How to be an individual

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Jordan Peterson: Breaking free to become a fully-functioning individual
Video: Jordan Peterson: Breaking free to become a fully-functioning individual


It is not easy to be an individual, especially when you are under pressure from peers, people of strong character, and hear someone’s comments that are confusing. However, if you make the effort to accept yourself as you are, as you continue to grow and develop, then you will be on the path to discovering who you should be. Anyone who has a pronounced personality is necessarily passionate about some business and strives to improve in it, while it is not necessary to stand out from the crowd. To be truly individual means to have strong convictions and not be afraid to get off the beaten path.


Part 1 of 3: How to Develop a Healthy Point of View

  1. 1 Stop caring about what others think. If you really want to move towards becoming an individual, then you need to stop worrying about what other people think. You should want to be an individual just for yourself, not like the kids at school who think someone is cool if they stand out. If you are fixated on what other people think of you, then you can never really be satisfied with yourself, because people are fickle and it is impossible to please everyone.
    • Of course, gossip is unpleasant and hard to ignore. Anyway, if you hear gossip about yourself, just know that it comes from a weak and insecure person, and that you will not stoop to his level.
    • Even if you feel like a phenomenal individual - whether you are even John Lennon, Nina Simone or Lena Dunham - there will always be critics. Better to accept it now than to spend your life trying to please others.
  2. 2 Don't be afraid to be yourself. As corny as it sounds, being an individual means being yourself without a shadow of embarrassment. This does not mean that you have to hide your true feelings every time you go out in public, or act like you are perfect and refuse to admit your flaws. This means not feeling uncomfortable showing your flaws, quirks to other people, sharing your thoughts with them, and staying in a good mood, knowing your worth. Of course, it can take time to reach this level, but you need to develop the habit of presenting yourself to people as you really are, rather than behaving like the person you think others would be more willing to communicate with.
    • Of course, different people need to show different sides of their personality. You probably would not want to show yourself to your boss or teacher from the same side from which you would show yourself to your friends; you would choose your words more carefully or avoid offensive topics.However, in general, you shouldn't feel like you are flipping a switch to act like a completely different version of yourself when you talk to different people.
    • Work to be open to people. You don't need to tell people everything about yourself, your childhood, how much you love your pet tarantula, or your obsession with Shannon Doherty as soon as you meet someone, but you need to work to open up yourself little by little. others to build stronger relationships.
  3. 3 Don't force yourself to be different. You might think that being an individual means wearing neon, playing the banjo, or just standing in a room with 500 people like "Where's Wally?" However, in fact, it means something else altogether. You don't have to be eccentric to be an individual; you just need to live in harmony with yourself and defend your own ideas and opinions. In fact, if you overdo it, you can achieve the opposite effect - you can stop being real by starting to act pretense.
    • For example, if you like to wear low-key earthy clothes, then stick to the style you like instead of thinking that you need to update your wardrobe in order to truly become a personality.
    • You don't need to change your hair or makeup, or get a tattoo. The feeling that you are an individual comes from within.
    • Of course, all people are different in some way, but not all are noticeably different from each other. If you have such an ability that is invisible to the naked eye, for example, you can speak 8 languages ​​or dance amazingly break dance, then do not be afraid to walk with an important look.
  4. 4 Build your confidence. Self-confidence doesn't come overnight, but you can take action and work to love and accept yourself for who you really are. You cannot be an individual without being confident in yourself. To do this, you need to work on finding something that you can be grateful for, focus on your strengths, and work on self-affirmation and a positive attitude in your relationships with other people. The more you focus on developing self-confidence, the sooner you become a true individual.
    • One way to build confidence is to spend time with people who give you confidence. It's hard to be sure when your supposed "best friends" are always trying to make fun of you.
    • Body language can be of great help in making you look and feel confident. Work on standing up without hunching over, looking people in the eye instead of the floor, and trying not to fold your arms over your chest. Just pretending to be confident can make you feel much better.
  5. 5 Stick to your beliefs. To be an individual, it is important to stay true to your beliefs, not allowing other people to influence your decisions after another argument. Of course, it's good to be open and willing to learn from others, but you have to work to not be spineless, but to show people that you really mean what you say. Stop letting people push you into behaviors that you don't respect yourself, and work to stand your ground the next time your friends try to force you to change your mind.
    • If you really do not want to do something because of the feeling that it is morally wrong, then do not give in to your friends or acquaintances simply because it is more convenient. Learn to explain why you think certain behaviors, such as underage drinking, are wrong, and then avoid the situation.
    • Don't let others laugh at you and your thoughts, feeling insignificant, just because the person is louder, taller or stronger than you.Try to find concrete examples and evidence to support your thoughts, and don't be afraid to defend them.
    • If a caring friend genuinely helps you see a new situation from a different perspective, then be grateful for that and ask more questions. You should try to stick to your beliefs when you know you won't change your mind, but you don't need to be stubborn.
  6. 6 Try to feel comfortable in your own skin. Another way to be an individual is to feel happy and content in your own skin. Try to develop love for your body and mind, and make your presence visible when you enter the room. If you are hunchbacked, dissatisfied with yourself, or uncomfortable talking to people, then you will radiate self-doubt and will seem like a person who is not at ease. Develop a habit of loving the people around you, being confident enough to express your opinion, and learn to connect with new people without hesitation.
    • Real individuals are those people who are comfortable in their own skin, because they do not care what other people think of them. If you seem content and happy with whatever you do, then people will show you the respect you deserve.
  7. 7 Know, without exaggeration, that in the whole world there is no one like you. It may sound silly, but if you want to change your point of view and try to become an individual, then sometimes the best thing to do is to stop and realize that there is no other person in the whole world with the same upbringing, values, appearance and thoughts. like you, and that you are truly unique and different from others. You may feel that you are no different from others, but you need to remember that all people are different in some way. Even if you have a twin brother, you are a unique person, and no one can see the world through your eyes. Take pride in this fact and acknowledge it.
    • You may think that you are a completely ordinary person who, for example, has three brothers or sisters, or who speaks two languages, but many people may find this experience quite unusual, and you should be proud of it.
    • Even if it may seem to an outside observer that you are no different from others, then you can make an effort to convey to other people the understanding that you have your own unique experiences and thoughts that you can share.

Part 2 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Find a new hobby. One way to be an individual is to find something that truly and deeply excites you and put in the effort to really explore it. If you don’t know what you’re good at yet, then you should try enrolling in some kind of school section, playing sports, or taking lessons in Japanese, creative writing, watercolors, tap dance, or really anything that you have wanted to try for a long time. Finding something that you love and do well will help build your confidence and also help you express yourself.
    • Along with finding a new hobby, you can try to see if you can turn it into a hobby. You may find that you really want to become a writer, photographer, or dancer, and this will give you even more confidence and conviction in your abilities.
  2. 2 Explore your creative side. Not every person needs to be creative to be an individual. However, as you explore your creativity, you can discover new ideas and you can feel the new limits of your possibilities. Try writing a story, poem, play, or even novel, or try writing a parody with friends just for fun.Explore your artistic leanings and try to find yourself in drawing, pottery, oil painting, or charcoal painting to determine what you do best. You don't have to be good at this, but you have to be willing to give it a try if you want to be an individual.
    • Even if you only get outlines, by training the creative part of the brain, you can see the world in a new, original light. This is very important in order to be an individual.
    • Being creative can also help you discover new ideas that you never knew existed. Once you've tried your hand at storytelling, you can see the world in a whole new light.
  3. 3 Accept challenges. Another way to be an individual is to step outside your comfort zone and accept new challenges that fate throws up. Volunteer in a new part of town; nominate yourself for the post of class leader; Apply for a job for which you think you are not qualified. Help a friend solve a difficult problem. When faced with challenges, do not dismiss them out of habit, but make an effort to try new approaches and tackle new and challenging issues vigorously.
    • True individuals are always growing and changing. They face challenges courageously and try their best to achieve success, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be.
    • Of course, if you are overwhelmed with things, you may not want to say yes to everything, or you will be too busy to grow as an individual. But if you're worried about trying something new because you might fail, then you need to take the challenge and see what happens.
  4. 4 Spend more time with people you admire. Another way to be an individual is to surround yourself with independent thinkers whose thoughts and lifestyles you admire. You can learn a lot from creative and interesting people who are not afraid to be who they are. If you spend all of your time with your fans or with people who actually know a little about life, then it will be harder for you to grow as an individual.
    • This does not mean that you need to protect yourself from every person you think is too boring for yourself, but that you need to look for people who may disagree with you and who inspire you to show your best qualities.
  5. 5 Use your critical thinking skills. True individuals are critical thinkers. They assess all aspects of a situation before drawing conclusions, and they turn to a large knowledge base to help them find the best approaches to tackle difficult situations. They disagree with everything they hear from friends or on the radio, but conduct their own research, making sure that their conclusions are correct, so as not to jump to conclusions or be lazy.
    • True individuals think outside the box and know that most situations are much more difficult than they seem. They don't take everything they hear at face value, even if it comes from someone they respect.
    • Individuals always ask many questions and are not afraid to admit that they do not know some answer. They know that the best way to be aware of everything is to doubt everything.
    • Become more well-read. Read every book that comes your way, from the complete writings of Virginia Woolf or Franz Kafka to contemporary nonfiction about historical events or modern science. The more you read, the more knowledge you gain, and the more information you will have at your disposal.
  6. 6 Don't do what other people expect of you. One of the reasons why it may not be easy to become an individual is the feeling that you need to meet the expectations of your parents, friends, significant other, or society at large. If you really want to be an individual, then you must do what is best for you, not what your parents expect of you. It can be difficult to say no to people or to tell them that your goals are different from theirs, but this is the only way to truly move forward.
    • For example, if your parents want you to go to medical school because you have three generations of doctors in your family, but you're more interested in learning creative writing, be honest about that. You don't want to live your own life for someone else.
    • Of course, you don't have to go against all social expectations just to be an individual, but you want to be sure that you are doing the best for yourself. For example, if you’re going to leave college, it’s only because you have a good reason to do so, not because you just want to appear rebellious.

Part 3 of 3: How to Develop Your Personality

  1. 1 Don't try to fit the pattern. If you want to be truly individual, then you cannot think of yourself as conforming to patterns. You can't just be an apprentice, student, athlete, nerd, or hipster. You have to be above this classification if you really want to be a unique person. You can be a person with all sorts of hobbies, but it doesn't have to be easy to single out one of them if you want to be truly individual. Instead of trying to fit the image of someone with specific interests, try to cultivate qualities that you admire.
    • You can be in a circle of people with certain interests, but you don't need to worry about the fact that you have to look, speak or dress exactly like them in order to join their company. Variety is what gives life a taste, and things get pretty boring if you're like the people you hang out with.
  2. 2 Develop your authenticity. To be an individual, you need to be authentic. If you pretend or poke your nose, people will immediately feel it. Instead of being overly cute, wearing clothes that aren't really yours, or spending time with people you don't really like, just because you think you'll be more popular, you need to work to be honest with yourself, wearing what you are comfortable wearing and not talking only to please others if you yourself do not believe what you say.
    • Before leaving the door, look in the mirror. Do you recognize the person you are looking at? If not, then you better give your facial expression more importance.
    • Don't give fake compliments to suck up to people. Instead, tell them sincerely when you like something about them, even if it sounds unnatural to you. If you are not sincere, others will be able to determine it.
  3. 3 Be honest. To be an individual, you need to work on being an honest person who is comfortable speaking the truth even when the going gets tough. Avoid lying to make you seem better, don't sugarcoat the truth for your friends when they really need it, don't cheat at school or act dishonestly. True individuals are sincere people who are not afraid of the truth and are able to defend it if necessary.
    • Don't lie about how much money you have, how much you make, or your wealth in general. This will not impress anyone and others will understand that you are exaggerating.
    • Of course, telling a harmless lie, such as not telling a friend that his hair was cut too much, is fine as long as you don't hurt anyone.
  4. 4 Address shortcomings that you can deal with. If you want to be truly individual, then you must be ready to engage in self-development. You cannot be completely satisfied with yourself, otherwise you can never grow and improve. While you need to try to accept what you cannot change in yourself, you need to make an effort to deal with the flaws that can be eliminated, so you can polish your personality from different angles.
    • Don't do everything at once. You don't need to tackle something very important in the first place. Maybe you like to procrastinate. Set a goal to do something for a week, then a month, and then it will become your habit.
    • Be aware that tackling serious issues like trust issues can take much longer than a few weeks. However, by making a plan for how to achieve success, you can move towards your goal.
  5. 5 Be more assertive. To be a true individual, you must be able to assert yourself and not feel uncomfortable defending your ideas. Speak clearly and distinctly, and look people in the eye when you want to convey your point of view. Don't let others laugh at you or interrupt you, and stick to your beliefs by being open to others in your well-meaning suggestions. Don't let others wipe your feet or get hung up on something because you just can't refuse. Individuals know what they want, they have their own opinion and are not afraid to convey it to others.
    • If you strongly disagree with something, don't let the other person shake your resolve just because you don't want to hurt their feelings. Express your feelings in a clear way and have a solid foundation for feeling a certain way.
    • Learn to say no to people when you really can't or don't want to do something. Don't be uncomfortable explaining to others that you are too busy to take on more work, and don't let them affect your well-being because you can't do more.
    • Speak with conviction. Instead of starting sentences like "I think maybe ..." or "Probably that ...", make strong statements such as: "I will no longer cooperate with Karina."
  6. 6 Learn to laugh at yourself. True individuals try not to take themselves too seriously and, when the opportunity arises, can make fun of themselves. They are aware of their flaws and don't try to be perfect, and other people around them don't feel like they have to tiptoe in front of them. If you want to be an individual, then you shouldn't feel uncomfortable laughing at yourself when you stand up for your beliefs. Don't be serious all the time - that's okay, it doesn't diminish your personality.
    • True individuals are always growing and always learning. You can't truly be an individual if you take yourself so seriously that you can't even laugh at your own flaws or show self-awareness enough to want to change.
  7. 7 Listen to your intuition. If you want to be an individual, it is imperative to listen to your intuition. Sometimes a tempting job offer may look great on paper and everyone will tell you to accept the offer, but you can get the excruciating feeling of realizing that this is not exactly what you would like to do in life. If you really want to be an individual, then you should listen to the voice of these bad or good feelings about what is happening and sometimes follow these instincts, and not logic.
    • Individuals are people who think outside the box.Although they think critically, read a lot and rely on facts that serve as the basis for their thoughts, they also trust themselves and feel when something is wrong around them.