How to get rid of a subcutaneous pimple quickly

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Get Rid of a Pimple in One Day
Video: How I Get Rid of a Pimple in One Day


When we hear the word "pimple", we are presented with the image of a white or black eel, as well as a large, inflamed pustule, the cavity of which is filled with pus. However, sometimes we have to deal with subcutaneous acne. A subcutaneous pimple forms in the deep layers of the skin, the outlet is tightly clogged, signs of inflammation are observed, but the head of the pimple is absent. The secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands and dead cells accumulate in the follicle of the subcutaneous acne. Deep subcutaneous pimples on the face are usually found in the nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, neck, and sometimes even behind the ears. As a result of the inflammatory process, pain occurs. If you want to get rid of a subcutaneous acne, take proper care of your skin. Clean the surface of the skin appropriately, and use steam baths to deep cleanse the skin. Thanks to this, you can quickly get rid of the subcutaneous pimple.


Part 1 of 3: Using a steam bath

  1. 1 Heat the water and add additional ingredients to it. Pour water into a 1-liter saucepan and boil it for a minute. Add one to two drops of essential oils (or use 1/2 teaspoon of dried herb per liter of water). Essential oils help reduce inflammation and help pimples mature faster. Some essential oils can even prevent new acne breakouts. After adding the essential oil, boil the water for another minute. Choose one of the following essential oils:
    • Peppermint and spearmint oil. The most valuable ingredient in mint is menthol, which is an antiseptic and improves the functioning of the immune system. Since mint is irritating for some people, add just one drop of peppermint essential oil per liter of water for the first treatments.
    • Calendula oil. Calendula speeds up the healing process and has antimicrobial properties.
    • Lavender oil. Lavender has a soothing and emollient effect. It is an effective treatment for anxiety and depression. It also has antibacterial properties.
  2. 2 Test your skin for sensitivity to essential oil. Before using any essential oils obtained from plants, they must be tested for individual sensitivity. Place one drop of essential oil on your wrist and wait 10-15 minutes. Evaluate the result. If you see a small rash that may accompany itching, you are most likely allergic to the oil of your choice. If the above symptoms are not present, the procedure can be carried out. If you have a sensitivity to a particular oil, choose one that will not cause you an allergic reaction.
    • Remember that you may develop a sensitivity to essential oil that you have not experienced before. For this reason, it is always important to test for individual sensitivity to essential oil.
  3. 3 Steam your face. Turn off the stove and remove the pan.Pull your hair back and secure it with a rubber band or hairpin. Cover your head with a large, clean cotton towel. Lean over a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel so that steam does not escape from the sides. Close your eyes, breathe normally, and allow yourself to relax for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
    • Keep your face at least 30–40 cm away from a pot of boiling water to avoid scalding yourself.
    • Repeat steam treatments throughout the day. To do this, simply boil the water again. Steaming well cleans the pores of the skin from oil and impurities. Perhaps this procedure will help you get rid of a subcutaneous pimple.
  4. 4 Apply moisturizer. After steaming your face, apply a moisturizer to your skin. Choose a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Such a cream will not clog pores and provoke acne. In addition, moisturized skin will be soft and supple.
    • If you have sensitive skin, choose a moisturizer that is fragrance-free.

Part 2 of 3: Using Natural Home Remedies

  1. 1 Apply a warm compress. Since a subcutaneous pimple forms in the deep layers of the skin, as a rule, it takes a long time from the moment of its formation to full maturation and the appearance of a head on the surface of the skin. To speed up this process, apply a warm compress to the inflamed area. Soak a cotton ball or cloth in hot water and apply to the pimple for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day until the head of the pimple appears on the surface of the skin.
    • You can also soak a cotton swab in hot herbal tea made with mint, lavender, calendula, or thyme.
  2. 2 Use ice. If the pimple is sore, red, and painful, apply an ice pack to it for no more than ten minutes. This will significantly reduce swelling and make it easier for you to mask your pimple with concealer. In addition, this procedure will help reduce pain.
    • Be sure to wrap the ice in a thin cloth. Do not apply ice directly to your skin, or it could be damaged.
  3. 3 Use green tea. Use a lotion that contains 2% green tea extract to reduce acne problems. You can also soak a green tea bag in warm water and apply it to the pimple for a few minutes. Tea has astringent properties. Thanks to this, the process of maturation of the pimple and the removal of the head to the surface of the skin will accelerate. Herbs with antibacterial action kill bacteria that cause inflammation.
    • According to research, green tea is an effective treatment for a variety of skin conditions.
  4. 4 Treat the pimple with tea tree oil. Soak a cotton ball in undiluted tea tree oil. Apply the oil directly to the pimple. Do not rinse off the oil. Tea tree oil reduces inflammation and speeds up the healing process. According to research, tea tree oil also has antimicrobial effects.
    • However, more research is needed to determine how effective topical application of tea tree oil is in treating bacterial or viral infections.
  5. 5 Make a herbal mask. For a natural herbal blend that has antibacterial, astringent and healing properties, mix 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white (as a binder), and 1 teaspoon lemon juice (for whitening). Lemon juice can be substituted with witch hazel, which is a great anti-inflammatory. Add ½ teaspoon of any of the following essential oils and mix well:
    • peppermint oil;
    • spearmint oil;
    • lavender oil;
    • calendula oil;
    • thyme oil.
  6. 6 Apply the mask to your face. Apply the mask to your face, neck, or areas of your body that have subcutaneous acne. Wait for the mask to dry, it will take about 15 minutes.Rinse off the mask gently with warm water. Don't rub your skin. Pat your skin dry using a clean towel. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer.
    • If you don't want to apply the mask all over your face, soak a cotton swab in the mixture and treat the acne under your skin.

Part 3 of 3: How to clean your face

  1. 1 Choose a gentle cleanser. Choose a mild, non-abrasive vegetable oil-based product labeled “non-comedogenic”. This means that the product you choose will not clog the pores of your skin, which is the main cause of acne. Many dermatologists recommend using glycerin oil, sunflower oil, or grape seed oil. Also, do not use a cleanser that contains alcohol. Alcohol dries, irritates and damages the skin as it removes the natural oils that protect it.
    • Don't be afraid to use oil as a cleanser. Use non-comedogenic oils for cleansing.
    • Rinse with warm water and use your fingers to gently rub the cleanser onto your skin. Do not use a washcloth or brush for this purpose. Don't rub your face, pat dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer. Wash your face no more than twice a day, or after you sweat heavily.
    • Setafil is an example of a gentle cleanser that can be used without worrying about skin health.
  2. 2 Wash yourself. Using your fingertips, apply the cleanser to your skin. Do not use a washcloth or sponge, as this can irritate the skin and aggravate the inflamed area. Gently apply the cleanser to the skin surface in a circular motion. Don't rub your skin. Friction and exfoliation of the skin can lead to wounds and scars. Wash your face twice a day. After washing your face, pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel.
    • Never squeeze, try to pop, or touch pimples. Otherwise, such actions can lead to severe inflammation, scarring and slowing down the healing process.
  3. 3 Avoid skin care products that contain hazardous chemicals. There are a wide variety of skin care products available. However, not all funds have a positive effect on it. Avoid using products that can cause irritation, such as astringents, toners, and exfoliators. Avoid using products that contain salicylic or lactic acid as they dry out your skin. Be careful when accepting facial cleansing procedures such as microdermabrasion. Only qualified dermatologists can perform these procedures. Otherwise, such a procedure can lead to serious damage to the skin.
    • Makeup can make your blemishes and acne problem worse. Cosmetics can clog or irritate the pores of your skin, likely due to the chemicals they contain.
  4. 4 Take a shower or bath every day. Get in the habit of taking a bath or shower every day. If you sweat a lot, shower or bathe more often. Shower or rinse your skin after exercising.
    • Excessive sweating can exacerbate the problem associated with pimples or other types of acne, especially if you don't rinse off the sweat right away. With increased sweating, skin pores become clogged faster and the risk of acne increases.


  • Although the causes of acne are not fully understood, testosterone, essential fatty acid deficiencies, inflammation, bacterial infections, reactions to chemicals, smoking, and diet can all contribute to acne.
  • Spend as little time as possible in the sun and avoid tanning beds. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin.


  • If your acne is severe, consult a dermatologist before using home remedies.
  • If you have mild acne and do not see improvement within a few days, consult a dermatologist.
  • Certain medications can increase your skin's sensitivity to sunlight (especially to treat acne). These drugs include antibiotics, antihistamines, cancer drugs, heart drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and acne drugs such as isotretinoin and acitretin.