How to lose weight quickly

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible
Video: 3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible


Tired of living with excess weight? The best way to lose weight and keep fit is to develop a long-term, low-calorie meal plan. Also, exercise daily to burn extra calories and strengthen your heart. If you want to quickly lose a few pounds, there are many methods and tips to help you achieve this short-term goal.


Method 1 of 4: Good Eating Habits

  1. 1 Calculate the number of calories to consume for weight loss. First, find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) - the number of calories you need to function normally. Then use an online calculator to estimate the number of calories you burn during physical activity. Finally, subtract 1000 calories for every pound you want to lose this week.
    • To calculate OO, you need to know your weight in kilograms and height in centimeters. Then use the following formula to calculate OO: (10 x weight in kilograms) + (6.25 x height in centimeters) - (5 x age) - 161.
    • You can use this calculator to calculate the calories burned during physical activity.
    • Use this calculator to easily calculate the number of calories you can consume.
    • Calorie counting apps like FatSecret do the math for you.

    A warning: Never eat less than 1200 calories per day, unless you are under the supervision of a doctor. Such actions are hazardous to health.

  2. 2 Get started keep a food diary. Write down all the meals, snacks, and drinks you eat and drink during the day. Keep track of the amount of food and calories consumed. Recording will help you keep track of your food intake and help you meet your goals.
    • Use a traditional diary or mobile app. Apps make it easy to keep track of your diet. For example, use the FatSecret software to help you mark every meal and discover the nutritional value of foods.
    • Be sure to include coffee additives, condiments, salad dressings, and other similar ingredients in meals and drinks.
  3. 3 Eat a full meal or snack every 2-4 hours. Skipping eating time is not the best way to lose weight, and this strategy can even frustrate your efforts. Food energizes us, so taking long breaks between meals can make us feel tired, which can reduce activity levels. In addition, our bodies begin to demand a high-calorie, high-sugar snack from us to recuperate quickly. To avoid this, you need to regularly eat healthy foods, and not starve yourself.
    • Regular meals and snacks also keep blood sugar levels stable, which helps control hunger.
  4. 4 Lean proteins and vegetables without starch should serve as the basis of meals. A typical serving should be half vegetables without starch, one quarter lean protein, and another quarter whole grains or starchy vegetables. Also eat healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and oily fish. Snacks include fruits, nuts, seeds, and chopped vegetables.
    • If you're in trouble, see your dietitian to determine an appropriate calorie target, your nutritional needs, and a potential area for improvement. A dietitian will help you develop a plan that suits all your preferences.
  5. 5 Use smaller portionsto cut calories. To lose weight, it is not at all necessary to give up your favorite foods. On the other hand, choosing healthy foods shouldn't be an excuse to eat as much as you want. Start measuring your portions using measuring cups or special spoons. You can also use smaller plates to make things easier (even a small serving will appear larger on a small plate).
    • Prepare snacks in advance to keep track of portion sizes. For example, you can measure out one serving of almonds and put them in a bag or container.

    Advice: Stronger smells and tastes will help you control serving size. For example, dark chocolate or dark beer can help you feel full with less product. In addition, they are more difficult to eat quickly.

  6. 6 Identify and consider your food triggers. Everyone has food triggers, so you don't have to be embarrassed if you have a strong liking for certain foods. Reduce your intake of these foods. To do this, you need to identify the triggers that trigger the desire - this can be a specific action, time of day, or emotion. Find ways to better deal with your triggers and keep these foods on hand to avoid temptation.
    • For example, you can't imagine going to the movies without popcorn, or you have tea and candy after lunch at work. To solve the problem, replace such a product with something more beneficial to the diet. For example, take a bag of plain popcorn with you to the movies - it will be much healthier. You can also replace your usual candy after lunch with a piece of dark chocolate.

    Advice: Remember, you don't have to give up your favorite foods. In this case, it is necessary to correctly distribute them according to the number of calories.

  7. 7 Eat more wholesome foods. Some foods allow you to feel full faster and not to feel hungry for a long time. Many of them contain protein, fat, or fiber. Foods that keep blood sugar levels stable are also good choices, as they suppress appetite. To feel fuller longer, add foods such as:
    • vegetables without starch;
    • fish;
    • meat;
    • nuts and seeds;
    • legumes;
    • grapefruit;
    • oat groats;
    • apples;
    • eggs;
    • ginger;
    • green leafy vegetables.
  8. 8 Choose the right substitute for your favorite high-calorie foods. Most foods have healthy alternatives that can help you cut back on calories, fat, and sugar. Replace high-calorie processed foods and beverages with healthy alternatives to help you lose weight faster.
    • Try going vegetarian for a few days. Replace meat with nutritious foods like beans, tofu, or lentils. This will significantly reduce the number of calories you consume while adding important nutrients to your diet.
    • For dessert, replace cookies or cake with fruit.
    • Replace chips and candy with snacks that are nutrient-rich but lower in calories and fat. Try combining fiber cheese with grapes, peanut butter crackers, or chunks of bell peppers with hummus.
    • Replace your usual salad dressings with vinegar and lemon juice.
    • Cook in olive oil instead of butter. It contains the same amount of calories but healthier fats.
  9. 9 Avoid high-calorie counters. It is best to move around the perimeter of the store to see only fresh produce. If you need to look into the central aisles, then stay away from your favorite foods like candy or soda. The less often you see them, the less the temptation to buy these products.
    • You should not completely give up your favorite products, but if you constantly keep them at home, then you are more likely to succumb to temptation. There is no need to set up a "warehouse" of harmful products at home - on the contrary, buy them only occasionally as a treat.
  10. 10 Avoid sugary drinks. Sugar drinks quickly increase the total number of calories in the diet, so it is best to avoid sugary soda, juices, tea and sugar coffee. Replace them with unsweetened tea, black coffee, still or carbonated drinking water.
    • Drink water or unsweetened tea instead of soda, coffee, alcohol, juice, or milk to help you consume a few hundred fewer calories per day.

Method 2 of 4: Different diets

  1. 1 Follow a Mediterranean diet if you like fish and vegetables. Eating plan variations like the Mediterranean diet can be effective when trying to lose weight. It is based on traditional Mediterranean ingredients and recipes. Studies show that this diet reduces the risk of heart disease and helps you lose weight, look lean and fit. In this case, you need to give up bread, dairy and processed products. Plan your diet around foods such as:
    • fish;
    • olive oil;
    • vegetables;
    • fruits;
    • beans and other legumes;
    • spices;
    • nuts;
    • Red wine

    Advice: It's important to remember that any calorie-reduced meal plan will help you lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, there is no special diet that will help you lose weight faster thanks to special foods. However, some foods allow you to feel fuller longer and contain more nutrients, and specific diets encourage you to eat more of these foods.

  2. 2 Try following the paleo diet to avoid processed foods. In the old days, the cavemen did not have time to bake muffins and fry potatoes. The Paleolithic Diet (or in its entirety Paleolithic) seeks to recreate the diet of our ancient ancestors in support of the claim that our bodies are not designed for modern ingredients and methods of processing food. With such a diet, you need to eat only those types of meat, vegetables, fruits and other foods that were available in the Paleolithic era, and abandon everything else.
    • Cereals and artificial sweeteners are prohibited.
    • Some people supplement the Paleo diet with short-term fasting to speed up the process of losing weight.
  3. 3 Eat a thirty-day diet without processed foods. The essence of the diet is to exclude from the diet all processed foods for 30 days and cleanse your body of synthetic ingredients and other processed foods that can be difficult for your digestive system.After 30 days, you will also likely notice that your waistline has shrunk, while your energy levels, on the contrary, have increased.
    • Avoid grains, sugar, legumes, alcohol, dairy, and all processed foods.
    • Eat meat, vegetables, and some fruits. Also drink plenty of water.
  4. 4 Try becoming a raw foodist if you like fruits and raw vegetables. Don't like meat and are you tired of cooking? Then this diet is for you. As the name suggests, the Raw Food Diet is made up entirely of uncooked ingredients. A person loses weight due to the consumption of large quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits. Nuts, seeds, coconut milk and other raw foods are also allowed.
    • There are many delicious raw food recipes online.

    A warning: Nutritionists warn that with a long-term raw food diet, a person deprives himself of some essential nutrients.

Method 3 of 4: Daily Exercise

  1. 1 Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Regular exercise helps burn calories, strengthens the heart, and promotes a good metabolism. You should do cardio workouts almost every day, plus 2-3 strength training sessions per week. Classes should be to your liking, so that there is no desire to skip workouts.
    • For example, you can walk, run, do aerobics, exercise on an elliptical trainer, ride a bike, swim.
    • Strengthening your health requires at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per day.

    Advice: Before starting your workout, measure your waist, hips and chest with a tape measure. If your weight grows and your size decreases, then you are losing fat and gaining muscle mass.

    Advice: At the very beginning of exercise, the body can retain water in an attempt to repair muscle tissue that is damaged during exercise. As a result of this, at first you can gain a couple of kilograms, but everything will return to normal as soon as the body gets used to regular stress.

  2. 2 Realistically assess your capabilities before starting training. Beginners are advised not to overdo it and do long workouts. At the same time, it is not necessary to work hard for results. Choose appropriate exercises and gradually increase the load.
    • Before starting any exercise program, you should consult with a therapist.
    • Games like volleyball, tennis, and frisbee help burn calories and have fun, so training can be fun at the same time.
  3. 3 Plan cardio workout. The combination of cardio and strength training is good for your overall health, but it’s the first type of workout that can help you lose weight quickly. Strength training with resistance may not give immediate results, but it stimulates the metabolism, forcing the body to expend more energy.
    • Cardio workouts include any exercise that makes your heart beat faster.

    Advice: Combine moderate and high intensity workouts for best results.

  4. 4 Create an interesting workout regimen. Diversity is the key to staying healthy and motivated. If you do the same exercise every day, then there is a chance of injury. You also run the risk of getting bored and losing motivation for further training. In the gym, work out on a variety of machines, sign up for a workout program, and do strength exercises.
  5. 5 Do strength training 2-3 times a week. Resistance exercise and weight work help you stay lean by developing muscles and improving metabolism, even on non-workout days. Exercise 2-3 times a week and remember to take at least 1 rest day between workouts.
    • On a rest day from strength training, you can do cardio workouts if you don't have to put in too much effort. Choose low to moderate intensity.

    Advice: Muscle cells have a more active metabolism than fat cells. They burn more calories even when you are resting and sleeping.

  6. 6 Choose exercises that target all muscle groups. So you will work all the muscles and burn calories by increasing the volume of muscle tissue. To do this, you can train in multitasking mode. For example, do arm strength exercises (such as lifting dumbbells) while running or on a stationary bike.
  7. 7 Be active throughout the day. Try to walk more often: leave your car in the far corner of the parking lot, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try to walk up the stairs as often as possible, or walk your dog three times a day. You can also vigorously dust, sweep, and mop the floor. The more exercise, the more calories you burn.
    • You can even find an active hobby like gardening, carpentry, car repairing, or painting on large canvases to help you burn calories outside of your workout.
  8. 8 Get regular rest. Good rest provides enough energy for the entire day, reduces the risk of overeating, and reduces the likelihood of injury. Lack of sleep can negatively affect the body's ability to burn fat, which is why sleep is an important aspect of a weight loss program.
    • Create a bedtime ritual to help you fall asleep faster. Relax a couple of hours before bed and avoid using backlit devices. You can also lower the temperature in your bedroom, turn off the lights, and wear comfortable pajamas.

Method 4 of 4: Alternatives

  1. 1 Go to the sauna so that excess fluid comes out with sweat. In a sauna, you can lose up to 500 milliliters of sweat in just a quarter of an hour. To avoid dehydration, do not use the sauna for more than 15–20 minutes a day. Sauna won't help you lose weight permanently, but it will help you look slimmer on a special day.
    • Drink more water after the sauna to restore balance.

    A warning: Young children and people with high blood pressure or heart disease are not advised to use the sauna.

  2. 2 Use wraps to look slimmer. It is believed that wraps help you become slimmer and literally “lose” a few centimeters of your waist, hips and arms. The result will be temporary, but it will make you look slimmer at an important event. So, you can try the following options:
    • Mineral wraps: In this case, mineral cleansers are used that help to remove toxins from the body, lose weight, reduce cellulite, tone the skin and make it more elastic almost instantly.
    • Lipolytic wraps: in this case, enzymes are used that fight subcutaneous fat. First, an enzyme wrap helps to smooth the fatty tissue near the skin's surface, and then a mineral wrap tightens and smoothes the skin.
    • European wrap: this type of wrap is usually offered at spas. This procedure targets problem areas. This option allows you to tone the skin and make it more elastic, visually reduce cellulite or stretch marks, and in addition can lead to temporary weight loss.
    • Hot wrap: this procedure is also often offered in spas. The hot wrap is designed to remove toxins from the body, tone the skin and make it smoother.
  3. 3 Slimming groups. For some, it is too difficult to adhere to the exercise regimen and diet. Old habits and daily routines make it difficult to confidently follow new rules. In this case, you can become a participant in a weight loss program or a marathon. Among the wide variety of programs, there is a suitable option for a person of any age.
    • Make sure in advance that the program is age appropriate and will safely meet your specific health needs.
  4. 4 Consider liposuction. Liposuction is a surgical method of fast targeted weight loss, which is usually recommended for people with 1-2 problem areas with normal weight and proportions of the rest of the body. Surgical interventions pose a health risk, therefore, such a procedure must be performed in a medical clinic and performed by appropriately qualified specialists.


  • To reduce calories, you can eat slowly, as it takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to signal satiety. Take short breaks from your meals to stop in time and avoid overeating.
  • Focus on the reasons why you want to lose weight, so as not to lose motivation.
  • Doctors do not recommend losing more than 1 kilogram per week. Combine a healthy diet and moderate exercise.
  • Losing weight quickly for a specific event can be a good temporary motivation, but a set of clear long-term goals will help you stay on track after completing the first task.
  • Get the support of friends and family to help you move towards your goal and keep losing weight. Taking responsibility for your words even in front of one person increases the chances of success, helps you to achieve results faster and in the future to keep in good shape.
  • One mistake cannot be considered a failure. If you stumble, then gather your strength and return to the path of healthy habits.
  • Point-to-point problem solving is a myth, no matter what the magazines say! When the body burns fat, it uses the entire body, even if you are just doing abdominal crunches.


  • If you develop symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, weakness, soreness, lightheadedness, headaches, or other symptoms as a result of diet and exercise, stop following the program and return to your normal routine. If symptoms worsen or are alarming, see a doctor immediately.
  • Don't starve yourself. Malnutrition is bad for your health. If you have tried to lose weight and skipped meals or have significantly reduced your calorie intake, then you need to see a specialist and get advice about eating disorders.
  • Seek medical advice before any attempt to lose weight. Losing weight dramatically can aggravate various health problems.
  • Talk to a physician or dietitian before taking supplements as multivitamins and supplements are not for everyone.
  • Losing weight too quickly is fraught with serious health risks.
  • Avoid fatty diets, diet pills, and fast food diets that severely restrict calories or food groups. Such methods are not always effective and even dangerous.