How to be Batman

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Become Batman - EPIC HOW TO
Video: How to Become Batman - EPIC HOW TO


The Dark Knight! The doer of justice! The Cloak Crusader! If you want to move in the shadows like Batman, then learn how to think, act and look like him for great fun.


Method 1 of 3: Thinking Like Batman

  1. 1 Stand up for justice. Batman is a superhero, he fights against injustice in all its forms. Batman fights evil. Batman is known to have neutralized gangsters, supervillains, penguin man, genetically modified monstrous alligators, sinister clowns and frozen people. Here's a little bit of the basics: To be like Batman, you need to be kind and fight on the side of justice.
    • It is unlikely that you live next door to Two-Face or Penguins, but injustice is definitely happening nearby. There are always children who are bullied by others. Stand up for equality and fairness.
  2. 2 Protect the innocent. Bruce Wayne became Batman due to the fact that the robbers killed his parents. His parents were kind, honest and hardworking people who loved their son very much. After becoming Batman, he decided to protect such people. You too have to protect the innocent in order to be like him.
    • You must be able to distinguish between good and evil. Always look for examples in your own life.
  3. 3 Use gadgets. Batman uses more cool gadgets than any other superhero. Use the latest technology to be like him.
    • Become an advanced computer and mobile user. Try to understand how the internet and software work. Ask your parents for permission in advance and stay tuned for any updates.
    • Batman is rich, thanks to which he has a large collection of devices. But this is optional. You can use an old broken calculator, clock and other faulty gadgets that you can get hold of in the closet as "gadgets". For fun, you can take them apart and modify them. But ask permission first.
  4. 4 Customize your Bat Cave. Every Batman needs a headquarters. It is there that he stores his ingenious devices, puts on a suit and conducts research. You don't have to use the secret passage to the cave (or hide it under the mansion), but you can't do without a secret place.
    • Transform your room into a Bat Cave. Keep it a secret. You can hang a sign on the door "Bat-cave: Penguins and Villains are not allowed".
    • If you do not have your own room, then you can use the closet. Store your costumes and gadgets in it, and also learn how to disappear after turning into a superhero.
  5. 5 Face your fear. Batman chose the bat as his symbol because he was afraid of them as a child. He needed a symbol that could instill fear in the hearts of his enemies, just as bats frightened him. Even if you are not afraid of bats, then you need to find out and face your own fears.
    • What are you afraid of? A snake? Spiders? Heights? Think about what might scare you, and then come up with a safe way to deal with that fear. Discuss this with your parents and develop a plan.
  6. 6 Be prepared to make sacrifices. Sometimes Batman has to act outside the law. He is not a policeman, but sometimes he cooperates with them. True, sometimes the police try to arrest him. It is important to remember that he is always on the side of good. Are you ready to take risks? Even if you have to sweat?
  7. 7 Speak like Batman. Batman speaks in a harsh voice as if he just swallowed a sheet of sandpaper. Voice help him to hide his identity. This is an important part of his secret life. Nobody needs to know that you are Batman.

Method 2 of 3: Get in shape

  1. 1 Learn to stand up for yourself. Batman can fight his way through any situation.He is not a supporter of weapons and violence, only self-defense. To become like Batman, learn to stand up for yourself in the event of a threat.
    • Practice martial arts. These sections are available for all ages and skill levels and are a great way to get in shape like Batman.
  2. 2 Work on flexibility. In all the Batman films, he shows miracles of flexibility. Performs flips, somersaults and jumps.
    • Stretch every day. This will help you avoid muscle strains due to constant running and will always stay in shape. Extend your arms and touch your toes. Slowly lower yourself and freeze in this position for 15 seconds.
  3. 3 Get fit. Batman is strong and tough. You can't become like that if you constantly sit in front of the TV. Jump, squat, or run. Play sports with friends. Go outside more often and run around in your Batman costume to stay active.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods. To keep fit, you need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. For a snack, eat nuts, apples, or carrots instead of chips or candy.
  5. 5 Watch your posture. Batman would look weird if he hunched over in his suit. Stand up straight as if you are proud of yourself. Stand straight to intimidate the villains. This will make you look bigger like Batman.
  6. 6 Be confident. Undoubtedly, Batman is strong and resilient. You will never see weak and slow movements from him. When you decide to run, run as if you are an Olympic champion. Without a doubt. Jumping make great jumps. Jump like Batman.

Method 3 of 3: Look Like Batman

  1. 1 Decide what kind of Batman you want to be. During its existence since 1939, it has changed many costumes. To look like him, it's important to learn how to choose the right suit:
    • The Dark Knight is a ruler of justice who lives outside the law. His suit looks sturdy and looks like metal. You can make it out of handy plastic items.
    • The canonical Batman from the comics looks like the Batman of the DC Universe. Such a suit is more fun and colorful (with bright yellow accents), and the hero fights criminals like a detective.
  2. 2 If you can, buy a real Batman costume. They can often be found in Halloween costume and outfit stores. This is the best way to look like Batman.
    • You can get creative and make a Batman costume out of old things.
  3. 3 Hide your face behind a mask. Batman always wears a mask that at least covers his eyes. This is an important point to help you stay incognito.
    • In the absence of a full-fledged Batman mask, you can buy a regular plastic Zorro-type mask that covers your eyes, or use a dark strip of fabric, having previously made holes in it for the eyes.
  4. 4 Wear a raincoat. The cloak also helps Batman keep his identity a secret. With it, Batman not only hides his face, but also reflects objects and floats in the air. A Batman costume would be incomplete without a nice dark cloak.
    • The cloak is part of many outfits. You can take a cloak from a vampire costume or another superhero outfit.
    • If you don't have a raincoat, ask your parents for an old dark sheet or tablecloth.
  5. 5 Wear dark clothing. Like bats, Batman hides in the dark. It will be much easier in black clothes. Customize your outfit with black, charcoal, and navy to stay invisible in the dark.
    • Batman's costume was originally light gray with a black hood and cloak. In this case, you can use an old gray sweater by drawing the Batman symbol on the front side with a marker.


  • The Batman costume can be bought at almost any costume store, but often it's outfits for kids. It is even easier to find and order the desired suit over the Internet.
  • You can exercise on a daily basis if the exercise is moderate, such as jogging and squatting.But if you decide to work out in the gym (where the workouts are more intense), then 3-4 workouts per week will be enough, since the muscles need rest.
  • Watch all the movies to know everything about Batman.


  • If you speak for a long time in a chest voice, then you may feel a sore throat.
  • Do not try to jump from one building to another or perform other impossible actions, because in the films everything is not real.
  • Some gymnastic tricks can be dangerous.