How to overcome boredom

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to stop being bored and start being bold
Video: How to stop being bored and start being bold


Feeling bored? Perhaps it is not easy to overcome. Still, there is a way to make things more interesting. Enrich your creativity through reading, writing or crafting. Take advantage of your leisure time to do something meaningful.Work on the task you neglected or learn a new skill for. Meet friends when you feel bored and do interesting things around your area. Find a way to be happy. Tied up at home doesn't mean you can't relax and laugh a little.


Method 1 of 5: Be creative

  1. Reading books. This is a great way to forget boredom. The words in each page can take your mind on an amazing adventure. Children's books are especially effective in this situation. They also can awaken the child hidden deep inside you, arousing nostalgia as well as great surprise.
    • Choose the genre you love. If you've never been interested in science fiction, chances are that such a book will not alleviate your boredom. Instead, try to immerse yourself in historical fiction.
    • If there aren't any books nearby, go to the library or bookstore. Getting out of the house can make you feel less bored.

  2. Take the pen to doodle, draw or sketch. This is a great way to practice your creativity and get something really nice to show off to everyone. Thereby, maybe you will develop a new skill - a great thing to do when boring.
    • Painting or drawing in an indifferent manner can also increase intelligence. Research has shown that drawing indeterminate can aid concentration and listening by affecting your brain.
    • If you like to draw but don't know what to draw, try going outside and recording the still-life picture you see. You can also draw something interesting around the house.
    • If you want to use your imagination, you can also draw your favorite character in books or movies.

  3. Color. Even as you get older, color is a great way to fight boredom. Look for crayons, highlighter pens and a coloring book. Coloring for a few hours can cheer you up. You can also try to turn on music or turn on the TV while performing.
    • If you have nothing to paint, try coloring your pictures in black and white in newspapers or magazines. You can also draw and color yourself.
    • If you've grown up feeling silly, don't forget that there are adult coloring books available. Look at the bookstore and color them.

  4. Make a list. Listing is a fun way to pass the time. You can make a list of places you want to go, books that you want to read or goals you want to achieve. It could also be a shit list with no serious intentions.
    • Making the list makes you think of countless different ideas. For example, 50 spring song names or 50 female names starting with the letter "A".
    • You can also write lists of favorites. For example, it could be a list of movies, books or your favorite tourist attraction.
  5. Composed. You don't even have to be a good writer to write. A short creative essay can be a personal challenge and can help reverse boredom. Writing distracts your mind. Instead of wandering around with boredom, you will now focus on what to write.
    • If you don't know where to start, write freely. Write down everything that passes in your mind and don't be bothered by deliberation and selection. When you come across something interesting, try further development. You can even start with things like "I'm bored" and describe your boredom.
    • If you like to compose, get started on a novel, poem or short story you've always wanted to find time to write.
    • Open a blog. If you find it a little silly to write with no specific purpose, start blogging on topics that interest you. For example, if you like to go to concerts, you can absolutely start with the theme of music.
  6. Write letter or email. If you feel bored, think about someone you haven't seen in a long time. Try writing or emailing them. At that time, you can not only be less bored, but also do useful things: keep in touch with someone.
    • Show something positive to a friend or relative. Not only will you be less bored, you will also feel better. Say that you are grateful for their help or that you greatly admire their way of handling a situation.
    • Consider writing a letter to a soldier on an island, people affected by a disaster, or an elderly person in a hospice. Many organizations collect such letters and send them out for you. If you join these organizations, you will always have something to do when you are bored.
  7. As a gift for a friend or relative. If it's coming to a ceremony or just just enjoying it, make some gifts. There is no need to be a skilled craftsman to be able to make cute and meaningful items for loved ones.
    • Try simple things like making pictures, collage pictures, or making craft cards and stickers.
    • If you like knitting or crocheting, try making a scarf or handkerchief. They are simple and can usually be completed in just one day.
    • Try making a photo album for someone. Get a good photo album or even a blank book with some photos, stickers and other decorative items. Pages can be created by theme. For example, on a page you can paste pictures and souvenirs from certain holidays.
  8. Use household items to make crafts. If you're bored of having to stay indoors, there are plenty of crafts that you can make with objects around you. It will help you reduce boredom without wasting money or investing in unnecessary trips.
    • To make night lights fun, fill a glass jar with old Christmas decorations. You can also mount a light along the side of the jar for a great design.
    • Are there old sewing and pillows? Try stitching a couple of them together, forming a long hugging pillow. If there are young children, this can be a fun item for their sleeping gatherings.
    • The house has countless keys? Use nail polish to paint the ends of the keys, one color for each key. Thanks to that, when there is work, finding the key will become much easier.

Method 2 of 5: Be helpful when you're bored

  1. Know that boredom can lead to lethargy. It can make you feel depressed and unmotivated and in turn make the problem worse, especially when you are trying to complete an important task in study or work. Being helpful in these moments can positively affect your motivation, helping you focus on your ultimate goal, and complete the task given.
    • For example, if you're trying to finish an essay at school but don't feel motivated enough to do it, think about why you want to do well with that essay. That could be an academic goal, such as improving grades. Or, it could be a professional goal, such as doing well in the subject to get letters or recommendations from the teacher.
  2. Daily exercise. Exercise your body to maintain alertness, flexibility, and thereby reduce boredom. It doesn't have to be intense activities like playing basketball. It could be as simple as a light walk. When you feel bored, make the most of your time by taking a few minutes of exercise.
    • Go to the park and play skateboard, basketball, soccer, jog or play tennis.
    • If you don't want to be too active or have not been active in a while, walk around the block, down the street or to the park. If you are an artist, you can also bring a camera or sketchbook to capture interesting moments.
    • If it's warm, go swimming.
    • If you buy, stretch the tendons indoors. It's simple and it will keep the body in balance and healthy.
  3. Yoga. Yoga can easily boost your health, while at the same time repel boredom. The philosophy of yoga revolves around respect and living in the present. Being aware of yourself and your surroundings can reduce boredom. Yoga guides can be found online.
    • Be cautious if you are a beginner. Make sure you have chosen the right moves for beginners.
    • You should also listen to your body. If you feel any signs of overwhelmingness, stop immediately.
  4. Learn new skills. If you feel bored all the time, this would be a great thing to do.Give your all for a hobby or a new craft that promises to bring you busy days.
    • If you are not very artistic at it, consider learning to draw, paint, or sculpt. There are many online tutorials to choose from. You can also learn a particular craft, such as knitting.
    • If you have a musical gift, consider learning to sing or play an instrument. When you're bored, you can practice at home.
    • If you love to cook, you should buy a cookbook and cook every day. Try a whole new cooking style, like Thai food or French cuisine.
  5. Garden. If you feel bored, you can start gardening. It's good for your physical and mental health: you'll have to step outside and walk around every day.
    • Browse through a gardening store and buy a variety of trees and seeds that are currently in season. Ask the seller for instructions and information on how to grow and process seeds. You will probably also need to buy some beginner gardening books.
    • You can try starting with a herb garden, growing your own herbs like basil and cooking them with them.
    • Many people still grow vegetables and fruit trees on their balconies when there is no backyard. You can also plant small pots indoors.
  6. Plan upcoming trips and events. If there is nothing to do, you can also plan ahead. When bored, plan any upcoming events or trips. For example, if you are not sure about your Tet holiday plan, take a look at your flight and check your schedule.
    • You can also make small plans. For example, maybe you and your friends are still talking about going bowling. So let's create an event on Facebook and invite everyone to join.
  7. House rearrangement. Even if you are boring, there is almost always something around the house for you to do. Maybe the bookcase is not arranged in alphabetical order. Perhaps many items have not been hung in the closet. When you feel bored, rearrange a little. Not only will you feel better, but it also gives you a sense of satisfaction when you achieve something.
    • If you need inspiration for realignment of your home, try looking for some fun and creative tutorials online.
  8. Do what you are procrastinating on. Everyone has something on hold. Avoiding things to do in times of boredom is not a good thing. You can completely get the chores done. Complete the tasks you are afraid to do and keep your mind occupied with them.
    • If you're a student, do your homework. Thanks to that, to effectively fill idle time.
    • Are you still delaying certain chores? You may hate doing laundry, but a mountain of things is waiting for you. When you're bored, you can also spend some time working on it.
    • Many important things are often delayed, such as paying bills. If you're boring, why not pay cable bills, health insurance or credit your credit card early? The reassurance of knowing that you don't have to pay attention to them for a month will help you feel better.

Method 3 of 5: Interacting with others

  1. Play online games with friends. Some games, such as chess or checkers, require other players. If no one is around, many phone apps and game consoles allow you to play with you online. You can also go online and find games to play. For example, many people still play cards online.
    • Try playing cards. Some games can be played alone. Others like Uno or Slapjack need more people.
    • Use your smartphone. It is possible that everyone's friends are playing the Trivia Game on their smartphones. Try to find out if anyone wants to play right now.
    • Find friends through your game console. Many game consoles allow you to play interactive games with other players.
  2. If someone is by your side, play simple games and have more team spirit. If you invite someone over, play a game with them. Not every game requires board or decks. Some just need a voice and a little imagination.
    • You can play guessing words, game for truth or 20 questions.
    • Let's make a story together. Each person adds one sentence, either orally or write down.
    • Play an improvised game such as a guessing game.
    • Determine the shape of the cloud (or rock if you are in a hilly and rocky area). This is a simple game that helps train creative thinking.
  3. Meet friends at the cafe. If you feel lonely and bored, go out to see someone. Find out if anyone else wants to drink coffee. Chatting with you over a cup of coffee won't cost you much, and an enjoyable conversation can be a great weapon for fighting boredom.
    • If there's no one nearby to meet, go to the shop alone. Maybe you will find someone who is also solo and try talking to them. As a result, you will be less bored and make a new friend. You can also leave a comment about the restaurant. Something like: "Wow, I really like the atmosphere here."
  4. Review old movies with friends. If you hang out with friends your age, try looking for some old movies or DVDs. Looking back at your favorite childhood or childhood movies can be a great way to satisfy nostalgia and at the same time repel boredom. If you don't have an old DVD, you can download many movies for free through services like Netflix or Hulu.
    • If no one is nearby to watch the movie with, find out if any of you want to see the movie you are watching and chat about it via text. This will make you feel like someone is watching.
  5. Shop at discount stores. Often we feel depressed when we can't afford to do something with our friends. However, you don't need to have a lot to shop. If you're bored and don't have a lot of money in your pocket, go to a discount store. You will find loads of new items at relatively low prices.
    • Even if you can't buy anything, it will be fun to try on funny clothes at the discount store.
  6. Be a tourist in your own city. If you and your friends can't think of anything to do, pretend you've never been to this city. Plan to visit every highlight and dine at local restaurants for the day. This is an opportunity to revisit interesting places that are being forgotten by you.
    • Think about what tourists usually do in your city. Go to the local museum or walk, enjoy the natural scenery on the roads.
    • Are there any restaurants in the city? Try to eat something.
  7. Take a picture. If you don't know what to do, put on pretty outfits, make-up and take pictures. You can use your camera or phone to take a variety of photos or even go out and shoot outdoors.
    • If you're not in the mood, you don't have to take a serious photo shoot. Just jot down funny pictures to look back and smile in the end.

Method 4 of 5: Find a way to have fun

  1. See cute or funny pictures online. The network is a great entertainment tool. Try searching for things like "Cute puppy pictures" and make time for them. You can also kill time with lovely videos of animals or children.
    • If you are bored talking to a friend, you can share the videos and pictures found online.
  2. Baking. If you don't know what to do, rummage through the drawer. You will probably find some flour and sugar. Check out the bakeries available and find recipes online that you can easily follow. Baking can be a fun and helpful way to kill time.
    • If someone's birthday is coming up, you can try making them a cake.
  3. Make music CDs. If you have a blank CD, try picking and recording music for your friends or yourself. For example, the CD used to listen while driving.
    • Choose your music creatively, because then you will always have to think about what to add to your record. For example, don't select "Best Summer Songs". Instead, try your hand at "The Best Songs of Summer 1997".
    • Choosing music around a random theme or emotion is also a good idea. For example, you can choose music about animals, touching songs, or music that makes you unable to stop swaying and bouncing.
  4. Dance. Turn on the music and start dancing around the living room.You won't have to worry about how dumb you look because someone's there to look at you right now. Even if you're not a dancer, dancing alone for fun can be a lot more fun than you might think.
    • If you're interested in learning to dance, try watching dance videos online and imitating the movements.
  5. Review old photos. Old photos can be interesting to review. For example, you will be amazed how you've changed since eighth grade. Photos from freshman year with a different style from now can make you laugh.
    • If there are no pictures printed on paper, review old photo albums on electronic media, such as your oldest Facebook photo album.
  6. Watch comedy videos online. Lots of comedians open their own YouTube channel and post funny content. You can also watch their monologue show online. If you feel bored, find funny content online. Laughter will make it easier for a few hours.
    • If you don't know where to start, go to Google and search for things like "best online comedy" or "funny video" - the numerous results will keep you busy.

Method 5 of 5: Avoid becoming bored

  1. Be aware that a high level of arousal can also contribute to boredom. You may have associated boredom with bleak surroundings or feeling sleepy and lethargic. However, we can still become bored when we are overwhelmed by external stimuli or when we have an excess of energy and are therefore unable to focus.
    • For example, you might get bored sitting in a busy coffee shop with lots of people talking and the music is too loud. It could be the result of external factors from all the sound sources overwhelming or distracting you and unable to complete a task.
    • Or, maybe you think you're bored with excess energy and can't seem to focus on anything for longer than a minute or two. Excess energy can originate from normal things, such as excessive resting or stress about an upcoming flight. Feeling these intrinsic stimuli, you may confuse them with boredom.
    • If you are overwhelmed by external stimuli, try to reduce them. For example, if the surroundings are too noisy, you can wear headphones and listen to music or white sounds, or go somewhere quieter.
    • If you are energized, do something to drain your energy, such as walk, and get back to what you were doing.
  2. Leave the internet, computer, or armchair. Unless you really want to watch a show, don't use TV or social media to kill time. It may cause you to begin to delusions of something you enjoy doing. Research shows that it can aggravate boredom.
  3. Avoid illusory daydreams. Instead of diminishing it, fantasizing about other places and more desirable activities will make you feel even more bored. When you daydream like that, you will feel like what you are doing is insignificant, even if you normally find something attractive about it.
    • If you enjoy daydreaming from time to time, repetitive tasks like scrubbing the floor or mowing the lawn are good times to be. Actions that do not need much "existence" will not be significantly affected by those dreams.
  4. Maintain a daily schedule. If you notice any large gaps, try to fill with something you're interested in. You may find that you feel sad and bored almost every day at certain times. Setting a specific activity at this time will be a good anti-bored idea.
  5. Public relationship. Join a youth club or group to make a predetermined schedule or make plans with friends. If you have nothing to do, being in contact with someone is one of the best ways to get past those tasteless moments. Call your friends and have a picnic or annoy your neighbors with a basketball game in front of the yard. Even if you're just walking down the street or drinking coffee, you're doing something new. Meet close friends or reconnect with old acquaintances to slightly mess up your daily routine.
    • There is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Don't replace it with social media sites.
    • Attend camp. What are the upcoming events? Tet holiday? Vacation? Holiday season? Look for interesting camps to visit in your spare time.
  6. Take some time off so the work doesn't become too trivial. Recent research shows that people who take two minutes of breaks after 50 minutes of boring work feel more focused, comfortable, and productive when they are done. If starting a long-term project, give yourself something to look forward to by pre-arranging YouTube videos, songs or articles you're looking to read and rewarding yourself with 2 minutes of rest every 30 minutes. minutes of work.
    • Get out of work for a minute. Even as simple as going to the kitchen to drink water, those moments can help keep you awake. Step out into the garden, enjoy the air and the scent of flowers.
  7. Keep the workspace quiet. People often mistakenly think that turning on the radio or television at low volume can create an efficient and relaxing working space. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to subconsciously distract your attention. From there, you feel more frustrated than working in a completely quiet environment. Focus on a single task, even if it's "tedious," rather than sharing your brain with other stimuli.
    • Use music and radio as a reward instead of a distraction. Taking controlled breaks during the time when completing a boring activity is more effective than forcing yourself to work continuously and turning on the radio the entire time.
  8. Control blood sugar. When blood sugar levels drop, it becomes harder to concentrate. At your desk, stock up on healthy snacks, such as nuts and fruits, so that your brain does its best. Reward yourself with a piece of chocolate for completing a chore or an office to-do list.
    • Energy drinks and other sources of caffeine are common. However, the "drunk" of caffeinated drinks and a lot of sugar will affect your long-term productivity. Avoid these stimulant drinks to avoid falling back into the original boredom.
  9. Maintain alertness and agility. Some people prefer to practice with the ball instead of sitting on the computer desk or using other specialized office equipment to stay alert at work. However, you don't have to spend too much to do it. Going for a walk or spending 15 minutes relaxing in the bathroom will help boost energy levels in your body and maintain your focus.
    • If you have a walking machine, use it. It has been shown that getting up and moving is also an effective and healthy way to maintain focus.
  10. Find a job or volunteer. If you feel too free, consider looking for a part-time job or volunteering. Making money or helping others will effectively fill the free time and bring a sense of fulfillment. You can get started with a few suggestions below:
    • Retail, such as a store or a coffee shop, is a great overtime option. They are often time flexible and therefore very suitable for students.
    • Hospitals, nursing homes, charity kitchens and animal care centers are almost always on the lookout for volunteers. In addition to being praised and emotionally filling, such volunteering will make your college application or application stand out.
    • Consider self-employed. You can provide lawn mowing, dog walking or babysitting. With good hands, you can also make crafts, such as towels or bags, and sell them online.


  • Avoid the deep leaf line. Often people find life boring every time it sees its flaws.
  • If asked to do something or attend an event, agree.Don't assume they are boring without trying.
  • Try changing the atmosphere. Sitting or going to a different place together can often help alleviate your boredom.
  • Don't dwell on yourself feeling really bored. Instead, focus on things that are more useful, positive, and creative, such as learning, art, a building, or simply sharing ideas and helping those around you, especially children and the elderly.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes, especially when trying something new. Making mistakes and learning from them is much better than just sitting down and doing nothing.
  • Play games on the computer. There are some great games on your computer, like Animal Jam. They will keep you awake and so don't avoid them when you're bored.
  • Go out! There are lots of fun and interesting things out there.


  • Many people often eat to stop boredom. Don't do that. If you are really hungry, take it as an opportunity to eat healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not virtual brain about boredom, everyone can be depressed. Take it as a challenge.
  • Try not to get too upset. Maybe you will hurt those around you. If you find yourself getting irritable when you're bored, consider going out for a walk, reading a book, or doing yoga. Don't expose your mental illusions to others.
  • Avoid the temptation to try drugs or do illegal things to pass the time. Those are actions that are counterproductive and harmful to yourself.
  • Make a list of things that interest you.