition, many fashionable diets are completely inadequate to the concept of a healthy diet and are not complete. Instead of going from one extreme to another and following different diets, make a healthy eating plan for yourself.
    • You may have been on a diet in the past to lose weight or improve your health. However, you can't go on a diet forever, so chances are you'll just stop sticking to it over time.
    • For example, you don't need to completely eliminate from your diet all kinds of tasty and not-so-healthy foods that may not fit into your meal plan. You can indulge in different sweets on special occasions, as well as as a reward for some success, but do not make it a daily habit.
  2. 2 Meals should be regular and consistent. One of the keys to maintaining a good figure and a healthy lifestyle is eating regular and well-chosen meals. If you start skipping meals or snacks, you will quickly realize that you can no longer maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    • If you skip meals regularly and stop taking snacks, you immediately run the risk of nutritional deficiencies, leading to fatigue and unwanted weight loss.
    • You need to eat at least 3 times a day. Some people prefer about 5-6 small meals a day. Whichever diet you choose, try to stick to it every day.
    • It is also recommended to eat every 4-6 hours. This means that during the day you will have to not only have breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also have small snacks.
  3. 3 Aim for a balanced diet to maintain a good figure and healthy lifestyle. A properly balanced diet will provide your body with all the essential nutrients you need to consume every day.
    • A balanced diet is essential to maintain a healthy weight, an active lifestyle and a good figure.
    • Throughout the week (or most days of the week), it is necessary to eat foods from each food group, in addition, it is important to vary these foods and dishes.
    • Your diet should include foods from each group. It is generally recommended to eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables, 3-4 servings of grains, and a serving of lean protein at each meal and at snack time.
  4. 4 Limit your intake of prepared foods and fast foods. Processed and cooked foods are usually high in calories, fat, sodium, and sugar, and are very low in nutrients. You will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain a beautiful figure if you eat these foods often.
    • There is a wide variety of finished products now. Examples include frozen meals, cooked meats, cakes, candy, chips, and crackers.
    • Also, limit your intake of soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, coffee drinks, and sweet tea. These foods are usually very high in calories and sugar.
    • Limit your alcohol intake. Although alcohol is not always considered unhealthy food, it should only be consumed in small amounts. Most health experts recommend no more than one glass of alcoholic drink per day for women and no more than two for men.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. It is very important to maintain electrolyte balance in the body - it plays a large role in maintaining overall health and wellness. In addition, you need the right amount of fluid in your body to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    • Water is essential for the normal functioning of the body and for the fulfillment of various vital tasks: to maintain body temperature, for the correct functioning of the joints, for the protection and nutrition of tissues and organs.
    • Most experts recommend drinking at least 13 glasses of water a day (230 ml each).
    • If you hate drinking plain water (some people hate it), consider adding a non-nutritive flavor enhancer to your water. If you are fond of sodas, you can drink soda (not tonic, which has calories) with a little water or lemon / lime.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. 1 Exercise regularly. Health professionals recommend physical activity every day, which is so important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise is very beneficial for maintaining and improving your health and shape. Any physical activity (especially cardio training) promotes health, as well as improves mood, maintains normal weight, normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels, improves sleep and reduces the risk of developing many diseases.
    • Consider finding a sports buddy to make your workout more fun and work out together. If you know your friend is counting on you because you made an appointment to meet at 7 a.m. for a run, you are unlikely to turn off the alarm and miss your workout.
    • It is recommended that you do at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of cardio every week. But if you want to improve your health, you can do up to 300 minutes (5 hours) of cardio per week.
    • Include strength training (1-3 days per week) in your regular workout routine. Strength training is important for strengthening muscles, maintaining healthy and dense bones, and improving metabolism in general. Include strength exercises for each muscle group in your workout. Some people choose to split the exercises and devote one day to training the upper body, the other day to do leg exercises, and the third day to focus on the main muscles.
  2. 2 Move more throughout the day. Another way to achieve your goal is to stay in good shape throughout the day. Many studies show that physical activity is a benefit that can improve overall health.
    • There are basic things you can do to keep yourself active throughout the day to get more movement. These simple exercises can be done at the end of the day to burn calories and boost exercise.
    • Walk more often, walk up stairs, and exercise while watching TV.
    • Also, try to change your sedentary lifestyle. Limit the time you spend in front of the TV, computer, or at work.
  3. 3 Track your progress using a daily planner or a special fitness app on your phone. If you are trying to follow a healthy lifestyle, it is very important to determine in what ways you will do it. Chances are, weighing yourself regularly will help you keep an eye on yourself. You can also keep track of your diet, keep track of the exercises you do, keep track of how much water you drink. If you notice any changes in weight, in physical activity, in general health and well-being, such a diary will help you understand where and what changes need to be made.
    • Choose the method that works best for you. In addition to the usual paper diary and pen, you can download free apps to your phone to help you keep track of your diet and exercise online.
    • Weigh yourself once a week. Try to weigh yourself at the same time (ideally when you first woke up) and wearing the same clothes (or no clothes) for more accurate results. Remember that during the day, body weight will depend on many factors and therefore can fluctuate.
    • Take measurements every month.Knowing how many centimeters in girth you have lost will help you understand if you have gotten rid of excess adipose tissue.
    • Sometimes weight and centimeters in girth show more value than you expected to see, most likely this is due to the increase in muscle mass. Calculations and accurate values ​​will make measurements clearer.
  4. 4 Sleep well. A healthy night's sleep is a very important part of maintaining your health and shape. If you don't get enough rest, you may start to have health problems.
    • A good rest and healthy sleep are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. During sleep, the body recovers from the daily stress.
    • Research has shown that people who do not get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night are more likely to have heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes and obesity.
    • You should associate the bed only with sleep and intimate life. Don't work or watch TV while sitting in bed - train your brain so that when you go to bed, your brain automatically knows it's time to go to sleep.
    • Before going to bed, unplug all electronics in the house, and try to get them out of the bedroom if possible. Electronics include laptops, tablets, televisions, and even smartphones, all of which emit a special kind of light (blue light) that stimulates brain activity, making it difficult for you to fall asleep even if you don't use these electronics.
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time (even on weekends).
    • It is important to create conditions for good sleep: the room should be dark and cool. Try to keep your bedroom tidy.
    • If getting ready for bed isn't helping you get enough sleep, talk to your doctor to understand the cause of your insomnia.


  • Always check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
  • Be realistic about your calorie needs. Eating less than 1200 calories per day (which is considered the minimum) will negatively impact your maintenance of a healthy weight and a good figure.
  • Focus not only on looking good, but on improving your health and staying in shape. Remember that health is always accompanied by a good appearance, moreover, beauty will remain in a healthy body for a long time.
  • Instead of buying new clothes when you gain weight, fight that weight and wear the clothes that you have - this will motivate you to fight excess weight. It is much more difficult to gain weight when you feel uncomfortable in your clothes, so this will be an incentive to keep the size that you had.

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