Ways to Build trust in a relationship

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
7 STEPS On How To BUILD TRUST In A Relationship
Video: 7 STEPS On How To BUILD TRUST In A Relationship


Happy, fulfilling relationships are often based on beliefs. If you want your relationship to be good, you both have to learn how to build that trust. Most couples think that trust is just sexual fidelity, but it is not enough.


Part 1 of 3: Commitment to two-way core emotional values

  1. Always be faithful. If one of the two loses fidelity, the relationship goes to a dead end. People can often recover from an affair with an affair, but often need medical help. So, you should commit to being faithful and keep that in mind. If you are unhappy with your relationship, seek emotional counseling instead of falling in love with someone else.
    • When you are faithful to someone, you will be faithful to them in every way, physically and mentally. Some think that it is possible for them to build a relationship with one person and spend more time with another; But this is not okay. At some point, your relationship has a problem.
    • Clearly define the right limit. Appropriateness will vary by culture and age. In general, however, the right limit comes from respect, clarity, and comfort in a relationship.
      • Dating someone just once doesn't count as a relationship. When making an appointment with someone, make sure everything is clear to avoid the awkwardness if she isn't sure she's going to see you as a friend or someone more than a friend.
      • Be clear about taking your relationship as normal or serious. Some people are comfortable in a relationship where you two meet just to satisfy a sexual need or make friends for another purpose. Others see sex as a deep emotional form between someone who takes a serious attitude toward the relationship.
      • There are many types of behaviors known as "serious relationships", from traditional marriage, to cohabitation, to even more "open" types of relationships like "open marriage" and polyamorous relationships. . People who choose a traditional marriage may be disappointed when their partner intends to look for something else.

  2. Give your lover space and cultivate kindness. Trust is built on a sense of stability and security. Times of hurting each other with words or actions and denying each other will lead to fear that destroys trust. Furthermore, trying to control all the actions of a lover is also a lack of trust; Therefore, you need to make sure not to cling to your partner. This will only push them further away from you.
    • If your partner wants to spend time with his or her friends, be comfortable with it. However, you can always talk to your partner about what is acceptable and unacceptable. For example, if your partner says they want to go to a bar with their friends and you're not comfortable with it, talk to each other about it so things don't happen again in the future. .

  3. Love the person for no other ulterior motive. You both need to feel loved for yourself and for no other reason, such as family, money, looks or even a fear of loneliness. Make sure you stick with your lover for love.

  4. Make sure your relationship is a top priority. Over time, it is often easy for us to take the role of a partner for granted and lose our attention to them. Therefore, you should try not to devote all of your effort and time to another person or activity. Make your priorities clear. If love is an important part, make sure it always comes first.
  5. Always be together. Misunderstanding, discord, and anger are sure to happen in a relationship.However, the two of you should keep argument and anger moderately so that you don't have a fear of rejection. This also means that you will never threaten to leave. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Building trust from yourself

  1. Keep a routine. Many believe that changing things regularly helps create a good relationship. In other words, they are always planning new things to surprise their lovers. While surprise is sometimes great, stability and regularity are much more important in a relationship. Regularity may sound boring, but you need to keep the other person from feeling unpredictable in order to build a long-term relationship. The feeling of being able to predict can help build trust.
  2. Become a trustworthy person. Trust is another way of saying that you can trust someone. You always trust your partner in everything, no matter what. This belief creates a secure relationship. So, make sure your partner can trust you too.
    • If you say that you will be at 5pm, make sure you live up to your promise, or at least let your ex know when you can't be on time because something happens anytime. The most important thing here is to stay stable. If in five appointments four times you fail to arrive on time and never notify your partner, your needs are more important than your partner. A happy, good relationship is when both parties work hard to keep up with their commitments.
  3. Say what you think. Your lover can read your facial expressions better than anyone else. If you lie or try to hide your true feelings by not saying your thoughts, the person will quickly find out. Your partner may think you are cheating on them. If your ex can believe what you say without thinking about it, then you have built up a lasting trust in them.
  4. Tell the truth. Don't hide anything, you shouldn't keep it a secret from the person. Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed and the consequences of lack of truth will lose trust and ruin your relationship.
  5. Share your feelings. Many people never let their lover know what they need. Don't let your partner fret or try to guess what they should do for you. This is something that you and your partner should do together. If just one person works hard for the other, they may feel exhausted or the other will become superficial. Neither of these conditions are beneficial to the relationship.
  6. Sometimes say "no". Listen to the person's needs and work hard to respond, but sometimes saying “no” is essential. You can't be responsive to everything all the time, and you really get respect when you refuse to do something every now and then. Keeping your stance and controlling your intentions can increase the trust between you both. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Strengthening the person's beliefs

  1. Trust in his or her abilities. If you believe that the person is incompetent in what he or she does, your beliefs will not be stable. When this happens, you need to honestly and lovingly raise the issue with the person. This will help you solve the problem and help you to keep your faith.
  2. Trust that person. How can he trust you when you don't trust them? Trust has to be built on both sides, and if only one person makes the effort, no good results.
    • This is when you have a chance to learn how to show weakness. Trust in someone often comes from your inner feelings. In other words, if you often feel insecure about something, it will affect your relationship in a negative way. Therefore, trust your partner until he or she really does something that keeps you from moving on.
  3. Trust even when you are not sure. One sign of distrust is that you often think of the worst possible situation in each situation. When your partner doesn't pick up on your phone, it doesn't mean they're cheating on you. When you trust your partner, you will trust them even when you are not sure. Everyone has a chance to have an explanation for their work before making a conclusion. Only then can things be seen objectively.
  4. Don't check your lover's phone. Do the two of you share phone passwords with each other? Otherwise it is a sign of lack of trust. While privacy is important, that doesn't mean your phone should be strictly protected from your partner. If you really have faith, your partner will respect your privacy even if they have access to the phone. However, if there is another problem, such as feeling that the person calling your partner might threaten your relationship, then it is definitely a trust issue you need to deal with.
  5. Let that person be free in life. Often times when you don't trust each other, you want to control everything your partner does and with whom. You feel easily infringed upon or threatened by anyone. However, belief means having trust and letting the other person be free. When you trust others, you also trust yourself to foster better relationships in the long run. advertisement


  • A relationship is often challenging and challenging, but when you face them with openness and proactively addressing them, the trust in your relationship will strengthen.


  • You cannot hold onto your faith if you do something wrong behind your partner (like cheating). Your lover will discover the truth and belief will be broken. When your belief is gone, it will be difficult to rebuild because there is always doubt instead of fully believing.