How to be perfect

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Michael Schur in Conversation with Jon Stewart: How to Be Perfect
Video: Michael Schur in Conversation with Jon Stewart: How to Be Perfect


Nobody's perfect. Not you, not us, not even the most beautiful, successful people on the planet. Perfection is unattainable. And what is achievable is to make people wonder if they are perfect. Here's how to make people wonder if perfection is really that unattainable after all.


Method 1 of 3: Outside

  1. 1 Practice good hygiene. Freshness and purity give you a foundation to work towards your best self. Design a treatment that leaves you feeling crystal clear and scent great.
    • Shower daily. Choose the soap you like best and lather! You don't have to wash your hair every day (in fact, it might even dry it out), but wash yourself regularly, especially after exercise.
    • Choose a shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. Use deep nourishment often enough to increase the natural shine of your hair.
    • Brush your teeth (and your tongue!) At least twice a day. Make it a habit when you get up in the morning and go to bed in the evening. Whitening toothpaste will make your pearly white teeth shine even more.
      • After brushing your teeth, floss and use a mouthwash! Not only will this be a good habit, but it will also reduce the chances of gum disease and tooth decay.
    • Use deodorant. During the day, our body releases oils and odors that don't always help us look great. Regular use of deodorant prevents any unwanted odors from escaping from corners and cracks.
      • Don't use perfume or cologne. A light spray is good, but if you can smell your scent from across the street, even if you smell like a chamomile field, it is overwhelming and far from ideal.
  2. 2 Get enough sleep. An eight-hour night's sleep will not only make you feel energized and ready for the day, but it will also benefit your appearance and quality of life.
    • Blood circulation increases during sleep. This means that our skin receives most of its nutrients at night, preparing it for a healthy look and radiance.
    • Sleep and metabolism are controlled by one area of ​​the brain. Studies have shown that participants who slept more lost more fat than their counterparts who lost more muscle.
    • Sleep gives our brains time to consolidate memories. A healthy amount of sleep not only makes it easier to remember, but the same reorganization of memories stimulates the creative process.Our attention is sharpened and it becomes easier for us to focus (and get high marks!).
    • Eight hours of sleep a night also stimulates athleticism. Athletes who slept about ten hours a day felt less tired during the day and ran faster.
  3. 3 Take care of your skin. This can mean different things depending on your skin type. Whatever skin type you have, develop a regimen that matches it.
    • Know your skin type. If you have dry skin, use a thicker, more moisturizing cleanser. If you have oily skin, stick to something light and oil-free. Wash your face at least once a day to remove dirt and skin deposits.
    • If you have acne, use products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to treat skin imperfections on your own. If that doesn't work, consider seeing a dermatologist. Don't pop the pimples - it will only leave scars and lead to new ones. You can mask them with makeup if absolutely necessary, but it clogs your pores and can cause more breakouts in the future.
    • Protect your skin from the sun. Even 15 minutes outside can start the process. Use SPF 15 cream and lip balm. Pallor is always better than dark, patchy, wrinkled skin.
    • Do not forget that nails are also a part of the body! Choose the length yourself, but be sure to smooth out the sharp edges and keep your nails clean. And don't forget your toes!
  4. 4 Style your hair. Every person has their own perfect hairstyle. Experiment with a few or consult a stylist.
    • If you find a hairstyle that you are happy with, support it. Trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks and remove tangles with a wide-toothed comb. Brushing too often can stress the scalp and hair.
    • Stay away from thermal agents and appliances. Unnatural levels of heat can dry out and weaken your hair, causing damage. Air dry your hair as often as possible.
    • Styling men's hair follows the same general principles.
  5. 5 Be natural. Anyone who wears too much makeup sends a message to the world that they are ugly on their own. Look natural to appear naturally perfect.
    • Use powder to remove the shine.
    • An unsaturated pinkish lip balm will give your face a light, sun-kissed look (no damage).
    • Use some mascara to lengthen and define your lashes.
      • If you have skin problems (or have a reason to apply more), check out how to apply concealer and foundation. Applied correctly, they may look good, but applied incorrectly, they can look absolutely terrifying.
  6. 6 Dress appropriately for your ideal. There is no one “perfect” kind. In fact, the look that suits you best is the one you feel most comfortable in.
    • Whichever clothes you choose, make sure they are clean. Dirty clothes will never be in vogue.
    • Don't worry about being trendy. Trends come and go, and it would be exhausting to chase after them. Instead, craft your own style and set the fashion yourself. Then your money will be enough for you for longer, and you will be satisfied, because you will be yourself.
    • Wear clothes that fit and fit well. Too tight - and you are too tense, too loose - and you have to constantly pull them up with your left hand. When trying on, consider yourself from all angles and walk a little in this before buying.

Method 2 of 3: From the Inside

  1. 1 Rest assured. Everyone wants to be in the company of the person who brightens the room. Confident behavior - whether you are confident or not - is the first step to presenting the image you are striving for.
    • Keep your head high. Body language speaks much louder than words.A straight back and a raised chin make people notice your presence and confidence.
    • Maintain eye contact. Let other people know that you are paying attention to them. If you shy away from their gaze, you seem nervous and withdrawn. Confidence is not only sexual, but also allows you to quickly gain the trust of others.
  2. 2 Smile. Happiness is contagious. If you are always in a good mood and smiling, other people will naturally be drawn to you.
    • Not only will the people around you feel the uplifting mood, but you yourself! Your brain receives signals from your muscles, smile and soon you will feel a natural smile, even if it was not at first.
  3. 3 Be healthy. If you are not feeling well, then things become more difficult to do. It's much easier to be perfect when you feel your best and look the same.
    • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. When we treat our body well, we treat ourselves well. Recharging with whole grains, fruits and vegetables not only prevents weight gain, but it also provides more energy, reduces the risk of disease, and lengthens life. Stay away from a lot of processed foods - they are often nutrient-poor and full of unhealthy, unnatural sugars.
    • Be proactive. Exercise makes skin glowing and improves sleep, in addition to its many health benefits. Even walking a few times a week can clear your mind, clear complexion and leave you feeling relaxed.
  4. 4 Love yourself. To be truly confident and beautiful, you must love the skin you are in. It may sound difficult, but fortunately, you are the only obstacle on your way to truly accepting yourself.
    • List all your good qualities. If it's too difficult, ask others what they think. Reread this list every morning, adding new qualities as you notice.
    • Stay positive! If you find yourself thinking negatively, stop immediately. Negative thoughts are completely controllable. If they keep coming back, keep yourself busy. If necessary, pour it all into your diary. Holding back emotions leads to stress and feelings of frustration.
  5. 5 Open your mind. If the mind is closed, we cannot see perfection in all its manifestations. The world is huge and you may not have all the information. When forming your opinion, put yourself in the other person's shoes.
    • An open mind will lead to positivity, empathy and understanding - traits that attract people. You will think more openly about your own shortcomings, the shortcomings of others, and less rosy facts about our world. Other people will see that you accept them for who they are, and they, in turn, will be more inclined to accept you.
    • Let go. Getting bogged down in past grievances and betrayals depresses your spirit. Happiness, positivity, and confidence - the keys to excellence - are unattainable if you're stuck in resentment and revenge. Sorry, forget and move on. You no longer have time for negativity. This new, perfect you is beyond that.

Method 3 of 3: Follow through

  1. 1 Follow your goals. Whatever they are, act in their direction. A person with ambition and motivation is often unstoppable.
    • Your goals can be specific or abstract. Write them down. Next to them, write how you will do it. It can be something internal, like: “I want to be more confident in myself. In the coming weeks, I will 1) start conversations with new people, 2) speak in front of a group of people, 3) ask the girl / boyfriend for her / his phone number. ” Or it could be an external goal: “I want to save an extra $ 200 a month. This will be achieved by limiting meals outside the home to once a week, cycling to work and an additional 15 hours of work per month. ”
    • Stick to them.As you begin to see them being fulfilled, your inner sense of dignity and pride will increase. After all, much of the battle for excellence is faith that you are perfect.
  2. 2 Master the skill. If you are a creative person, then sing, dance or paint. If you are athletic, take to the field. If you are tech-savvy, build a computer. When you do something well, it not only makes you interesting and in-depth (and gives us more topics to talk about), but it also leads to new and different possibilities.
    • Match these skills to your goals. If you want to make more money, how can you do it with your skills? Start a separate business? Sell ​​your paintings? If you want to lose weight, how can you satisfy that? Cooking vegetarian or low calorie meals? Take your nature-loving side out onto hiking trails? Look for answers within yourself - they will come by themselves.
  3. 3 Keep learning. Your personality is multifaceted, you are not just a pretty face. Read about current events and topics that interest you to be an interesting conversationalist.
    • In addition to being active and well-read, you will also be easy to solve problems and act quickly. “Uh-oh, your potatoes sprouted quickly, huh? I should have put an apple in there! ” or “Yes, I read about it! What do you think China's new position will be? ”
    • Don't forget about your own benefits. You will be able to make better decisions and understand the bigger picture. In addition, if you are inclined to study, then it opens up prospects for employment and more paths to financial success.
  4. 4 Please. If you're smart, confident, and experienced, these qualities don't matter unless you use them to your advantage. Seize opportunities to make the lives of others better. Being smart and beautiful is good, but being smart, beautiful, compassionate and generous is close to perfect.
    • Help others. When you see someone trying their best - carrying oversized packages or solving a math problem - offer your help. It will make the person smile, which will make you smile in return.
    • Be polite and respectful. If someone else thinks differently than you, take a step back before judging. You may not fully understand why this is happening and just need clarification.
    • Helping others doesn't end when you leave the room. Clean up after yourself and make life easier for your family or friends by being considerate. If a family member has prepared dinner, wash the dishes. If a friend missed class, bring him your notes. Take small opportunities to make the world around you brighter.
    • Besides being kind to others, be kind to the planet! She is the only one with us. Do not litter or use electricity unnecessarily. Cycle when you can and reuse when available.
  5. 5 Be a good friend. Being perfect doesn't have to be selfish endeavor. In fact, being perfect often means putting others first.
    • Think about the desires of other people besides what you yourself want. What is good for you may not be good for others. If you constantly think “I, I, I”, it will make you a person next to whom not want to be and who not makes a good impression.
    • Keep your promises. If you say you will do something, do it. You have many commitments, so don't promise what you can't deliver. The last thing you need is to be called a liar or a mattress.
  6. 6 Stick to your values. Knowing yourself and your values ​​will make it easier for you to make the right decisions and become who you want to be. Don't make excuses for dishonesty or hypocrisy. If you know it's right, it doesn't matter if it's popular or not.
    • Surround yourself with like-minded people.It's easy to get bogged down in a crowd that forgets respect, goodwill, and growth. Negative influences will stand in the way of becoming a better self.


  • Don't let other people's opinions about you determine your self-worth. One person may think you are perfect and another may not. You cannot please everyone.
  • What makes you happy brings you closer to perfection. What makes others happy brings you closer to losing who you are.
  • Perfection is a state of mind. If you work on your perception, everything falls into place. Shakespeare hit the nail on the head when he wrote: "Nothing in itself is good or bad, it's just how a person thinks about it."


  • Never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or goes against your values ​​in pursuit of excellence.
  • “Perfection” does not exist. Striving for something unattainable can make you very unhappy. Think of “perfect” as your best, ideal self. This is achievable.