How to soothe ankle pain

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ankle Pain Relief Stretches - 5 Minute Real Time Routine
Video: Ankle Pain Relief Stretches - 5 Minute Real Time Routine


Ankle pain is caused by extreme exercise and exhaustion in the foot, possibly from wearing new shoes or walking more than usual. Ankle pain manifests itself as intense pain, bruising, numbness, itching, and a burning sensation. This article will teach you how to ease your ankle pain. However, if aside from pain, your inability to walk without help could be a sign of a sprained leg or a medical injury and you should seek medical attention.


Part 1 of 3: Immediate solutions

  1. Rest for at least 30 minutes. Lie or sit to lose weight on your legs and feet. Put your feet on a soft object and limit movement for as long as possible. Depending on the severity of the pain, you may need to rest for more than 30 minutes, even a whole day. Take a break from activities that cause pain or take a break between activities.
    • If your leg is in severe pain, don't move and avoid touching it for a few hours.
    • Ankle elevation above heart level. This makes it difficult for blood to flow to the affected area, reducing the risk of swelling.
    • Rest in a place that is not disturbed, such as sitting in a chair in the living room or bedroom.
    • If your ankle still hurts, try the RICE method outlined in section 2.

  2. Assess ankle pain. Try to see or feel if your feet have changed. Note if your feet are swollen, change color, asymmetric between your feet, unusual movement, or pain. The signs of swelling may appear when the ankle is sore but should not weaken the leg. If there are signs other than pain and swelling, note it and seek medical attention. You need an X-ray if your ankle has the following signs:
    • Sudden and rapid swelling
    • Change color
    • Black skin, bruising, open wounds, or infection
    • Asymmetry between the sides of the foot and lower leg
    • Abnormalities in joint mobility
    • Severe pain, burning sensation, coldness, tingling sensation
    • Huge changes in temperature in the feet or ankles and the rest of the body
    • Loss of sensation in the feet or ankles

  3. Determine if extra medical attention is needed. In most cases, ankle pain is caused by excessive walking or jogging. However, ankle pain, swelling, and other pains can also be caused by more serious health problems. See a doctor right away if you fall into the following situations:
    • Pregnant more than 20 weeks and the ankles are swollen fast and swollen much Sudden ankle swelling can be a sign of pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure. Pre-eclampsia requires immediate medical attention.
    • Only one ankle pain, even if you use both legs. That could be a sign of a problem with the ankle side being overused.
    • Pain that persists or worsens over time.
    • Sore ankles and feet can be side effects of the medications you are taking.
    • Ankle pain and foot pain can be symptoms of a more serious health problem that you may have, including diabetes.
    • You may need to use crutches until you can walk normally.

Part 2 of 3: Treatment of ankle pain at home

  1. Use the RICE method. RICE stands for Rest, ICE (Ice Compression), Compression, and Elevation. This is the primary treatment for joint pain.
    • Make sure you rest your joints and use crutches if you can't stand your weight.
    • Apply ice to the joint to reduce swelling. Ice is recommended to apply 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours for the first 48 hours or until swelling subsides. You can use ice cubes in a sealed bag, a commercially available ice pack, frozen beans, frozen meat, or anything frozen. Do not leave ice in the same place for more than 30 minutes to avoid lasting damage. A soft washcloth placed between the skin and the ice can make you more comfortable, but it will also decrease the effect. The sooner the pain appears, the faster the pain will subside.
    • Use compression devices such as elastic bandages to reduce swelling and inflammation.
    • Raise the ankles above the heart level to increase blood and lymph flow back to the heart.
    • Alternatively, you can take the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSSAID to reduce inflammation.
  2. Consider a warm compress. Apply warm compresses to painful ankles for 10-15 minutes a day to increase blood circulation and reduce stiffness. Warmth increases muscle flexibility and relaxation.
    • You can use a water bottle, a warm towel or an electric blanket.
    • Note that applying hot compresses can increase the risk of burns or skin irritation and irritation of the damaged muscles around the ankles.
    • Putting a soft cloth between your skin and a warm object can help you relax and better regulate the temperature of the object.
  3. Gently massage the sore ankle to help relax the muscles around the ankle. In addition, you should also massage the feet and legs to help relax parts of the body that are likely to cause ankle pain.
    • You can ask someone to give you a massage or give yourself a massage.
    • Place the ping-pong ball under the sore foot and roll it over and over. Gently press your feet down so you don't fall, and just enough to massage your feet.
    • Understand the physiological state of your feet before doing a strong massage.
  4. Stretch your ankles up and down. While sitting, you can use the calf muscles and the upper part of the foot to stretch the ankle so that the toes are facing up. Count up to 10 beats. Then, lower the foot down to form a straight line with the lower leg and upper part of the foot. Count 10 beats. Repeat 10 times per day.
  5. Fold your ankle in. While sitting, you can bend your foot so that the outer ankle is close to the ground and you can see one side of your thumb. This will help stretch your ankles. Count up to 10 beats. Repeat 10 times per day.
  6. Stretch your ankles. While sitting, you can stretch your foot out so that your big toe and heel touch the ground, and use your ankles and the side of your foot to lift your little toe off the ground. This move helps to train the ankle muscles. Count up to 10 beats. Repeat 10 times per day.
  7. Stretch your ankles with the ladder. Standing on the edge of a ladder, drop your ankles a few centimeters down to stretch the backs of your feet and lower legs. Hold this position for 10 times. Then, slowly raise your legs up to the starting position. Repeat 10 times per day. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Prevent ankle pain from recurring

  1. Make a plan to reduce or treat the cause of your ankle pain.
    • If you walk or exercise too much, switch to softer exercise or increase intensity slowly to avoid ankle pain. You can apply the exercises in this article even when your ankle is sore to strengthen your foot muscles.
    • If your ankle pain is caused by a medical condition, make a treatment plan with your doctor. You may need to lose weight, take medications or make lifestyle changes.
  2. Warm up before playing sports or exercising. Stretching and warming your legs can significantly reduce the risk of muscle injury and ankle pain. Ask your coach about warm-up exercises that are specific to each sport.
    • Warm-ups usually consist of light exercises that focus on the ankle, not the literal "warming" of the ankle with heat.However, some expertly recommended exercises may also include temperature control.
  3. Take other measures throughout the day to make sure your ankles are healthy.
    • Wear comfortable and supportive shoes, heels no more than 2.5 cm high and do not irritate the feet. Consider buying boots when engaging in activities that cause ankle strain.
    • When sitting, sit in the correct posture with your feet flat on the floor. Don't cross your legs or bend your legs.
    • Sleep in a position where your legs and ankles are relaxed and neat. Do not bend or stretch your ankles.
    • Exercise regularly so that intense exercise will not cause ankle pain.
    • Adequately supplementing nutrients in the diet helps to keep bones and muscles strong. A lack of calcium, vitamins and other minerals can cause muscle stiffness and weak bones.
    • Do exercises that help stretch your ankles, increase the strength and feel of your ankles.
    • Consider dressing your ankles.


  • If the pain gets worse, you should seek immediate medical advice and attention.
  • The general rule for minor sports injuries is the R.I.C.E rule: Rest, ICE, Compression, and Elevation. These four treatments for sprains are used as helpful guidelines for treating ankle pain.
  • If you have to move while your ankle hurts, you should wear an ankle protection during this time. Eye protectors are available at most health stores.
  • Persistent ankle pain (and joint pain) can be caused by long-term support on the right leg and can be a sign of being overweight affecting the joints.
  • Try over-the-counter pain relievers if the physical treatments above don't help.
  • You can prevent ankle pain by strengthening your ankles and exercising your ankles regularly.
  • Do not use cold compresses and hot compresses at the same time. You should only choose the method that works best. In addition, you should not constantly apply hot and cold compresses to your ankles, but let your ankles adapt to the temperature changes.
  • Soak your feet in a bucket of ice at least every 5 minutes.


  • See your doctor if you are pregnant and ankle pain is accompanied by rapid swelling.
  • Seek medical attention if pain persists or gets worse and other symptoms develop.
  • If you have diabetes, seek medical attention if you have leg pain.