How to use dating sites safely

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
5 IMPORTANT Online Dating Safety Tips – Take Precaution, Stay Safe!
Video: 5 IMPORTANT Online Dating Safety Tips – Take Precaution, Stay Safe!


Every day we have the opportunity to meet new people.The tips in this article will help you use dating sites safely.


  1. 1 Do not include contact information on your profile. It is easy to understand where a person lives or works from an address or phone number. In the early stages of dating, it's best not to give your contact details. Only with a closer acquaintance can you understand how much you trust a person. Do not forget that today you can be found on social networks by only one name and surname. Give yourself a nickname or nickname for dating sites. When communicating on the phone, follow the advice from point 4.
  2. 2 Trust your intuition. Sometimes a person just feels if something went wrong! You should always be guided by common sense, because intuition allows you to build new relationships correctly and tells you when to think about safety. In the process of meeting and communicating by e-mail or phone, intuition will always tell you if you need to be on your guard. When in doubt, it's best to take a step back or be extremely careful!
  3. 3 Use a free email account. If you've decided to go beyond the anonymous dating site email, then it's best not to use your primary email. Sign up for Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo! to use this account for dating only. When registering, do not indicate your real surname, only your first name or nickname. This will protect yourself from those trying to find your primary mailing address in order to gather more information.
  4. 4 Use services for anonymous communication. If your communication has moved to the next level (phone calls), then never give your home or work phone number. Say your mobile phone number, use Skype or other services for anonymous communication. With strangers, extra protection never hurts.
  5. 5 Pay attention to questionable personality traits. When communicating by phone or by mail, you can notice certain personal qualities of a person. Is he acting hot-tempered? Trying to control you? Selectively answering questions? Ask when the person was last in a relationship and how long it lasted. Ask questions that will help you evaluate the interlocutor and understand how he suits you. Do not go straight to personal questions so as not to scare the person!
  6. 6 Ask for a recent photo. If the interlocutor does not have a profile photo, then ask for a recent photo. It is necessary to carefully consider the person with whom a potential meeting is possible. On the basis of communication and photography, intuition will allow you to draw certain conclusions about the personality of the interlocutor. If a person is lying about himself, then it is better to stop communicating with him.
  7. 7 Paid dating services. Free dating sites are a hacker's paradise. So they don't even need to provide their bank card number or other personal information. No wonder they say that "free cheese is only in a mousetrap." Use safe dating sites as recommended by Facebook or Twitter. You can also find out the names of reliable services from friends and in popular magazines.
  8. 8 Make sure to hold your first meeting in a public place. If you decide to meet, it is better to arrange a meeting in a crowded place and get there on your own. Never accept an offer to pick you up before the first meeting with a person. Be sure to tell your friend or friend where you are going. A face-to-face meeting will provide a lot of information for thought. On the way, come up with questions you can ask your interlocutor!


  • DO NOT list or share all personal information. Don't let strangers know your personal information. If the interlocutor interests you and you want to get to know him better, then use the function of private messages.