How to be strange

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Being Weird is the Secret to Success
Video: Why Being Weird is the Secret to Success


Are you tired of being like everyone else? Look like everyone else? Then be weird! There are many tips on how to be unusual, original, strange, or just stand out from the gray mass. Stop thinking about the opinions of others and get ready to show your hidden side.


Part 1 of 3: Get the Right Tune

  1. 1 Stop thinking about what others think. If you really want to be an extraordinary person, then you first need to stop worrying about what others think about your actions. You shouldn't be afraid to express your personality, wear what you like, say what you think, and live the life you want. If you don't stop doing what others want or doing the things that are expected of you, you can never be weird.
    • Of course, saying “don't worry what they think of you” is easier than doing, and you won't be able to rebuild overnight. But it is worth starting to move step by step towards your goal, and one day you will realize that you absolutely do not care what people think of you.
    • One way to make this process easier is to connect with people who will not judge you for not behaving like everyone else, and with whom you will always be comfortable.
  2. 2 You shouldn't go out of your way to be very different. You don't have to dye your hair pink, wear a Hawaiian skirt, or sing a yodel in the middle of a physics class to be original - unless, of course, that's what you really want with all your heart! You can find your own way to be original and not look like you're trying too hard. Focus on who you want to be, not what impression you make.
    • If you try too hard to stand out, at some point you may feel like you are no longer yourself. Of course, if your inner self only dreams of surprising and shocking others, this will not cause you any inconvenience.
  3. 3 If you really want to be weird, be confident. Many people think that strange people are loners, losers, or just not the happiest people, but this is not entirely true. Standing out from the crowd takes real confidence. If you want to break the rules and be different, you need to be happy with who you are and who you are. You need to feel confident first, and only then act, otherwise the reaction of people to your behavior may disappoint you.
    • Work to love yourself for who you are and be proud of your strengths. Make a list of what you do well and celebrate your success.
    • Being confident doesn't mean being perfect. It means being content with your strengths, but accepting weaknesses and working to get rid of them if possible. If there is something about you that you don't like but can change, such as your height, then for real self-confidence you need to work to accept those shortcomings.
    • While self-confidence does not appear overnight, you can take steps to build it up. One of the steps is to demonstrate absolute confidence through body language. Work to stay upright, maintain eye contact, and avoid slouching or looking at the floor.
  4. 4 Be a person. If you really want to be different, you should be comfortable showing your individuality. This means that you have to have your own style, your tastes and your own opinions, and you will not adjust to someone else's idea of ​​ u200b u200bnormality and originality. You should be able to voice your thoughts with confidence, disagree with popular trends, and generally express your own opinion, even when it would be easier to remain silent.
    • If you are truly a person, then you are ready to be a complex and multifaceted person. You don't need to be perfect, but you need to be able to calmly admit your mistakes.
    • To be a person means not to be led and not to be part of the crowd. At the same time, you don't need to be a loner. If you just do what other strange and different people do, it means that you are not really showing your individuality.
  5. 5 Read and educate yourself. If you want to be original, you need to have enough knowledge to be able to surprise your friends with interesting facts when they least expect it. Whether you love comics, Japanese, or geology, read as much as you can on this topic to be armed with knowledge and facts at all times.
    • If you are a well-read person and are aware of the latest events in the world, this makes your weirdness more "justified". Otherwise, you will look like someone acting weird just for the sake of being considered weird.

Part 2 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Do not be shy. One of the things that most strange people have in common is that they are not shy. They are happy to get to know each other, communicate, share their opinions with unfamiliar people, try something new and always openly say what they think and feel. If you’re too shy to show your personality, it’s hard for you to be weird. Sure, you can be a dark, eternally self-absorbed type, but if you really want to be different from others, be more open and show people who you really are.
    • You don't have to be chatty or incredibly energetic; you just need not be afraid to express your thoughts, no matter how strange they seem.
  2. 2 Do unpredictable things. Original people are different in that they do things that no one expects. Whether you're in the company or on your own, get ready to wow people.Be as spontaneous as you like and know that you can shock people to the core at the most unexpected moment. Remember, if you are an ordinary person, everyone thinks they know what to expect from you the next moment. Here are some ways to surprise others:
    • If you feel inspired, start singing or dancing.
    • Start quoting your favorite movie or book.
    • Tell people unexpected facts about yourself.
    • Surprise people with your ability to play a musical instrument, speak a foreign language, or do card tricks.
    • Be totally unpredictable. Interrupt your friends in the middle of a conversation to tell them what you ate for lunch or tell them a fun fact about your favorite movie. (Many people don't like being interrupted, so it's best to let the person finish the sentence.)
  3. 3 Be not very polite. Strange people are not the most social creatures in the world. If you want to be weird, try to be a little awkward as far as possible in terms of manners. As a rule, strange people are strange because they do not follow social norms. One way to deviate from social norms is to communicate with people in a different way. This gives the impression of being clumsy or impolite and is very easy to depict. Here are some great ways to be awkward:
    • When someone comes up and starts a conversation with you, walk away without explanation.
    • Retell the same story three times in a single conversation, apologizing each time for repeating.
    • Tell stories of a purely personal nature to the first people you come across.
    • Burp around people and don't apologize.
    • Stutter and mutter a lot.
    • At each pause in the conversation, say loudly: "Oh, how embarrassing!"
    • Start conversations with complete strangers, even when you see they are busy.
  4. 4 Try a variety of unusual hobbies. If you want to be different from everyone else, you cannot do something boring and ordinary in your free time. While you don't have to try new activities just for the sake of being different, you should still be different from others. Your dissimilarity implies a willingness to try new things, and things that cannot be called a popular hobby. It also implies that you are trying something fun, peculiar, somewhat unusual. Here are some hobby options to help you stand out from the crowd:
    • magic tricks;
    • writing comics;
    • playing the banjo or ukulele;
    • body art;
    • learning a difficult or rare foreign language.
  5. 5 Be active beyond measure. There are many ways to be weird, such as being a dark loner or a ridiculous freak, but you can try to gush out energy that most people around you do not have. This energy will help you share your hobbies, unexpected information and facts with people and be more active than most of them. If you really want to be different, hyperactivity is a great approach.
    • When you are really excited about something, try to speak very quickly. One of the reasons some are considered strange is that they speak differently from others.
    • Don't be afraid to share your excitement or excitement about something. Don't try to sound indifferent and hold back your enthusiasm.
    • If you can't sit still and your activity is torn to freedom, to the point that you want to jump in the middle of a conversation, no one forbids you to do this.

Part 3 of 3: Do your best

  1. 1 Distract yourself with completely ordinary things. For example, you can tell your friends that the ceiling is bothering you. You can even clarify: "He seems to be ... hanging up there." Continue staring at him for a few more minutes without moving at all. Ignore any words of others or friends for the next couple of minutes. The more ordinary the object that had such a hypnotic effect on you, the better.
  2. 2 Think about the art of dressing. You don't have to dress up completely foolishly to stand out from the crowd, but try dressing in a way that makes you feel a little different from the rest. You don't have to wear a long black coat and a pulled-down hat or a shiny pink dress and rhinestone-studded stiletto heels if that's not your style. However, if you want your appearance to immediately show off your originality, stop looking at other people's opinions and don't be afraid to wear what you like, be it slogan T-shirts, brightly colored jeans, fun hair accessories, or fancy makeup.
    • Get a fancy hairstyle to match your outfit. Use the most resistant hair gel. Stand your hair on end or create your own unique hairstyle. It all depends on your imagination.
  3. 3 Give a name to the inanimate object. Carry it with you and talk to them as if it were your buddy. Act like you are really best friends with him, and those who say that you are talking to a thing are simply out of their minds. When someone tries to point out to you that your behavior is abnormal, pretend that you are very resentful, angry, or resentful.
  4. 4 Speak with an accent. Make up words and add them to speech or speak with a strange accent. When asked where you are from, tell them that you grew up in Chukotka. The most important thing is to mimic the accent believably, and not just mumble something under your breath. If you are persuasive, people will really get confused and decide that you are weird. Be careful not to get caught: if you already started to speak with an accent in the presence of this person, continue.
  5. 5 Meditate in the middle of the hotel lobby. Just sit down, put your palms together and close your eyes. You will definitely like the reaction of others. If someone tries to interrupt you, tell them not to be disturbed, as you are at an important meeting.
  6. 6 Behave weird at dinner. Express your outrage loudly at a fine dining restaurant because they don't have hot dogs and apple juice. While waiting for your order, take your fork and knife, clench them in your fists, point up, and drum on the table. (You can create your own rhythm or drum part for variety.)
  7. 7 Walk in circles and talk to yourself. Make strange sounds, draw mysterious figures in the air with your hands, shake your head. This will definitely make you look weird. Don't do this if you think it's not funny or too much for you.
  8. 8 Make unique decorations from sticks, acorns, leaves, or whatever debris you can find. Try selling them near your school or giving them as gifts to people. Even if the decoration is very simple and looks like a kindergarten craft, pretend that you put a lot of effort and imagination into it.
  9. 9 Walk slowly. Move as if you are on another planet or in slow motion. Do everything as if half asleep, as if you are somewhere far away, and very soon people will think that you are really strange.
  10. 10 Give people weird nicknames or pet names. Even if the person has a common name (for example, Ivan), come up with something original (say, Ivantey or Ivanopulo). If the person doesn't like this version of their name, or if you don't know enough to come up with names, so much the better! You can also come up with a nickname for yourself and achieve (without much success) to be called that way.
  11. 11 Purr to yourself or sing in the wrong places and at the wrong times. This is another way to show that you are completely unpredictable and may behave strangely. This will have a special effect in silence or if someone has just told a serious or touching story. You might even try humming to yourself in class during the test, until the teacher and classmate notice what you are doing.
    • If spontaneous singing is not for you, try kuldykat like a turkey when it is especially quiet around.
  12. 12 Sniff unexpected objects. This is another way to instantly make a strange impression. For example, you can walk up to a wall, smell it and name any smell: "Hmmm ... smells like mint." You can even try sniffing the hair of those around you, although this will make them angry or offensive. If you want to make the situation look awkward, you can sniff yourself.
  13. 13 Dance like crazy in a public place, even without music, and then walk away like nothing happened. This is another way to show that you are definitely odd. Act as if you have a sudden "dance attack" and are trying to overcome it. If others look at you in surprise or ask what you are doing, pretend that nothing special is happening and you have no idea what they are talking about.
  14. 14 Look at people before you speak to them. Look closely into the person's eyes for about five seconds and only then speak: it will definitely make an impression! Often times, people are afraid of awkward pauses in conversation, and if you stare at them silently, it's hard to imagine anything more awkward. Then you can say whatever your heart desires - the effect will increase many times over!
    • Don't lose the thread of the conversation! Think about what to say next. Believe in yourself and say whatever you want. Learn to improvise to improve this skill.


  • Don't go out of your way, just do what not others do.
  • Staring at people can lead to problems... To prevent this from happening, do strange face, for example, open your mouth slightly as if you are unable to control it. Then people will think that you are weird, and not that you want to "get them".
  • Use imagination - there are no rules, you can do what you want!
  • Try setting goals on the way to getting weird. For example, jump down the stairs 10 times over the next week, or talk to three people while feigning an accent. As you become accustomed to knowingly doing strange things, you will find that you subconsciously become less afraid of being weird.


  • On you will be look askance.
  • Your parents may advise you to see a psychologist or even a psychiatrist.
  • People will often gossip about you.
  • People will laugh at you.
  • Perhaps you will be kicked out of some public places.
  • People may think that you are simply trying to attract attention to yourself. Most of those who can be called really strange are completely satisfied with who they are. So try to become not only weird, but just happy with yourself, and you will achieve both.
  • You will have to step out of your comfort zone.
  • You may lose your friends.