How To Take Sick Leave When You Want To Take A Vacation From Work

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
PTO vs. Vacation vs. Sick Leave: What Employers Need to Know | OnPay
Video: PTO vs. Vacation vs. Sick Leave: What Employers Need to Know | OnPay


Everyone needs occasional mental relaxation days, without any plans. Unfortunately, your agency will not appreciate this spontaneous action even if you have a good reason.Luckily, you still have a plan of action in this situation: calling for sick leave. Obviously not a method you can use too often, but you can still get the rest you need. In order to take sick leave, you have to convince a colleague that you really felt sick the day before and then call your boss and show that you really regret being at home and mention your illness. But don't overstate the problem.


Part 1 of 3: Calling

  1. Call your boss or supervisor early in the morning. Don't delay. The earlier you tell your boss, the better. In addition, you will often have a louder voice when you first wake up, increasing the reliability of your speech. Plus, if you call early, you'll often be routed to your boss's voicemail or will see your boss when he's out of room. If you call too late, you may be seen as someone who doesn't take your boss's feelings seriously.
    • Keep it short. While knowing that being "sick" can make you feel well prepared, keep in mind that these stories are still extras made by the liar. Don't go into too much detail, just say that you are not feeling well and will not be able to come. Just give your boss enough information to trust you, like saying "I've been up all night" or "My stomach has a serious problem."
    • You can also say something like, "I know I should report at the end of yesterday, but I still hope I can settle it." But without being too clear, mention how much you really hope you can get to work.

  2. Make sure you seem sick. While you shouldn't pretend too much when you call your boss, pretending to be tired doesn't hurt you if you really seem sick. In addition to the loud voice when calling early in the morning, you can sneeze or cough occasionally to let your boss think that you are sick without over acting. You can also speak more slowly or more gently to show that you are not as energetic as usual. Practice making your voice more persuasive.
    • If you want to make your voice a little louder, you can scream in your pillow for 10 seconds or do so before making a call. But your throat can hurt, so make sure it's worth doing so.
    • You should also show a bit of inattention and disorientation. If you act too sharp and nimble to answer any question from your boss, you will be hard-pressed to convince yourself that you're sick.

  3. Be prepared for questions. What if your boss is a nosy type? Try to imagine what kind of questions he or she might ask. For example, if you work in a food service industry, your boss might wonder how you got infected. Or your boss might ask if you've tried everything to feel better and be able to go to work. The best treatment is to say that you are contagious, and you've tried everything you can (pain relievers, antacids, plenty of fluids, etc.) but none of them worked.
    • Nature refers to you calling the doctor's office and waiting for them to confirm your appointment because they are tight on schedule. During the peak of the flu season, it may take a few days to get an appointment to see the clinic. If your boss asks for a confirmation after you return to work, you can always say that your appointment should wait until next week. It is enough time for you to see your doctor.
  4. End the conversation with a happy atmosphere. When you're done talking to your boss, try to leave a positive impression as possible. You can say that you will work hard to return to work the next day and your boss will probably be sympathetic. Show commitment to work and eager to return to responsibilities but don't go overboard. Let your boss feel that you're really sorry for taking a day off, not saying that you can't wait longer to watch TV and neglect work.
    • You can tell your boss that he can call whenever he really needs your help. If you're willing to be bothered on a fake sick day, you could say, "I'll lie down and rest all day, so if your boss needs to ask me anything, just call me ..." But just say so if You think your boss really doesn't know what to say without you.
    • End the conversation by thanking your boss for your concern.

Part 2 of 3: Unified Acting

  1. Play according to the scenario where you got sick when you got back to work. Do not return to work looking perfectly healthy. Act like you're still recovering from your illness. Blow your nose a few times or cough lightly. You don't have to act too deep or pretend too much like a pity to get back to work. Do not mention your illness and let people ask about your illness. You should take the problem down to a practical level, say, "I don't feel tired anymore, really" or, "I just need to get a good night's sleep to get well."
    • If you want to look even more real, don't sleep too much the night before you return to work in order to look pale and emaciated. It will be convincing next time if you take sick leave again (and you have reason to stay up late).
    • Be a bit self-contained during the workday after sick leave. Don't be as friendly or keep chatting with your coworkers, just turn down offers. Remember that you still need to "stay healthy".

  2. Don't tell a coworker you pretended to be sick. You may assume that you are close to them and they will never expose you, but you should still be careful when you say that you pretended to be sick. Your colleagues will not respond to you, they will think that you are irresponsible or you are too annoying. Plus, if a coworker repeats what you say and tells your boss, you'll not only get in trouble, but you will never be able to pretend to be sick again.
    • Furthermore, when you call and pretend to be sick, your boss also doubts whether you are really sick next time. You don't want to be defensive for the rest of the job.
    • It is true that we all need a day off from time to time and that is nothing to condemn. But that doesn't mean you should brag or you'll be taken as not taking your work seriously.

  3. Be friendly with the boss. After calling for sick leave, you should be friendly with your boss after you leave for work. You don't need to mention that you are sick or thank your boss for sympathy, but you should work with a positive attitude and send positive signals in the boss's way. Let your boss remember how great an employee you are and leave no doubt in your boss's mind that you may have lied.
    • You don't have to exaggerate your friendliness or keep saying how much you love your job and how it makes sense in your life.

  4. Work effectively. When you get back to work after faking illnesses, you should take a step forward. It won't be a day for you to be an hour late or talk on the phone for up to 2 hours or book tickets for an upcoming trip. Instead, work hard all day, respond to emails quickly, and do whatever you can to show you're leaving a good impression.
    • You may need to explain to a coworker when you go to work, but be gentle and positive after returning to work. You shouldn't let your boss hear you complaining after you've taken a day off.
    • It's okay to pretend to be sick once in a while, but if you make it a habit of neglect, your work can be in danger. Try to be as positive as possible after you return to work.

Part 3 of 3: Preparing to Call

  1. Choose a good time. You may think that every day is the right day for you to feign illness, but if you really do decide to pretend you're going to be sick, then you should think about it. If you choose the wrong date to fake illness, then it will be difficult to choose a compelling reason for yourself. Instead, make sure that all the problems are in your power before you go into the master plan. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Prepare well for a more compelling reason if you call to take a break on Monday or Friday. Your boss will find it hard to believe you're really sick during the whole weekend.
    • You have certainly not been sick recently or have taken days off.
    • Don't pretend you're sick right after you had an argument at work or have grumbled a lot. You don't want your boss to see your pretending sickness as an insult. The reason for your illness will be more convincing if all is well and well the day before your last day at work.
    • Try not to take the time off on a particularly uncomfortable working day. If your boss knows that you hate awful monthly meetings, then you shouldn't pretend to be sick on that special day, no matter how blissful it feels.
    • Try to pretend you're sick when someone at your office is also sick, or is in flu season. This way, your boss will not be suspicious, because everyone is sick.
  2. Stop some basic work. If you are planning to take sick leave, try to appear tired the day before, but not too clearly. Don't pretend to cough all day, just show your body a little uncomfortable and maybe sneeze a little, let your colleague ask if you are feeling very tired then you will dismiss it. Act like you are sick, but deny that it's okay for your co-workers to not suspect that you are pretending. Building this foundation the day before will make things sound more convincing when you take a break the next day.
    • Should act more cautiously on that day. If you still have excess energy the day before and then apply for sick leave the next day, everyone will be surprised. Decline an invitation to eat lunch or drink after work before you take a break.
    • Try to “gently” take the pain reliever and fever reducer when you are with a colleague.
    • Keep quiet than usual.
    • If you eat lunch with a coworker, don't finish all the food, you won't look very good.
    • Looking a bit messy that day. To make your hair a little messy, don't wear nice clothes, you can see a little fatigue around your eyes.
  3. Understand your sick condition. While your boss won't ask too many questions, it's important to know what the cause of your illness is before calling. Instead of just saying you are not feeling well, saying that you have a headache, stomachache, a common cold or cold will make your evidence more convincing. Be prepared to answer questions your boss might ask, like when did you start to feel tired, when did you return to work and did you see a doctor. Do not respond in a way that sounds uncertain, or your boss will suspect that you are pretending.
    • If you want to take days off, choose a valid excuse. Having a migraine or severe gastritis can get you at least two days off, as these can last for a long time and come back at any time. Red-eye pain or strep throat may last longer. Whatever reason you choose, do your homework so that you can clearly discuss your symptoms.
    • You can even practice talking with a close friend to make sure you can be successful. Your boss may not want to go into detail what happened to your stomach or throat, but it's better to be prepared.
  4. Prepare to rest at home. Don't pretend you're sick and go hiking with your wife or join a jubilant party with your friends. If you pretend to be ill and actively participate in outside activities, this will reach your boss. Instead, call for sick leave when you really want to rest in bed, go for a walk around the house and relax - do what you would if you were really sick, just get rid of the feeling. get sick
    • Besides, if you spend the day off sick outside and go back to work with sunburned skin, that will raise suspicion.
    • When you take sick leave, it is better to get rid of all the social media sites you normally visit on "sick days". So your boss will not be able to accidentally see pictures of you hiking while you should be sick or leave comments that make others doubt your perfectly normal health.


  • Try not to take too much "sick" leave on a Monday or Friday - extended weekends will catch your boss and co-workers' attention. Calling on the third day would make more sense. Likewise, don't make it a habit to take breaks on important days like the day the whole group has to work overtime to keep up with the deadline. Acting like that runs the risk of ruining a relationship with a co-worker, especially if any of them suspect you were pretending.
  • Having a good reputation is that working faithfully will remove any doubts from your boss or coworker about you. If you are the lazy type, constantly trying to escape from work, you can hardly apply for fake sick leave easily.
  • Make sure you don't tell anyone that you are pretending to be ill, or they might tell your boss or others, and you will be in trouble!
  • Don't "plan" your sick leave in advance. If your boss finds out about you letting people know two weeks ago that you are going to have sick days, you could lose your job.
  • If you have to follow up on an urgent business but still want a day off, go to work in the morning. Focus on what you need to do, and keep quiet. If someone asks you what is wrong, just say you are not feeling well. When you decide to take a break, just go to your boss and say that you are tired and want to go home. Don't ask anything, just say. Explain that you have finished your urgent tasks for today and that there is nothing left your boss to say no more.
  • Build a reputation. Go to work when you're really sick, and your boss won't think you're pretending when you decide to fake sick so you don't have to work. When you walk out the door to work a few times when you are seriously ill (or easily contagious), your boss will feel grateful that you took sick leave and think that you have finally followed someone's advice. resting at home.
  • Just call the boss. Do not ask anyone to speak for you or he will call you back. Then you have to pretend all over again!
  • Don't call too late or your boss may be suspicious.
  • If you have children, they will be a good reason to take the leave. Again to emphasize, you may regret not spending more time at home when child be sick, so be careful with this.
  • If you go out to the beach on that holiday, don't forget to wear sunscreen. Appearing the next day at work with skin red like a shrimp will embarrass you, it will denounce your guilt.


  • Don't use the excuse of someone in your family dying because your boss will surely find out and you will be found out as lying. And your boss will no longer trust you when someone actually dies.
  • Ideally, if you need too many days off that you can't count on, then reevaluate what you're doing. You may not be able to bear the work you are doing and it is really destroying your health with anxiety, stress and frustration. In this case, you need to think twice about changing your job or even your career path.
  • Most companies have very precise employee absence control programs.Check with HR to see how your employment history has been compiled. Under the employee absence monitoring program, if you have a doctor's note, will you be penalized? You should consider taking your leave, your job may depend on it.
  • In the US, under federal law, companies with more than 50 people will have to sign the "FMLA", the Family or Medical Leave Act for themselves or their dependents. If you report your leave under the FMLA and are found to be taking advantage of your leave, you may be fired immediately.
  • Pretending to take sick leave is still not a good idea because it can put you under unnecessary stress just because you are lying. If there are problems at work, talk to your boss privately and they will help you through.
  • Absence from work affects all colleagues. Think carefully before placing more burden on them and leaving anyone in a difficult situation.