How quickly will calm down

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Calm Down In 10 Seconds (Fast Relaxation Trick to Stop Anxiety and Stress)
Video: How To Calm Down In 10 Seconds (Fast Relaxation Trick to Stop Anxiety and Stress)


We all worry sometimes, but in some cases it can put you in an awkward position or look like a violation of professional ethics, so you should know how to calm down quickly. These techniques will help you keep a satisfied (or at least normal) look and deal with stressful situations much easier!


Method 1 of 1: Calm down quickly

  1. 1 Find out if you are angry, upset, or disappointed. Knowing exactly how you are feeling will help you cope with this condition faster.
  2. 2 Think about the event that brought you into this state. You may be disappointed that someone got the promotion you wanted, or you may be annoyed by the driver's behavior during the commute. Knowing what upset you will help you put that event behind you and come to your senses faster.
  3. 3 Take a deep breath - this is the fastest way to calm yourself. If you are in society, excuse yourself and go out to some secluded place. An empty meeting room, bathroom, hallway, or your car will do this. You just need to step away from the source of stress for a few minutes.
    • If you can't get out of an upsetting situation (you are driving, in a meeting, in class, etc.) find something to distract you: look out the window, listen to music, or start making a shopping list. Mental escape is not as effective as the previous advice, but it will help you deal with feelings until they subside.
    • Take a walk if possible. Get away from stress. Don't worry about this situation, as things could turn out much better than you think. Thinking about the situation can lead you to a very emotional state and you will be stuck in this moment longer than usual.
  4. 4 Let your emotions come out. Restraining emotions leads to stressful situations, you will calm down faster if you let them go outside: swear, cry, or slam the door at the exit from the bathroom. Letting go of even a little tension will help you calm down. Some people calm down after they write or voice what worries them.
    • Stress can build up over and over again until it reaches a certain point. Go to the bathroom or other secluded place, cry, swear, turn everything upside down (only if no one is around) do whatever you want to get rid of anxiety.
  5. 5 Think good. Let go of any worries about what upset you. Think about the good things that happened today.Have you achieved something that makes you happy? Do you look particularly good today? Your mood will improve if you think about what makes you happier or what you are looking forward to. You will deal with what upset you later, but now you just need to calm down.
    • Look at pictures or something that lightens your mood: rainbows, horses, kittens, smiling children, your favorite color, chocolate ...
    • Listen to your favorite song or the one you wrote. The music will calm you down with an even rhythm and harmony.
  6. 6 Take a few minutes to collect your thoughts. Adjust your hair, take a few more deep breaths, and wash yourself if you cry. You will come back calm and in control!


  • You can quickly leave using the pretext of going to the bathroom. There you will calmly come to your senses, and they will not look for you, especially if you are a woman ("I need to put on my makeup").
  • Don't let yourself get discouraged by constantly going back to the same situation. Once you realize that what you face on a daily basis is upsetting you, consider changing your routine to mitigate the situation. You can leave for work earlier or later to avoid traffic jams, change jobs, or exercise (meditation) to calm down faster after a stressful day.
  • If people annoy you, think about what it is about their actions that annoy you. Do you find yourself doing the same thing and it annoys you? Do you think the other person is doing this for a specific reason? Try to understand the motivation (motivation) of the person, this will allow you to get rid of unnecessary frustration about what you cannot change, be it actions or something else.
  • If you are not involved in this situation, just step back and listen to your favorite song.
  • When something good happens, put that moment, event, or incident into a mental box. When you feel upset, just imagine something nice: decorating a cake, a cat in your lap, etc.