How to burn calories fast

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Highest Calorie-Burning Exercises That Burn Fat in 30 Minutes
Video: Highest Calorie-Burning Exercises That Burn Fat in 30 Minutes


When it comes to losing weight, it's all about burning calories. Burning them as quickly as possible is ideal for our charts, our waists, and our health. Read on to maximize this process.


Method 1 of 3: Mastering Your Workout

  1. 1 Try high-intensity interval training. If you think that heart workout is the best way to burn calories, then you are right. But you missed one thing - there are better ways. And that's interval training. The benefits of cardiac stress training (they are countless) are amplified with this tactic.
    • High-intensity interval training involves repetitive high-intensity exercise for 30 seconds to several minutes, separated by 1-5 minutes of rest (or no rest if this is a low-intensity workout). Consider the benefits:
      • You will burn more calories. The more vigorously you exercise, the more calories you will burn - even if you increase the intensity just a few minutes each time.
      • You will increase your aerobic endurance. As your cardiovascular system improves, you will be able to exercise for longer and with greater intensity. Imagine completing your 60 minute walk in 45 minutes, or how many extra calories you lose if you maintain your pace and train for a full 60 minutes.
      • You will get bored. Adding intensity will add variety to your daily workouts.
      • You don't need special equipment. You can simply change your daily workouts.
  2. 2 Lift weights. Lifting weights won't speed up your calorie burning process, no. But you need both cardio and heaviness to get the ultimate results. Your metabolism is based on this - more muscles, faster metabolism. A fast metabolism equals more calories burned.
    • Many women avoid lifting weights because they are afraid to gain muscle mass. But, in fact, a little weight lifting is your number one key to burning calories. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn, and the slimmer and prettier you will look. This is because, even when your muscles are at rest, they still need three times more energy to maintain and repair tissue than fat.
  3. 3 Exercise to burn fat.It has been found that you need cardio and strength training to increase your calorie expenditure. Moreover, if you exercise correctly, you will get an even greater effect - you will lose up to “300 calories” after training. Seriously.
    • Just figuring out how to lift something heavy quickly and repeat it several times. It makes your heart and lungs work, but it also helps tone your muscles. Combine running with squats, muscle tension, leg pulls, and sprinting to burn calories, even when you're sitting on the couch.
    • Gyms usually offer machines that have both types of workouts. Ask your gym about available cardio / strength machines. You will practice and find friends with whom you can then compare the results.
  4. 4 Try circuit training. Burning calories works best when you use the most muscles at the same time. And circuit training fulfills this function. But did you know that there are also psychological benefits? In addition to improving blood circulation, it also boosts mood and helps relieve stress.
    • The reason circuit training is so great is because muscle groups switch so quickly. However, you don't waste time resting between exercises. Your heart rate speeds up and stays at a level that definitely doesn't happen when lifting weights. And if you add a little aerobics to your circuit training, it’s even better.
  5. 5 Combine. People often think that cardio is the key. While jogging is very effective, there are other ways to burn calories. Swimming, rowing, boxing and dancing are also great workouts.
    • A good rowing workout can help you burn 800-1000 calories, which is actually worth an hour of work.
    • Just 45 minutes in the pool will help you burn over 800 calories, which tend to be stored as fat.
    • Boxing in the ring will help you burn about 700 calories per hour, depending on your weight.
    • Something as simple as ballet burns up to 450 calories per hour.
  6. 6 Learn a new sport. If you can jog around your area blindfolded and with your hands tied behind your back, then it's time for you to do something else. This will not only give freshness to your mind, but also to your body of change. The body adapts to any type of exercise and burns fewer calories as it gets used to it. To trick your metabolism, try circuit training.
    • Don't forget the post-workout fat burning effect! When your body is doing something it isn't used to, it takes time to heal. During this recovery period, your metabolism is still accelerated. Whatever you do, discover new muscles and put them to work.

Method 2 of 3: Reconstructing Your Diet

  1. 1 Stock up on green tea. It not only has magical cancer-fighting properties, but it also speeds up the metabolism.In a recent study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those participants who took green tea extract three times a day experienced a 4% boost in metabolism.
    • What does this 4% mean for you? An extra 60 calories, that's what. Do you know what this means in the long run? 3 kilograms! Just by taking a little pill. And if you are in the scientific community, it is believed that it raises your norepinephrine levels.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water. Did you think that miracles do not happen? Recent studies have shown that if you drink 17 ml of cold water, then within the next 10 minutes your metabolism rises by 30-40% and will stay at this level for about 30 minutes. This means that you can burn an additional 17,400 calories per year simply by drinking 1.5 liters of water per day. It's 2.2 kg!
    • In addition to speeding up your metabolism, water fills your stomach and prevents you from overeating. Drink a glass of water before snacking. And of course, always take a bottle with you to the gym.
  3. 3 Consume more (low-fat) dairy products. A study published in the Journal of Obesity found that women who ate only low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, at least three times a day, lost 70% more fat than their female counterparts who ate only only a small amount of dairy products. Thus, dairy products contain a lot of hidden fats.
    • In fact, calcium energizes your body to burn fat. Unfortunately, calcium-rich foods are not sold in one place. To experience the power of calcium, you must consume unprocessed dairy products. Try to consume at least 1200 mg per day.
  4. 4 Consume more fish. It turns out that those who eat a lot of fish have low leptin levels - this miracle accelerates metabolism, prevents obesity. Try to eat a slice of fish every day — salmon, tuna, mackerel, and the fatter the fish, the better.
    • Replace foods that increase your waistline with healthy foods like fish. Fish is delicious, low in calories, high in omega-3 fats that are good for the heart. Omega-3s are essential fats that your body cannot produce. They improve blood clotting and contain “good” cholesterol.
  5. 5 Lean on fiber. Low-carb, high-fiber foods take longer to digest and keep you feeling fuller and less likely to need to snack. Spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and cauliflower are all healthy foods high in fiber.
    • Plus, the fiber content, biting and chewing the whole fruit stimulates your senses and takes longer to eat. Thus, psychologically, it is more satisfying than drinks and soft foods. Chewing also promotes the production of saliva and gastric juices, which helps fill the stomach.
  6. 6 Increase your protein content. Not in the extreme amount of the Atkins diet, but the small amount of protein in each meal will speed up your metabolism. Your digestive system uses more energy to break it down, thus burning more calories. However, keep your protein level at 20-35% of your diet. Eating too much protein can lead to kidney stress and stimulate your body to store too much fat.
    • Not all proteins are created equal. Look for foods that are more nutritious and contain fewer calories and less fat, such as lean meats, beans, soy, and low-fat dairy products.

Method 3 of 3: Customizing Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Relieve stress. According to a number of studies, including the University of California, San Francisco, stress can contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat.When you're stressed, hormones like cortisol stimulate your appetite, lower your metabolism, and promote the accumulation of abdominal fat.
    • So what do you do in this case? Find an activity that helps you relieve stress, such as listening to soothing music or doing yoga, and do it daily. You will not only calm down, but also get rid of the habit of seizing stress.
  2. 2 Don't skip breakfast. Research shows that breakfast plays a huge role in weight loss. Nearly 80% of people who successfully lose weight have never skipped breakfast.
    • Your metabolism slows down when you sleep, the process of digesting food starts the mechanism again. Aim for 300-400 calories for breakfast, such as egg whites, high fiber grains (another metabolic stimulant) with skim milk, or oatmeal with fruit.
  3. 3 Eat small and frequent meals. Most people's bodies spend more energy digesting small meals every few hours than consuming the same amount of calories in two or three sessions.
    • Eating frequent meals is a surprisingly good idea because it helps you avoid metabolic decline. You will deceive your body, and it will think that it constantly eats and, thus, will never reduce the metabolic process. Aim for 5 small meals (200-500 calories each) instead of 3 large meals a day. Also, try not to take food breaks for more than 4 hours. If, for example, you had breakfast at 7 am, then you should have a snack at 10, lunch at noon, another snack at 3 pm, and dinner at 7 pm.
  4. 4 Avoid drinking alcohol. It may be difficult to understand, but alcohol depresses the central nervous system, thereby slowing down the metabolism. Now you have another reason to lean on H2O. Research from the UK has shown that if you consume a high-calorie diet, when combined with alcohol, fewer calories will be burned (and more stored as fat).
    • Okay, that's not entirely true. If you can keep your alcohol consumption at 1 glass of wine a day, then you are less likely to become obese. It's just one glass of wine - not a jug.
  5. 5 Fidget. People who are constantly on the move burn more calories. When researchers at the Mayo Clinic asked subjects to consume an additional 1,000 calories per day for 8 weeks, only those who were not fidgets stored those calories as fat.
    • Studies show that overweight people tend to sit, while skinny people spend more than 2 hours a day on their feet, walking back and forth and fidgeting. The difference translates to 350 calories per day, enough to lose 13-18 kilograms per year without going to the gym.
  6. 6 Get enough sleep. This is much more important to your waistline than you might think. Research from the University of Chicago Medical Center found that people who only slept 4 hours a day had more trouble digesting carbohydrates. Cause? Increased levels of insulin and stress hormone, cortisol.
    • When you are exhausted, your body lacks energy to carry out its daily functions, which include burning calories efficiently. So the best way to make sure your metabolism is okay is to get a 6 to 8 hour rash every night.
  7. 7 Be proactive whenever possible. Don't think of burning calories as something in store for the gym. You can burn these bad guys anywhere, anytime. The following activities will help you burn 150 calories for a 68-pound person:
    • Play golf and carry your own golf clubs for 24 minutes.
    • Use your hands to scoop up the snow for 22 minutes.
    • Dig in the garden for 26 minutes.
    • Keep the mower running while it is running for 30 minutes.
    • Paint the house for 27 minutes.
    • Play ping pong or run after your kids in the playground for 33 minutes.


  • Eat small meals. Instead of 3 large meals, cut back and eat 6 times a day. This will allow your body to burn calories faster.
  • The easiest way to burn calories is to drink a glass of water with a lemon wedge in the morning on an empty stomach. It also cleanses the body well.


  • Don't go too far. If you're lying on the floor after 2 hours on the machine, you simply won't be able to exercise anymore for the rest of the week. Be careful.

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