Ways to Overcome Bad Mental Health

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Cope When Mental Illness Shuts Down Our Minds
Video: How To Cope When Mental Illness Shuts Down Our Minds


Bad mental health is associated with unhealthy thoughts and actions that can lead to negative mental problems. Hence, it's important to try to overcome bad mental health while promoting good mental health, which is healthy behavior, can lead to positive mental health. There are many ways to do this.


Part 1 of 2: Change your mindset

  1. Avoid negative thoughts and actions. When you find yourself thinking and even planning to say things you regret later, you can calm your mind. If you thought it would be useless or unwise to say it, take time to consider what you really want to show. If you think too much or have negative thoughts, think about peaceful or happy things instead.
    • Try to replace negative thoughts with more positive ones. For example, if you fail an exam, instead of saying "I didn't pass this class, why bother?" You can say "I didn't do well on that test, if I study harder then I can do better next time."

  2. Accept your situation and who you are. Acceptance takes initiative, not giving up: Tell yourself that you want to improve different aspects of your life. However, in the process of improving, it is quite important to accept who you are. To practice self-acceptance, you need to do the following:
    • Make a list of your strengths. You can also ask your friends and family to write down what they see as your strengths.

  3. Believe that you can change your mental habits. If you don't believe you can really change your present and future outcomes, you probably won't try. But, if you believe: "Yes, I can make a difference and can change", you will find an opportunity to change with hope and faith to begin and pursue to the end. This is called a "self-fulfilling prophecy."
    • Make sure you can change your mental life based on the different understandings and methods below that can be used for mental improvement.

  4. Forgive and forget. Don't make mistakes, if that's avoidable. Studies show that the act of forgiving others is good for our well-being and mental health. So next time someone does something wrong to you, do your best to accept the situation and forgive that person. Even if you have to fake a smile, smile. "Don't say anything", if you have to.
    • To forgive someone you can say, "What you did really hurt me but I know we all make mistakes sometimes and you seem to really regret it.It might take us some time to get back to normal but I do forgive you. "
    • Sympathize with other people. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes; This can help you realize that humans make mistakes. Just like you make mistakes from time to time, so this will be the same for other people.
  5. Seek a psychiatrist. Professional mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, counselors, or licensed social workers, are trained in how to improve the mental health of their patients. These methods may involve eliminating negative thoughts and / or generating positive thoughts.
    • If you want to improve your mental health, then psychotherapy can help too!

Part 2 of 2: Improving behavior

  1. Reduce stress. Stress is a major contributor to negative emotions and thoughts. You can reduce your stress levels by finding the causes of your stress and working to reduce them, by practicing yoga, and / or exercising, among other ways.
    • Community support can help reduce the effects of stress, so make sure to spend time with family and friends.
  2. Distract yourself from negative thoughts. When you find yourself having negative thoughts, try to distract yourself from them. This will change mental health and reduce bad mental health. To distract yourself you can:
    • Rub your fingers together and focus on how this feels. Pay close attention to the surface of your fingers and how much temperature you feel when rubbing them together.
    • Breathe in and out deeply. Namely inhale for five seconds and hold the breath again.
  3. Helping others. One way to get rid of bad mental health is to replace them with better mental habits. Research shows that spending time or money helping others can increase your happiness and well-being. These are two important factors that are the stark contrast to bad mental health.
    • So, to get rid of bad mental health, it can help you to help others.
    • There are many ways you can help others, for example, helping a stranger in need, spending time at a homeless shelter, or giving a homeless person a hot or little meal. money.
  4. Smile. One fun way you can help yourself overcome your bad mental health is to make yourself smile a few times a day, even if you don't feel like it. Research shows that the formation of the facial muscles that create a smile increases positive mood.
    • One way to smile when you don't feel like it, is to hold a pencil between your teeth to create a smile on the corners of your mouth.
  5. Show your anger in the appropriate way. It is very important to express your negative emotions, otherwise they can spill out and increase bad mental health. express your anger in acceptable ways:
    • Write down a bad note about someone you hate but don't show it to anyone, then review it and burn it. This allows you to vent your feelings out without hurting anyone.
    • Go to the gym and do a tough exercise to vent your anger.
    • Take a walk to relax.
    • Try to imagine it as a joke. Think of funny things in your situation. As many great comedians have performed over the years, most can be hilarious from a certain angle. Looking at the things that make you angry from a humorous perspective can help reduce your anger.
  6. Communicate with people in good mental health. We learn a lot from the people around us. Take advantage of this and spend time with people in your mental health that you admire. Notice positive, non-judgmental, and life-loving people.
    • Acknowledge that negative emotions are a part of life. No one is happy forever. Sometimes sad and frustrating things happen. A sign of good mental hygiene is how the person responds to their emotions.
  7. Try new things. Look for new experiences once a week or more. Doing so can prevent boredom, in order to keep away from bad mental health. Specifically, you can:
    • Try going to a new coffee shop instead of a familiar one.
    • Start talking with strangers.
    • Try a new activity.
    • Try a new musical instrument.
    • Try anything new that excites you.


  • Hang out with cheerful energetic people and / or family.
  • Reduce stress by starting to exercise. Active activities can help you feel full of energy and improve your mood.
  • Study at a community college or take free online courses so you can get excited about learning new things.
  • If you feel lonely, it can help you get rid of that mood and settle in with others.