How to grind meat

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Grind Your Own Meat: 3 Pro Tips from a Butcher
Video: Grind Your Own Meat: 3 Pro Tips from a Butcher


Whether you grind meat to make baby food or soft foods to match your diet, the goal is to have a soft finished product. If the meat is too thin or lumpy, it will not make the eater feel good, even with small children. The secret to delicious ground meat is to cool the processed meat and grind it while it is still cold. Besides, adding a little water to the meat will help you get the perfect result.


Part 1 of 3: Meat Preparation

  1. Choose tender meat. The softer the meat, the finer and tastier the finished product will be. Whether you grind beef, chicken, pork, or lamb, choose tender cuts that won't harden when cooking.
    • Usually the cheap beef is the toughest part, so it's best to choose the tenderloin.
    • For chicken, you can buy boneless or boneless meat. If you buy the type with bones, you must carefully peel the bones so that small pieces of bone do not get left in the ground meat.

  2. Cook slowly to cook meat. Slow processing of the meat will retain the taste and moisture content of the meat, making it easier to grind the meat. Regardless of the type of meat you use, cook it slowly for the best results. Here are some useful processing methods:
    • Tunnel
    • Use a slow cooker
    • Boiled

  3. Make sure the meat reaches the right temperature after you cook it. Meat must be cooked before grinding. Check the meat after it's done to make sure it's inside has reached the required temperature. Here are the recommended temperatures for all types of meat:
    • Chicken: 75 ° C
    • Pork: 70 ° C
    • Beef: 65 ° C
    • Lamb: 65 ° C

  4. Refrigerate meat. After cooking, refrigerate meat in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Meat should be completely cooled before grinding. After chilling the meat will give a better finish than warm meat.
  5. Cut the meat into about 2.5 cm pieces. Take the meat out of the refrigerator and cut it into pieces for easy placement in the all-purpose meat grinder. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Milling

  1. Place 1 cup of meat in the all-purpose meat grinder. If you don't have a multi-function meat grinder, you can use a regular blender; however, the finished product will not be as soft and smooth as when using a multi-function meat grinder.
  2. Grind the meat until it becomes a powder. The word "flour" may seem a bit strange to describe meat, but that's the texture you will get when you grind it cold. Continue processing until the meat is evenly ground and looks like sand.
  3. Add water and continue blending. To make the meat smooth, you will need a little extra water to loosen the mixture. Regardless of the type of meat, you will need 1/4 cup of water for every cup of meat. You can choose to add the following water types:
    • Water is obtained after processing meat
    • Salt-free meat broth
    • Water
  4. Store ground meat in the refrigerator. After the minced meat has reached the consistency you want, put it in a sealed container to store. Store the ground meat in the refrigerator until needed. Meat will be stored for 3 to 4 days.
    • You can freeze ground meat for later use when needed. Be sure to store meat in cans used for freezing.
    • Before serving, let the meat at room temperature or reheat it in the microwave.

Part 3 of 3: Variation with Ground Meat

  1. Mix more mashed vegetables for young children. You can make pureed baby food by mixing ground vegetables with ground meat. This will add spice and nutrients to the dish. Try the following combination:
    • Ground chicken with carrot puree
    • Ground beef with mashed beans
    • Ground pork with crushed apples
  2. Season with meat if preparing adult food. While young children do not need salt and other seasoning, adults will need a little more to taste better. For each cup of ground meat, add 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon of spices as you like.
  3. The meat is not too fine. If your child is older and able to chew meat, make the meat more varied. Instead of grind until the meat is completely smooth, stop with a large portion remaining. In addition, you can also make a difference by adding chopped ripe vegetables to the finely ground meat. advertisement


  • Add a bread sample to the multipurpose meat blender with the meat for a beautiful texture. Alternatively, you can add 1 tablespoon (20 grams) of mashed potatoes.
  • Canned meats like tuna or salmon can be pureed with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise.
  • You can always marinate the meat to brown before adding it to the slow cooker to add more flavor.
  • You don't need to cook canned meat before you grind it.
  • Do not use a slow cooker to prepare fish meat. Instead, grill the fish in the oven or heat it up in the microwave before grinding.


  • Should cook meat before grinding.
  • If you're preparing ground meat for babies, consider using organic meat. In addition, you should make sure the kitchen area and cooking utensils are always clean to avoid food poisoning for children.

What you need

  • Meat
  • Chopping board
  • Knife
  • Spoon long-rolled hole
  • The cooker cooks slowly
  • Multi-function meat grinder or blender