How to be sincere

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be sincere
Video: How to be sincere


To be sincere means to be honest and speak directly, without hidden claims, without deceiving or misleading anyone. Sincerity as a character trait can manifest itself in the way you communicate with other people, but, in fact, sincerity arises within you. Learning to understand and accept your thoughts and feelings will help you become a more sincere person, and this, in turn, is necessary for sincere communication with other people.


Method 1 of 3: Showing Your Sincere Intentions

  1. 1 Don't forget your body language. Body language can actually tell a lot about your actual attitude to a situation. With its help, you can show your sincerity (or lack thereof). When you communicate with others, remember your posture and demeanor.
    • Maintain eye contact, but don't stare. After a while, move your gaze, do not forget to blink.
    • Try to be relaxed, but control your movements. For example, you can lean a little towards your interlocutor or gesture in front of him.
  2. 2 Be an active listener. One of the easiest ways to show a genuine relationship to another person is to become an active listener. Whenever you are talking to someone, be sure to listen carefully to what they have to say. Active listening is a way to show the person a genuine interest in what they are talking about, to show that you want to know more about their thoughts and feelings.
    • Communicate with the person one-on-one. When you react to the story of your interlocutor, your reaction will be given out by facial muscles. The eyebrows can be raised, the eyes widen, the position of the mouth will show an emotional response. With the help of a personal conversation, you can show your interlocutor your reaction, as well as interest in his story.
    • To build a conversation, ask the other person open-ended questions. For example, don't ask, "Do you like living there?" Because this type of question only implies a “yes” or “no” answer. Ask something like, “Wow, I've never been there before. How do you like that? What are your impressions of the new place? " You can use these questions to show your interest in the conversation.
    • Before you answer something, think carefully about the words of the interlocutor. Perhaps the other person is pondering something or trying to formulate a thought, perhaps they just paused for dramatic effect. If you immediately begin to say whatever you think, it is unlikely to show your sincere interest in the conversation and the opinion of your interlocutor.
  3. 3 Try to understand someone else's point of view. If you do not want to understand why your interlocutor thinks / feels this way, you are unlikely to be able to build a sincere conversation with him. You don't have to give up your point of view in order to understand someone else's. Just try to understand what motivates your interlocutor, what life experience could influence the formation of his point of view. Once you can look at the world through the eyes of another person, you can truly understand who this person is and what life circumstances made him that way.
    • Instead of criticizing someone's taste in music, try to understand how the music might appeal to those around you. Perhaps the lyrics are about another person. Perhaps loud bass lines in dance music help someone to relax, stop being shy, break out of their shell and burn out on the dance floor.
    • Before you start arguing about politics, try to understand why the person holds his or her opinion. A person raised by a family of immigrants with a fairly modest income may know a lot about the life of immigrants, and this experience most likely influenced his political views.
    • Trying to see the world from different perspectives will help you be more compassionate and less prejudiced.

Method 2 of 3: Cultivating Sincerity

  1. 1 Assess your strengths and weaknesses. To better understand yourself (and, accordingly, become sincere), you need to understand your weaknesses and note your strengths. Thus, you will be able to understand yourself and not behave pretentiously or hypocritically.
    • Ask people you trust to honestly assess your strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and talents.
    • Introduce yourself every day. This will help you get to know yourself better and understand your strengths and weaknesses.
    • Think about which people don't like you. This will help you understand how others perceive you and why.
    • Think in what situations and under what circumstances you cannot succeed. It will also help you understand your merits and demerits.
  2. 2 Reflect on your life experiences. Your life experience defines you as a person in many ways. If you try to pretend that something happened to you that in fact did not happen, your lie will quickly be exposed. So instead of trying to hide the truth, tell others about who you are and what you have experienced. They will understand that you are honest with yourself and will respect you for that.
    • To understand what life experience affected you the most, remember what happened to you, think about your personal qualities. Most likely, it has already become part of your personality.
    • Try to take time each day to sort out your thoughts and feelings. This will help you understand if you are being sincere.
    • You can't be yourself if you don't know yourself well enough as a person. Understand your feelings, and you will understand if you are truly true to yourself.
  3. 3 Be honest and straightforward. Honesty sometimes puts you in a vulnerable position. But when you are vulnerable and open, people tend to be more open too. Therefore, by speaking honestly and directly about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, you are helping the other person to have a frank conversation.
    • Don't exaggerate your reactions, emotions, and feelings.
    • Show people how you feel, do not beat around the bush and do not try to fool someone.
    • If a person seems very interesting to you, show him this, give him attention. Show a genuine interest in what others are saying and thinking.
    • Remember that being honest and frank doesn't mean hurting other people's feelings. If you feel like an honest, straightforward answer might upset someone, think about how to tactfully communicate the situation.
  4. 4 Be more attentive. Tactfulness and attention will teach you to better understand yourself, control your feelings and actions.When you try to get to the bottom of things, you force yourself to resist your feelings and thoughts in the moment. This will help you gain a sincere understanding of yourself and a sense of your own worth.
    • Concentrate on your breathing. If you feel overwhelmed with different thoughts, just focus on your breathing. Concentrate on the physical sensations, on the movements of the chest, on the flow of air through the nostrils, on the movements of the abdomen. Think about how stress and anxiety disappear as you breathe.
    • Put your heart and soul into everything you do. Try to perform even daily activities with feeling, for example, even if you are just eating. Make the most of your sight, smell, touch, and taste before eating an orange.
    • Be as conscious as possible about your actions. This will help get rid of the expectations and fears that may prevail, and instead, you can feel each moment, enjoy its reality.

Method 3 of 3: How to sincerely apologize

  1. 1 Admit your mistake. If you want your apology to be sincere, you need to understand and admit your mistake. If you said or did something hurtful that made the other person feel bad, if you humiliated someone, you need to understand exactly what you did and why you hurt the other person.
    • If you can't figure out why you hurt someone's feelings, try putting yourself in their shoes. Think about how your words or actions might have affected this person, and also think about what this person has experienced, perhaps because of his life experience, he is more sensitive to your words.
    • Even if you still can't figure out how you hurt the other person's feelings, try to simply accept the fact that the person is upset because of your words or actions.
    • Take responsibility for your mistake. Don't try to blame someone else for this. For your apology to be sincere, you must admit your guilt.
    • You can start like this: "I understand that I hurt your feelings with my behavior."
  2. 2 Then express your regret. Of course, this is often understandable, but in an apology you need to say: "I'm very sorry." Let the other person know that you know that you hurt him and that you feel remorse for it.
    • Don't try to apologize with a phrase like, "It's a pity you got it all wrong." Be honest and apologize for your mistake.
    • Experience has shown that sincerity can help or ruin an apology. If you cannot honestly and sincerely ask someone for forgiveness, it will take some time to cool down and reflect on how you hurt the other person. Only ask for forgiveness if you are ready for it.
    • Say something like, “I'm really sorry that I hurt you. I don’t know what I was thinking then. ”
  3. 3 Try to correct your mistake. After you've acknowledged her and apologized, offer help or do something nice for the person. If there is a way to correct your mistake, be sure to do it. If not, you can invite the person to do something different for him.
    • If you took part in bullying someone, correct your mistake; tell other people when you meet them to stop bullying and laughing at this person.
    • If you have offended someone with your actions or, conversely, inaction, correct this mistake. For example, if you promised to pick someone up and forgot about it, you can just pick that person up for a whole week.
    • End the apology by saying something like, "I'll do my best to correct my mistake, I promise it won't happen again."


  • Try to become a volunteer and contribute in any way to the organization where you work.
  • Ask yourself, do you really want this? Or do you do / say something just to get people to notice how sincere you are?
  • Be patient. It may take you a long time to understand who you really are. And it will take even longer for you to become sincere with yourself.


  • Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Your insincerity will be very conspicuous to those around you.

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