How to be the best version of yourself

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You 2.0 – What it REALLY Takes to Be the Best Version of Yourself! | Anthony Cheam | TEDxChathamKent
Video: You 2.0 – What it REALLY Takes to Be the Best Version of Yourself! | Anthony Cheam | TEDxChathamKent


Each of us would like to be the best version of ourselves. Each person has their own idea of ​​this version. Although difficult to define, the best version of yourself is the happiest version of yourself!


Method 1 of 3: Understand Who You Want to Be

  1. 1 Realize the kind of person you strive to be. Figure out who you want to be and be that person. List your most important character traits. If you find yourself moving away from these qualities, pause and collect yourself.
    • For example, if you want to be a more patient person, develop a plan for how to stay in control in stressful situations (for example, count to ten).
    • Things like meditation, sports, and spiritual practices can help you get back on track.
    • Try to list your values ​​to determine the kind of person you aspire to be. Review this list frequently as a reminder.
  2. 2 Set achievable goals. When you have specific and achievable goals, the chances that you will achieve them and be proud of yourself are much higher. On the other hand, if your goals are vague and unrealistic, you are more likely to get frustrated and give up on everything.
    • For example, going to the dentist twice a year is a concrete and achievable goal.On the other hand, improving health is too broad and vague a concept.
  3. 3 Prepare for Success. Get rid of things that upset and inhibit you. Try to be one step ahead, not one step behind. Getting ready will help you strain and overwork less. Create a routine for yourself that will increase your chances of success.
    • Get ready for the next day the night before. Lay out your clothes or pack your lunch.
    • Stop procrastinating and get work done before any deadlines.
    • Come to meetings prepared.
    • Remember, success is not linear. Sometimes you will fail, but this is all part of moving towards your goal.
  4. 4 Surround yourself with positive people. Find supportive friends or people you admire, and surround yourself with positivity. Spend less time with those who are always pessimistic and unproductive. Learn from people who are trying to be the best version of themselves.
    • Also be a source of positive emotions for your friends.
    • Also, you should consider why you admire certain people. What qualities would you like to adopt?

Method 2 of 3: Make lifestyle changes

  1. 1 Get rid of everything unnecessary. Tearing apart will only create problems, so it is important to identify what is important to you and focus on it. If things are taking up your time, get rid of some of them. If you have too many commitments, take some of them off yourself. Unnecessary things cloud your thoughts, and it makes it harder to be the best version of yourself.
    • Rid the house of rubbish. The presence of trash in the home is associated with an inability to concentrate.
    • Put your finances in order by creating a filing system or controlling all transactions on your computer or on the Internet.
    • Limit your responsibilities outside of work. Pick one or two commitments and do them well.
  2. 2 Say no. Take a realistic look at what you can do every day and say no to things you don't have time for or enjoy. Only add to your to-do list what you can actually accomplish. If you cannot cope with all the tasks, entrust some of them to the people who offer you help.
    • For example, if your child's teacher asks you to stage a New Year's performance, but you know that the New Year period is the busiest for you, feel free to say no.
  3. 3 Take time to introspect. Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings to determine how you think and feel throughout the day. After a while, re-read the diary to highlight patterns of success and failure.
    • Make a plan to keep failures to a minimum in the future.
  4. 4 Make a plan to achieve your goals. Divide goals into long term and short term. Set timelines for these goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Consider using a planner to mark the time it takes to complete your goals.
    • Keep in mind that it takes time to change habits, so look for ways to stay motivated. Try posting motivational parting words around you, or watch motivational videos on Youtube every day.

Method 3 of 3: Invest in yourself

  1. 1 Take care of yourself. Be sure to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Monitor your health by eating healthy, getting enough rest, and exercising regularly. Stop ignoring health problems and deal with them as soon as possible.
    • Get regular medical check-ups.
    • Aim to get eight hours of sleep every night.
  2. 2 Take time for yourself. There is nothing selfish about it. Do something that gives you pleasure and do it for yourself. This will help you recharge to boost your productivity throughout the day.
    • Take breaks from work to meditate or take a walk and get your thoughts in order.
    • Find a hobby like writing or knitting.
    • Sign up for a hobby club.
  3. 3 Build strong, healthy friendships. Good friends will help you achieve your goals and support you in difficult times. Spend less time with friends who belittle you. Healthy friendships are friendships with people who accept you for who you are.
    • Find friends who are examples of the qualities you want to improve in yourself.
    • Make friends through shared activities or within organizations that align with your core values.
  4. 4 Never stop learning. Learn to do what you wanted to master for a long time, but never found the time. Develop skills for career advancement. Stagnation in your career and life leads to overwork and lack of motivation.
    • Sign up for online courses.
    • Attend classes in person.
    • Read educational books and articles.
    • Learn from friends and family and share your knowledge with them in return.
    • Be yourself.


  • Do not give up.
  • Take time to relax and unwind.
  • Enjoy life.


  • You don't have to control everything and everyone in your life. Not everything always goes according to plan, but you shouldn't blame yourself for this.