How to be popular in high school

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
how to be popular in high school
Video: how to be popular in high school


High school can be brutal and intimidating for many people. Here are some helpful tips to help you improve your social status. At the beginning of this journey, you may be a little scared.


  1. 1 Join circles and teams! A basketball team, cheerleading team, soccer team, or joining a band can help you meet tons of friends! You will find friends because people with similar interests are members of similar organizations.
  2. 2 Dress well! You don't have to wear expensive clothes to become popular. You just need to look good and dress nicely. Make sure you dress stylishly and modernly! Do not wear striped socks with moccasins and a yellow cardigan. Combine things correctly and you will succeed!
  3. 3 Stick to your morning hygiene routines. Better to get up early so that everything can be done. Take a shower, brush your teeth, shave, and use deodorant. Remember that soap in the morning is your best friend. If you are a girl, apply a fresh fruity perfume. If you're a guy, keep your body clean and wear cologne from time to time! Don't overdo it on perfumes or body sprays. It's even worse than not washing at all.
  4. 4 Choose the items you need. This does not mean that you need to unload your class schedule. On the contrary, most of the popular students do not skip lessons, so they get good grades! Classes in journalism and theatrical arts are excellent choices.
  5. 5 Make the right decisions. Don't drink alcohol, smoke, run away from home, and don't lie. Bad decisions like these can ruin your life from the very beginning, and it won't bring you popularity.
  6. 6 Rest assured. People do not notice those who behave quieter than grass below the water, as well as noisy and impudent people. Smile and compliment people! Talk about common interests: music, movies, activities, sports, etc.
  7. 7 Be yourself! There is nothing worse than pretense. Your "friends" will not like this behavior.
  8. 8 Stay up to date if you want to become popular! Chat with all people! Communicate confidently with your peers and open up your personality to them. Meet everyone. Don't just limit yourself to your class.
  9. 9 Be kind. Nobody likes arrogant people. Smile at the people in the school hallway. Don't pretend that you are better than them. Arrogance turns people off very quickly. When someone remembers you, you want the person to say only good things about you, not bad things. Do not overdo it, otherwise you will sit on your neck.
  10. 10 Do not make fun of other students or bully. Don't assume this behavior will make you popular. People will think badly of you. Popular students often behave in this way, but they do it in order to make amends to others. Do not do that. It is not fair to become popular at the expense of the people around you!
  11. 11 Remember to spend time studying at the same time. Your grades are much more important than your social status.
  12. 12 Stand up for yourself if someone starts to insult you. You will seem invincible, and most people will perceive you positively.
  13. 13 Exercise regularly! Physical education will help you become a healthier person, and many will notice this fact.
  14. 14If you want to be popular, keep an eye on your appearance, exercise regularly, try to find a girlfriend, be fun, and try to do well in your class.


  • Don't lie, otherwise you will be considered a braggart. A lie will always return in response. Honesty and morality will help you gain trust and respect.
  • Be fun! Tell good jokes and demonstrate a good sense of humor.
  • You need to understand that high school is not the end of the world! This is just 4 years of your life. If you can't be popular, forget about it. Life is too short to reject happiness.
  • Make sure you look attractive in your photos (that doesn't mean you should wear anything!). Try to smile in photographs, even if you are looking away. Remember to laugh as you take your photo to look friendly.
  • Smile as much as possible (this does not mean that you have to act crazy or smile around the clock). Nobody likes people who frown all the time and are devoid of emotion.
  • Be a good storyteller! Nerds quickly become outcasts in the community (maybe you can turn your behavior into a joke!).
  • Don't be friends with bad people. This is a bad choice.
  • Try to keep abreast of all the latest media and fashion news. Read about actors, actresses, and musicians. If you're unsure where to start, head over to and listen to some of the biggest hits. Go to Perez and read online popular magazines like Seventeen, Teen Vogue, US Weekly, People, Star, OK! Magazine, Lucky, Vogue, etc.
  • The presence of imperfections on the skin will not undermine your status, but do not forget to use creams and tonics for acne. The best way to get rid of acne and keep your whole body healthy is stop eating wheat... Read a book called Wheat Belly. It's worth reading and it really shocks you that wheat has an impact on your health!


  • Do not be friends with treacherous people. They will betray you anyway.
  • If you are not inclined to socialize in a company, do not try to be the center of the crowd's attention. All of this is not you. Work towards fulfilling your dreams, treat people well, and make friends regardless of their social status. Otherwise, you will be considered a poser!
  • Keep your head down, or people will think badly of you.
  • Stay away from traitors and remember that sometimes your rejection will determine your future! Remember, popular and good girls never get into fights! There are no exceptions to this rule, even if someone pesters you. Better to remain silent or tell the teacher.
  • If someone from a popular company suggests you try drugs, leave this place immediately! It is better to be unpopular than to slip into such a life!
  • Don't gossip about others. All of the above will come back to you!