How to be a muse

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why It is So Much Fun to be a Muse?
Video: Why It is So Much Fun to be a Muse?


The original muses were goddesses to whom poets prayed for the gift of divine inspiration. Modern muses don't have to be beautiful deities, but they still have unearthly, laid-back qualities that ignite creativity and reveal the artist's most original work. If you want to be a muse, a stranger or your own, make creative openness and freedom your values ​​in life.


Method 1 of 2: Inspirational Creativity

  1. 1 Spend time with artists. Not every artist needs a muse, but at all times, many artists, photographers, writers, directors and choreographers have credited their best work to the inspiration of someone special, often a fellow artist. Whether you do art yourself or not, if your environment is full of creative people, you may end up becoming someone's muse yourself. Find a place where writers, artists and musicians spend time in your city and start visiting it regularly.
    • For example, actress Edie Sedgwick accompanied Andy Warhol at his studio, The Factory, and they became close friends. He was struck by her beauty and presence, so he created a series of films for her in which she starred and christened her his "superstar."
  2. 2 Discuss original ideas. While there are examples of muses whose beauty itself served as inspiration (for example, the anonymous girl with the Vermeer's pearl earring), muses are often just as creative as the artists they inspire. A muse is someone who attracts an artist intellectually, encouraging him or her to work with creative ideas that are not yet very clear to others. Being a muse means inspiring the artist to do deeper exploration, not holding him back from it. There should be no restrictions on discussions.
    • John Lennon and Yoko Ono were partly muses to each other as they were intellectually synchronized. They had the same political goals and believed in the best way to reach people and change the world through art. Through their relationship, in part, they have given the world some of the most innovative musical styles, performances and examples of visual art that have never been seen before.
  3. 3 Be direct. Rules, restrictions, and social norms can discourage creativity. It is impossible to think outside the box when you are constantly limited. The muse helps the artist to mentally go beyond the limits of everyday life. When an artist is with his muse, things like financial constraints and social obligations disappear as it matters to create something new. If you want to be a muse, help the artist walk light, without the luggage that pulls him down like a person, and see a completely different plane.
    • Many muses throughout history have had a carefree, wild spirit that captivates those around them. This was the case with Patty Smith and Robert Maplethrop, another pair of mutual muses who lived together in the East Village during the turbulent 1970s. Smith's music and Maplethrop's creative photography changed the cultural landscape.
  4. 4 Be sexy. While anyone can be a muse, the classic muse archetype is beauty, flirtatiousness, a feminine spirit with an insatiable sex drive. Sex drive helps stimulate creativity as it reduces inhibitions and energizes the body and mind with sexual energy. From Gala Dali to Georgia O'Keefe, countless muses have harnessed the power of their sexuality to energize artists and inspire their finest work. In many cases, the muse is much younger than the artist she inspires.
  5. 5 Distinguish in original style. You can be a muse without having a perfect slim body and a beautiful face. Whatever makes you special, play with it. The artist's task is to create something that the world has never seen, something truly original. The artist's muse is not just a model or a mannequin, but a source of true energy and life. For example, the muses of the Pablo Picasso series, including Dora Maar and Marie-Teresa Voltaire, helped him see the human body in a new way and inspired him to share his vision with the world.
  6. 6 Create your own art. If you are creating yourself, you know what it is like to use an idea or feeling and express it through painting, words, dance and the like. You understand the emptiness that comes with the realization of creative intent, when it dissipates and you can eventually create again with the help of external inspiration.
    • Auguste Rodin's muse was a fellow sculptor, Camille Claudel. He did some of his best and most famous works in her presence, drawing inspiration from their shared passion. Unfortunately, Claudel did not achieve the same fame and success as Rodin.

Method 2 of 2: Be Your Own Muse

  1. 1 Let your imagination run wild. While having a muse can give you a new creative perspective, art itself shouldn't be influenced by anyone. You can be your own muse if you let your imagination go. What creative ideas can you come up with by exploring the depths of your mind? Do exercises that help release your creativity.
    • If you're feeling inspired, reorganize your life and try something completely new. Take dance lessons or switch from painting to photography for a while. Sometimes expressing yourself in new ways can open up new sources of creativity.
  2. 2 Develop your original ideas. Instead of following your way of thinking, or evaluating your thoughts and throwing them aside, create your art using your original ideas. Do not allow yourself to be bound by the constructs established by society or by the formal rulebook of your environment in which you were born. Develop all your ideas, even the most hopeless ones, to see where they lead. Be your own muse, allowing yourself to work with even the strangest concepts that come to your mind.
  3. 3 Explore your emotions deeper. It's easy to stop your creative energy by refusing to let your emotions get the best out of us. But some of the best forms of art show emotion to their full height. Exposing deep feelings of your soul helps you interact with your audience in new creative ways. Instead of regulating your emotions to make them more manageable, allow yourself to experience them to the fullest. Try to create when you are experiencing strong emotions and see how despair, anger, or joy affects your work.
  4. 4 Lead a relaxed lifestyle. The ability to think outside the box helps you feel creative. If you have a strict schedule or your days are mostly predictable, when will you have time to be creative and free? Give yourself more opportunities to feel more free creative energy instead of following the rules all the time.
    • If you could live on a little less money, consider giving up call-to-call work to free up time for something that gives you more flexibility.
    • Spend time with other people who value creativity as much as you do, so you don't feel like you're being misbehaved by living a lifestyle that transcends social norms.
  5. 5 Interpret your dreams. Do you pay attention to your dreams? You cannot control your dreams (unless you have a lot of experience in lucid dreaming), but by paying more attention to them, you can connect to the part of your brain that is free to be strange and unique.
    • Try recording your dreams as soon as you wake up. This way you will better memorize them, and will be able to use them as a source material for your creativity.
    • Connect what is happening in your dreams to awakening life experiences and emotions, and see what you can recognize from your dreams.
  6. 6 Use your experiences as material. Your relationships, routes, encounters, reactions and observations can all be used in your creative work. Find original material in everyday life. Explore your memory and history, your personality and preferences, and draw inspiration from your own vision of the world. There is no one in the world who is like you in everything. Build on what makes you unique and be your own muse.