How to build muscle quickly

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)
Video: 5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)


If you have a fast metabolism and a lean figure, building muscle can be very difficult. If you want to build muscle quickly, you will have to make several compromises, such as increasing fat mass in addition to muscle mass and avoiding other physical activities (such as running) so that your body can focus on gaining muscle mass. You will need to eat more, use the right strength training strategy, and do muscle-building exercises.Keep reading and you will find out how to turn into a jock in a few weeks.


Method 1 of 3: Strength Exercises to Build Muscle

  1. 1 Start with basic strength training. Most core body exercises should start with a basic, multi-joint strength training that will allow you to lift more total weight, including bench press for chest muscles, overhead press for deltoids, bent over rows for back muscles, and squats for legs. This will allow you to lift more weight while exercising and still be refreshed and have enough energy to better stimulate muscle growth. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Michele dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer Michelle Dolan is a British Columbia-based personal trainer certified by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Has been working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Remember to use different exercises. Michelle Dolan, Certified Personal Trainer, advises: “Lifting weights or resistance exercises such as pull-ups build muscle. The same can be achieved with the help of plyometric exercises such as striding (jumping in place with a change in the position of the arms and legs) and burpees. "

  2. 2 Give it your all. The key to building muscle is doing high-intensity exercise. Exercises of low intensity, even if they are performed for a long time, do not allow you to come close to achieving those conditions under which muscles are destroyed and then restored. Plan 30-45 minute workouts 3-4 times a week (every other day). This may sound surprisingly doable, but remember to work as hard as possible during each workout. Do not worry, you will definitely feel muscle pain and soon see the result, and the pain will go away.
    • In each workout, lift as much weight as possible using the correct form. Experiment to figure out how much weight you need to lift with different set loads. You should be able to do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps without lowering the dumbbells or barbell. Otherwise, reduce the weight. Typically, sets of 6-12 repetitions will promote volumetric muscle growth, while fewer repetitions will allow you to build endurance at the expense of muscle volume.
    • If you can do more than 10 reps without burning, add weight. You will not gain muscle if you do not strive to give your best.
  3. 3 Do explosive lifts. Raise the weight quickly, but lower it slowly.
  4. 4 Do the exercises correctly. To develop accurate technique, do each rep in the correct form. Beginners, strive to keep your target reps within your strength capabilities. Find a rhythm for each exercise. Don't reinforce the wrong technique from the beginning.
    • You should complete each movement without feeling the need to bend over or change position. If you can't do it, then you need to use less weight.
    • In most cases, you should start the exercise with your arms and legs extended.
    • Before doing the exercises on your own, practice with a trainer several times and learn the correct forms of the various exercises.
  5. 5 Alternate muscle groups. You don't need to train the same muscle groups every workout, or you will end up damaging your muscles. Alternate muscle groups to work on each group for an hour each workout. If you train three times a week, try something like this:
    • first workout: do exercises for the chest, triceps and biceps;
    • second workout: focus on the legs;
    • workout three: swing the abs and again the chest muscles.
  6. 6 Avoid so-called plateau periods. If you do the same exercise for a long period of time, you will not notice any progress. You need to add weight, and when you plateau with the new weight, switch to another exercise. Track your progress and notice when your muscles feel like they haven't changed for a while. This could be a sign that you need to add more weight.
  7. 7 Rest between workouts. For people with a fast metabolism, the rest period is almost as important as the exercise itself. It takes your body time to build muscle tissue without burning up mountains of calories during other activities. Jogging and other aerobic exercise can cause muscle growth to slow down. Relax between workouts. Get a good night's sleep to stay refreshed before your next gym.
  8. 8 Establish a connection between thoughts and muscles. Research confirms that developing a mind-muscle connection can help improve performance in the gym. Instead of thinking about your day or the blonde next to you to improve your accomplishments, try to focus on building muscle. You can do it like this:
    • As you perform each repetition, visualize the muscle group you are pumping in front of you.
    • If you are doing one-handed sets, place your other hand on the muscle you want to shape. This will help you get a feel for where your muscle is specifically tightening and refocus your efforts.
    • Remember, it’s not the weight you lift that matters, but the effect of that weight on the muscle, which leads to an increase in size and strength. This has a lot to do with what you think about and what you focus on.

Method 2 of 3: Nutrition to Gain Muscle Mass

  1. 1 Eat high-calorie, natural foods. You need to get your calories from whole, natural foods that fuel your body to build muscle quickly. Sugar-rich foods, high-grade flours, trans fats, and supplements are high in calories but lack in nutrients — they promote fat growth, not muscle growth. If you want your muscles to grow and look bumpy, you need to eat foods from each food group.
    • Eat protein-rich foods such as steaks and roast beef, fried chicken (with skin and dark meat), trout, eggs, and pork. Protein is very important for muscle growth. Avoid bacon, sausages, and other types of smoked meats that contain additives that are harmful when consumed in large quantities.
    • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables of all kinds. They supply the body with fiber and essential nutrients, as well as water.
    • Eat whole grains like oatmeal, wheat, and buckwheat instead of white bread, cookies, muffins, pancakes, waffles, and more.
    • Eat legumes and nuts such as black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, walnuts, peanuts, and almonds.
  2. 2 Eat more than you think you need. Do you eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full? This sounds okay, but not when your goal is to build muscle. In this case, you should eat much more than usual. Add a supplement to your regular serving and even more if you can handle it. The point is simple: Your body needs fuel to build muscle.
    • A good breakfast for muscle growth might include a plate of oatmeal, four eggs, two or more slices of grilled beef, an apple, an orange, and a banana.
    • For lunch, you can eat a chicken and whole wheat bread sandwich, a few handfuls of nuts, two avocados, and a cabbage salad with tomatoes.
    • For dinner, cook a large steak or other protein food, potatoes, vegetables, and feel free to take a supplement.
  3. 3 Eat at least five times a day. Don't wait for your stomach to crave food, because when you are in the muscle growth phase, you need to constantly replenish the body's reserves. It won't last forever, so try to have fun! In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat two extra meals a day.
  4. 4 Take nutritional supplements, but don't rely on them entirely. Don't count on muscle-building protein milkshakes to do all the work for you. To build muscle, you need to get the lion's share of your calories from whole, high-calorie foods. As stated earlier, you can help yourself speed up the process by taking certain supplements that will not harm your body.
    • Creatine is a protein supplement that helps build muscle. It is sold in powder form, mixed with water and drunk several times a day.
    • Protein milkshakes like Ensure are acceptable supplements to carry if you have trouble getting the calories you need between meals.
  5. 5 Drink water. The hard work required to build muscle can lead to dehydration pretty quickly. Wherever you go, carry a bottle of water with you and drink from it when you feel thirsty. Ideally, you should consume about three liters of water per day. Drink plenty of water before and after your workout.
    • Eliminate sugary and carbonated drinks. They will not help you improve your figure and may even get in the way when it comes to strength training.
    • Alcohol is also not the best helper. It dehydrates the body and makes you feel tired.
  6. 6 Examine your body. What works and what doesn't? When changing your diet, pay attention to what is happening to your muscles. Everyone is different, and food that doesn't particularly affect one person can be good for another. If you don't see any improvement after a week, switch to something new next week.

Method 3 of 3: Focus on Building Muscle Mass

  1. 1 Sleep more than you need to. Sleep is very important for muscle growth. You need to sleep at least seven hours and do it at night, and even better sleep 8-9 hours a day.
  2. 2 Focus solely on building muscle. You can do other cardio loads (for example, running), but remember that they put additional stress on the body (muscles, joints) and require energy to be spent on muscle growth. Generally speaking, cardio should be included in any training regimen to maintain overall health, but if you are temporarily focused on rapidly gaining muscle mass, it is best to do strength training for a few months to achieve your goal more quickly.


  • Maintain motivation. Find a friend to join you in your workouts, or keep a journal of your accomplishments. Do whatever you want to keep you excited.
  • Always ask a friend to help you with difficult exercises, such as the bench press. This exercise is very dangerous, and if you do decide to do a couple of extra presses, support will not be superfluous.
  • If you do not currently have dumbbells or barbells and have not done strength exercises, start with push-ups or pull-ups. At first, they will be quite effective.
  • Do reverse push-ups: start in the top position and slowly lower yourself. Get down as low as possible without touching the floor with your chest and stomach. Then get up and start again. This is a good option if you are not strong enough to do regular push-ups.
  • Stay focused! Take breaks only when you really need them, not when you're tired. This will build stamina.


  • Do not take large amounts of creatine - it breaks down in the kidneys to toxic molecules.If you take it in moderation, it will not harm your health.
  • If you exercise too intensely, you can harm your health. Monitor your health and limit your efforts to avoid injury.