How to be a bro

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be a Bro | Tuca & Bertie | adult swim
Video: How To Be a Bro | Tuca & Bertie | adult swim


The stereotypical bro (not the criminal 90s, but the stereotype of the bro Barney Stinson, the hero of the series “How I Met Your Mother”) has a bad reputation, from the student dormitory to the gym.However, being a bro doesn't necessarily mean something bad. Student groups and strong “brotherly” friendships are at the core of bro (or simply “bro”) culture, which can be a healthy way to boost self-confidence and build strong male friendships. We all need our company, and in this article, you can learn how to be a good friend to your fellow bros, what a bro should look like, and what to do to avoid negative stereotypes that can cause you a bad name. Skip to the first paragraph of the article if you want to know more.


Method 1 of 3: Be a Good Bro

  1. 1 Live by the bros code. Every bro must have a code. It's the kind of thing that brings bros together, ties them into one big brotherhood and strengthens its concept, separating them from all the other guys. Your bro code is determined by you and your bro, as well as the punishment for breaking it. However, some rules are universal for all bros.
    • Never flirt (let alone more) with your bro's girlfriend, sister, or mom.
    • Always cover your bros.
    • Always take the responsible role of the co-pilot seriously.
    • A bro doesn't make another bro look bad in front of girls.
    • Bro won't let his bro get drunk.
  2. 2 Get to know your neighbors and create a bro society (community of bros). Bros need to stick together. What is there no bro without? That's right - without his bros and bros and bros. Create a group of close friends that often gets together and supports each other in times of need. Not a single bro should be left overboard!
    • In his university years, a stereotypical bro enters into all kinds of student fraternities, but this is not common in Russian universities, moreover, it is completely unnecessary. At every opportunity, try to find like-minded men with whom you feel the opportunity to form a strong friendship on a deep personal level. This means that you can join collectives, groups and fraternities at your institution, but you can also look for male friends at work, in church, in car and motorcycle hangouts, or at school.
    • Gyms and sports clubs are great places to meet guys with interests similar to yours. Therefore, if you love going to the gym, use this time to meet new bros who love sports just like you. You can have gym bros, school bros, and so on — your company for every situation.
  3. 3 Learn to shake hands like a bro. When two bros meet, they don't just shake hands like priests. And, of course, they don't hug. They exchange hands, as befits bros. This is a cross between hugs, high-five and arm wrestling. Just what it takes for a bro.
    • To perform a hand shake, high-five your friend at chest level at an angle of 45 degrees, squeeze his hand as if preparing to start an armwrestling match. Don't let go! Play your muscles. Remember the scene from "Predator" where Schwarzenegger meets Karl Weathers, and they shake hands, flexing their biceps.
    • Then, keeping your hands clenched, with the other hand, slap the bro on the back quite firmly once, enclosing it in a half hug. Your hands, clasped in a hug, will be between you, and therefore it will not be a complete embrace. HANDLING (you can think of another word) is cool.
  4. 4 Be a trustworthy person. Did a buddy of yours across town call you, beaten and confused after a bar fight? Well, bro, your date is over. You have to jump into your car and rush to the rescue. A good bro will never let his friends down when they need help, advice, or the right socket wrench.
  5. 5 Say what you think. The world is already full of all sorts of overly complicated things.Chatting with bros shouldn't be one of them. Communicate with bros openly and sincerely, without turning communication into a difficult test full of codes and ambiguities. If you didn't like your bro borrowing your car and not refueling after that, say, "Man, next time don't forget to refuel." If your brother has been neglecting hygiene lately, tell him: "Uncle, there is such a thing - a shower. Try it, it's useful." Speak to the point, express your opinion clearly, speak from the heart.
    • Don't be offended if your bro does the same to you. Be grateful that you have friends who tell you important things without flattery and sugar pills. Do not take it personally if the remark is expressed to the point.
  6. 6 Always keep your bros optimistic and morale. Like Joe Montana in the Super Bowl, Mario Andretti in the Indie 500, or Michael Jordan in the playoffs, a solid bro can't give up and won't give up. Whether you are at a party, at the gym or playing a tough game on a video console, as a good bro you should always be there in case a friend needs your help to cross the finish line. Build your stamina to be full of energy, no matter the circumstances.
    • You had a lot of fun at the party last night, and is your friend's birthday today? Well, have a quiet evening watching Dancing with the Stars. Joke! Get off the couch, uncle. Pop a can of Red Bull, take a shower and get ready to celebrate the birth of your bro.
    • Do you lose strength during a workout in the gym? Play Guns' n Roses, Eminem, Led Zeppelin, or whatever else to tone you up on your player and give it your fill! When you are in the gym, don't waste your time. Sweat is simply weakness that comes out of your body during exercise.
  7. 7 Find yourself an example bro to follow. Each bro should have a famous idol from whom he can take an example in matters of appearance, borrow unusual phrases and, in general, look at him as the ideal image glorifying bro culture. Here are some classic examples:
    • Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps
    • Tim Tebow, Johnny Manzel, Derek Jeter and Chad Johnson
    • Will Smith, Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey
    • Brothers from the Internet Culinary Show "Time for an Epic Meal"
    • Dane Cook, Jim Belushi and Joe Rogan
  8. 8 Try to keep every day epic. Bro's life is the same as that of all the other guys, but more fun. You have to be constantly on the lookout for the next epic moment, constantly striving to make the situation more ideal.
    • Don't go out to "dine" with your bros - go for an epic evening of your intention to eat. For an adventurous evening, look for spots that have steak, pancake or spicy food speed competitions and other epic stuff. Never let losers feel embarrassed about their failure.
    • Don't "go to class" - look for epic new ways to absorb information. Look for the best ways to train your study skills, which would increase the amount of memory and the duration of information storage; you can also record the lecture on your iPod, so you won't miss out on important moments if you are distracted by other studies. Make your classroom presence epic by answering all questions, making the right point of view, and making you visible.
    • Don't "date", go in search of adventure. Dinner and a movie? This is for regular guys. Meet this cute rafting instructor, or invite a hot barista to a rock concert. Today. Take your companion, who is barely holding back a smile, play racquetball and see what kind of dough you are made of.

Method 2 of 3: Appearance

  1. 1 Keep your body fit. Bros take sports and their health seriously.Adequate physical fitness allows you to fend for yourself and flaunt the sinewy muscles when you put on shirts for your figure. Focus on strength training, cardio training and endurance training to help you shed those extra pounds and stay fit. It's time for big biceps, bro!
    • Develop an appropriate training regimen and exercise several times a week. You will have more energy and become an improved version of yourself.
    • To be a bro, you don't have to be a jerk. Whether you are a tough athlete or a skinny nerd, you can find guys like you and become a bro for each other anyway. You may not be able to make friends at the gym like some bros do, but you can use other personality traits to find your bros.
  2. 2 Always find a compelling reason to wear sportswear. It's simple, cool, and suitable for a variety of situations. Sportswear is a uniform during and outside training for most bros. This includes basketball shorts, sports jerseys, Nike shoes, sports sandals. If these clothes are designed for a changing room and are comfortable in them, then they will do for the street as well. Sports bros on the street can be seen by the following signs:
    • Side-buttoned training shorts
    • Sports T-shirts, T-shirts and sweatshirts of sports teams, T-shirts with Greek inscriptions of Western university fraternities
    • Baseball caps (sometimes with a visor back)
  3. 3 Prepare clothes for a gentlemanly look. The Cosmopolitan Bros usually exude a slightly different vibe. For a gentlemanly look, you need to look more neat. This will give you a completely different impression while still looking like a bro. The gentlemanly image traditionally includes:
    • White polo shirts
    • Ralph Lauren Cargo Shorts
    • Shoes from "Sperry"
    • Glasses from "Ray Ban"
  4. 4 Step into the look of motocross bros. Covered in helmets and protection, listening to metal, bros riding bikes have a special charm. You may have met such brothers in the parking lot near trendy cafes, in the squares and avenues of the city. Usually these bros are decorated with:
    • Straight shorts below the knee
    • Skate shoes from "Van's" or "Airwalk"
    • Hip Hop Caps With Short Wide Visor
    • Black socks stretched to the top

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Stereotypes

  1. 1 Drink responsibly. Binge drinking until you pass out does not make you a good bro; it only shows that you have a drinking problem. Although it's not a secret for anyone that bros, when they get together, tend to drink, it is very important to know your norm and not exceed it. Limit alcohol consumption, never drive while intoxicated, and behave responsibly.
    • In addition to legal problems, alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism, which poses a serious threat to your health. All drunk beer and high-calorie food that you throw into your stomach during a party (shortly before bedtime) will certainly give you an indecent belly. Make an effort on yourself and reduce the amount of alcohol you drink.
  2. 2 Treat women with respect. Brothers, this is very important. If there are any things that can permanently ruin your reputation, then mistreating women is definitely one of them. Don't allow yourself to mistreat women, don't talk down to them, don't treat them like things, and in general, don't be rude to them. Learn to talk to women on an equal footing, calmly and kindly.
    • Showy behavior is repulsive. You don't have to beat your chest like a monkey to attract women. Let your natural masculinity and charm do all the work (hide the silly machismo away).
    • Don't give your girls serial numbers. It's disrespectful, rude, and will work against you.
  3. 3 Eat a balanced diet. Bros love men's food, it's true.Bacon, French fries, pizza. What else does a bro need? Answer: fiber, green vegetables and vitamins. While the “red meat and potato diet” sounds appealing, if you are thinking about building muscle and having frequent barbecues and barbecues, it is a direct route to bowel and prostate cancer. Trouble for any bro.
    • Learn to cook and incorporate cooking into your daily routine. A bro must be good at cooking! Experiment with preparing your own meals and eat as healthy as possible. Give up semi-finished products (frozen dumplings, pizza, etc.), fast food and other unhealthy foods.
  4. 4 Responsible driving. Burning rubber in anticipation of the green light under the traffic light, cutting off other cars in heavy traffic, and signaling to the beauties passing by, you will not become a cool bro, but you will look stupid. Bro doesn't have to compensate for his feelings of inferiority with the roar of his car's engine. Work on your confidence instead of making a mess on the road.