How to be noble

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Does it Mean to be Noble? | Ep. 185
Video: What Does it Mean to be Noble? | Ep. 185


Being generous means treating people around you as if you already have something to thank them for. Nobility is when you willingly give to people without expecting anything in return, be it a donation to an organization you believe in or the time you spend talking to a friend.In essence, generosity is a sincere desire to make other people's lives easier and more enjoyable. So how do you become generous? Go to Step 1 to get started.


Part 1 of 2: The Right Way of Thinking

  1. 1 Everything should be from a pure heart. If you really want to be generous, then you should only give because you want to do it, without ulterior motives and not wanting to get something in return. You have to give just because you want to, because these are your beliefs, because you want to sow good. If you want to be selfless just to impress those around you, you can hardly be called generous.
  2. 2 Realizing what it means to be generous will make you much happier. While self-promotion does not correlate with generosity, you should know that unselfish people are much happier than others: By being generous, you will be more empathetic towards other people, your sense of community will increase, and your ideal self will change. are noble in relation to the people around you, you are also generous with yourself.
    • If you are a happy person, then you will have a positive outlook on things and a lot of energy for doing good. The positive cycle will continue.
  3. 3 Pay attention to what makes a person's life easier. Whether you are hanging out with your neighbors or your best friend, always pay attention to the person you are talking to and think about how you can help him. Maybe your coworker is very tired and needs someone to look after the dog while he is visiting his sick mother in another city. Maybe your best friend has a broken car and needs a ride to school. Maybe your mother is overworked and does not yet understand how much she needs help until she gets it. When you are talking to someone, think about how you can help the person instead of thinking all the time about how the other person could help you.
  4. 4 Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude can awaken your noble nature, because in doing so, you pay attention to all the good things in your life. Every Sunday, make a list of at least 5 points that you are grateful for in life and give yourself time to feel it. Think about all the good things people have done for you and never forget to thank them, even for what they did for you a few months ago. By being grateful, you will tune in to become a noble person.
    • If you are able to appreciate everything you have, you will probably be disposed to share these wonderful feelings with those around you and help them value their life as much as you do.
  5. 5 Remember to be generous with yourself. While volunteering and caring for those around you is the best way to become generous, you should not completely forget about yourself. Remember to listen to yourself and be aware of what you want and need, whether it's a delicious lunch or a warm bath. If you give yourself completely for the sake of the interests of other people, you will fizzle out sooner or later, and you will not be able to continue to give your time and energy to others.
    • There is nothing selfish about taking time to satisfy your needs and be happy. If you care "only" about yourself - that is selfishness.

Part 2 of 2: Do Good

  1. 1 Congratulate someone. Next time your friend has a birthday, prepare carefully for the event. Make a big cake, invite people, and throw a feast like a mountain to make your friend feel loved and special. Even people who say they hate birthdays love to backtrack and celebrate, and you need to do whatever you can to make your friend feel special.You can find many reasons to congratulate a person, from birthday to promotion or just like that.
  2. 2 Be kind to strangers. Being noble to strangers is not that difficult: a simple "hello" when you meet a stranger, a compliment in a store, or the habit of holding the door for people whose hands are busy with purchases. And if you are in a hurry and at the same time remain friendly with others, this is even nobler.
  3. 3 Spend time with friends. If your friend is depressed and needs to keep company, then you need to spend some of your time with your friend. Set aside time in your schedule to spend with this person, be it a walk, or going to the movies, or a long conversation over a cup of tea. No matter how busy you are, you should always have time for your friends.
  4. 4 Donate to a cause you believe in. You shouldn't benefit from donations. Even if you donate only 300 rubles. a month, you are doing a good deed and you will feel much better. It is better to donate immediately after receiving your paycheck, rather than at the end of the month, when it becomes clear how much money you spent. You will be surprised to know how insignificant your loss will turn out to be. Just toss the change in the donation box is noble too.
  5. 5 Volunteer. Volunteering is a good way to become generous. If you want to be generous, then spend at least one or two times a week to volunteer, handing out food, teaching children or adults, cleaning up a city park, or doing other good things. You can do a variety of activities, such as volunteering at a bookstore or helping to raise funds for a cause. Find something important to you that you are willing to generously share.
  6. 6 Share things. If you are with friends, share food, clothing, home, or any other things that mean something to you. If you are sharing something and it doesn't bother you at all, it hardly matters at all. If you only have two chocolates, and you give one to your friend, that will mean much more than if you share one candy, and you have a hundred more.
  7. 7 Share your favorite things. Give your favorite sweater to your little sister. Share your favorite romance with a friend. Present a beautiful notebook to a friend and inspire him to write poetry. Giving away unnecessary things is not a generous act, because you are not sacrificing anything. But if you give things that mean something to you, and it will make the other person's life better, it can be called a noble act.
  8. 8 Compliment. Do not spare kind words for others, set a goal for yourself to make at least 5 compliments a week or even a day! When talking to someone, try to find a way to compliment them nicely, or say something simple, like "I like your necklace" or "What cool glasses you have." Even a small compliment, if spoken sincerely, can improve a person's day.
  9. 9 Send thank you cards. Instead of sending a thank you email or SMS, take the time to send a thank you card to the person who really means something to you in life. This will help the person understand how much you value him and that you have made an effort to let him or her know how much he or she means to you. By sending these postcards, you will embark on the path of generosity.
  10. 10 Call a friend who's having a hard time. If you can't meet him in person, call him to say hi and show him that you care. Spending a couple of minutes of your time calling, showing that you think about this person and being friendly and sincere, in this case, you will improve the person's mood, even if he or she is still experiencing difficulties.Taking the time to cheer up the person on the phone is very generous.
  11. 11 Make way. Sure, you're tired after a day at work, but older people are probably even harder than you. And it doesn't even depend on age - you can get up and give way to a person, simply because you don't really need it, and you feel quite comfortable.
  12. 12 Give a generous tip. If you are being treated to the highest class or you want to cheer up someone, give a good tip when you pay the bill. Write a thank you at the end of the check so the person knows how much he or she has lifted your spirits.
  13. 13 Leave positive comments online. Leave positive, approving comments on a stranger's blog or on your friend's social media page - this will cheer up the person and show that you care. It will also be very generous of you!
  14. 14 Hold the door for someone. It doesn't matter how busy, late, or tired you are - you should always hold the door for the other person and be polite and kind enough to those around you. This is a simple action that will make you and the other person feel better, and you will find that you will always have time to stop and help.
  15. 15 Donate things. You don't need to keep all the old things that have been on the shelf for years. Take the time to sort them out and donate to charity - someone else is likely to find use for them. Sorting and handing over won't take long, and you will feel much better knowing that someone else will need your belongings.
  16. 16 Make everyone around you smile. If you see that someone needs to be cheered up - a stranger or a relative - take some of your time to cheer up the person: tell a stupid joke, smile at him or give him a compliment. By encouraging a person, you will greatly change his whole day; trying to make others happier is a trait of a generous person.


  • Generosity is also the ability to forgive the shortcomings and mistakes of people.
  • Don't force yourself to be generous; just try to evoke this feeling instinctively.


  • Try not to associate generosity and money issues, otherwise you may have problems in relationships with others. If someone you know well asks for money, think about this: Will he / she refund your money? Why does he / she take this money? If you are happy with the answers to these questions, give the money, but remember that you should not give everything that you have, and also try to agree on things that are important to you, for example, to repay a debt.