How to Write a Sponsorship Invitation

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Schengen SPONSORSHIP and INVITATION LETTER format for visa application.
Video: Schengen SPONSORSHIP and INVITATION LETTER format for visa application.


If you want someone to sponsor the event or work you are doing, you should write an open sponsorship letter. Your letter must not only convince your sponsor that what you do is worth the donation, but also clearly state the benefits the donor will receive. A reasonable sponsorship letter is the key factor in deciding whether you can apply for funding or be completely ignored.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for a Grant

  1. Clearly define your goals. Specifically, what do you hope to get with your sponsorship letter? What do you want to show off? What activity do you need to finance and why is it important? Before writing a sponsorship letter, you need to know the answers to the above questions.
    • Sponsorship openings should be clear and focused. An unclear open letter or you are not sure what you need or why will not yield good results.
    • Understand why you must achieve your goal. A sponsorship letter has a higher chance of success if it has a certain meaning. Convince your donor why it is worthwhile to contribute their time or money. For example, you could tell them a story about how the event could help an individual or a community.

  2. Make a list of sponsors. Which of them will be able to support your event? Maybe a business owner will help you for a personal reason. Or maybe there will be a non-profit organization that has supported similar activities. Who has sponsored such events? You need to learn very carefully.
    • Remember to include individuals or businesses who have a personal relationship with you or your colleagues. Never underestimate personal relationships.
    • Don't overlook small businesses. Chances are they'll be happy to help too. Remember to emphasize where you will host the event. Local businesses often want to maintain relationships with the people there because this gives them many benefits.
    • If you work in a team, divide the list of sponsors equally for each team member to be responsible for contacting them.

  3. Be sure of what you want. There are many different ways to sponsor. Before you write a letter, you need to be sure what you want.
    • Cash assistance or donation are both possible. Gift support means that the business will give away products, supplies or sometimes provide services that can be used at the event instead of cash.
    • Maybe you are willing to accept help with human resources instead of products. Whatever the purpose, you need to be clear about what you want.

  4. Be sure of what you recommend. Usually sponsorship letters will allow recipients to choose between different funding levels. This allows small businesses that do not have as much budget as large businesses can participate.
    • Decide funding levels.You should clearly outline the different benefits that can be achieved with each level of funding. Those who give more should receive more in return.
    • Banner ads, public announcements about company or sponsor information, company logos appearing on your website or in advertising programs are just a few examples of the benefits you can offer.
  5. Define the name of the person who will receive the letter. Do not include recipients in general such as "To those interested". That seems a bit superficial.
    • Usually the person you need to send in will be the human resources manager or chief operating officer. You should call the company directly or find out on the website to know who is in charge of sponsorship. Don't guess! The sponsorship letter needs to be addressed to the right people to be successful. Know how to write the exact name as well as the position of the person to be sent.
    • You should also find out if the company or organization has a philanthropic policy so that you don't have to waste your time and can relate your request to their policy.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding Structure

  1. Let's study some of the sponsorship openings. You can easily find many forms of sponsorship letters online. Some of them require fees, but most are free. You should read letters that have the right format and content.
    • However, do not duplicate a sample letter. You need to modify your letter to make it less rigid and more personal.
    • For example, if you know the company's CEO has a personal connection to your goals. You can personalize your letter to that person. Be aware of the company or person you are applying for and tailor the letter to suit each person.
  2. Choose the right wording. This will depend on who the recipient is. However, you should always be professional and don't use overly colloquial expressions.
    • Please write in writing with your logo and organization name ready. This will make your request look more professional. If you're applying for self-funding, you can still create your own professional letter template with your name printed on top.
    • If you write to another business or organization, write as formal as possible. If you're writing to a family member or friend, you can use a more informal approach but still don't be too colloquial as it shows that you are disrespecting the recipient. Therefore, writing an email with informal style often does not produce the expected results in both cases.
  3. Please use Standard business letter templates. A typical claim letter often uses the same template as business letters. Use the right template if you don't want your letter to look unprofessional.
    • Begin the letter with the date followed by the name and address of the sponsor.
    • Then space out a line and begin the greeting with: Dear (recipient's name) accompanied by a comma.
    • Keep it short. Ideally, the sponsorship letter should be about one page long. People often don't have enough time to read more. Most donors will only spend about "a minute" on your letter. So you must not only write in short, but also clear and clear content.
    • Please send mail by mail. Using Email to apply for sponsorship often makes them feel that you are not really paying much attention to it.
  4. End the letter with a thank you. At the end of the message, you should thank the recipient for caring. Be sure to line out a line and leave enough space for you to sign.
    • Finish with a professional endorsement, for example: Sincerely, followed by your name, title, and handwritten signature.
    • Please attach the required documents. You will probably want to include your preprinted brochures with your sponsorship letter to give your event or company details. This will increase the level of trust and make the business feel more comfortable supporting you.
    • Likewise, if your organization gets to the newspaper, you can attach it to support your work.

Part 3 of 3: Complete Content

  1. The opening should be well prepared. At the beginning of the letter, you should specifically introduce yourself, your company or your event. Don't ring around. The recipient needs to know the right problem from the start.
    • Don't assume they know who you are or what your organization does. Please explain everything clearly. Start with information about the company (if it's an open letter of interest) or personal information (if it's a sponsorship letter for yourself). For example, ABC organization is a non-profit organization with the purpose ... etc.
    • Emphasizing a few accomplishments has come to show that sponsoring your work will not bring any risk. Be clear and specific about how you will use the money.
    • In the second or first paragraph, you need to state your request directly and explain why you need it.
  2. Outline the benefits. To sponsor you, a company or an individual needs to see the benefits they will get from it. So in the middle part of the letter, highlight the benefits for the benefactors.
    • For example, if the sponsor will get the public's attention through the incident, explain in detail and details: Will the event be shot on TV? How many people will attend? Are there VIPS guests? If other reputable companies or their competitors are sponsoring your event, mention that.
    • Please let your sponsor be selected. They will be pleased if there are different options to suit their needs and budget.
  3. Convince them with the real evidence. For example, some specific numbers of visitors or statistics about the number of people they can reach.
    • And don't forget about factors that can spark their empathy - for example giving a story about an individual who gets help if he can be very brief (in a sentence or two), that will very touching.
    • Explain how you can make your donor known through their sponsorship. Maybe they will have a free space for your event booth that is worth the sponsorship amount.
    • Provide the necessary information in the sponsorship agreement that they need to decide. Don't forget to include your contact information. You can also include your personal address and pre-stamped envelopes so they can respond more conveniently. Don't forget to include the date when you need to receive an answer.
    • Ask the sponsor in what way they would like to be promoted. For example, how will their names or businesses appear or do they want to be known? Give a few suggestions, but absolutely do not admit it. Please ask!
  4. Provides basic information about your event. You should provide them with specific information that will benefit your organization or individual.
    • For example, if you are writing a donation letter to the charity, explain the basic information about the charity, like when it was founded, who is the leader, it responds and the awards and rewards that the fund has received.
    • Prove it, not just words. Don't just tell them your organization or event is good and worth considering. Convince them through concrete evidence that demonstrates how well your organization or event is and why. Usually, the concrete evidence is more convincing.
  5. Please come to the place. Sending a single letter is not the best way to develop a relationship. Although an open letter to ask for sponsorship is also not a bad idea, going in person is still a smarter way to behave.
    • You can call or go in person if you do not receive any response within 10 days. Keep in mind, though, that the CEOs of companies are extremely busy and that can be frustrating.So you should make an appointment or call in advance.
    • Make sure you communicate your expectations for your project. Avoid mentioning negative things. Don't make them think that you're begging or trying to draw them into a risky affair.
    • If the answer is "maybe", don't be afraid to try again. Just don't come to bother them right away or too much, it will make them uncomfortable.
    • Never overconfident. Don't assume that they will schedule your appointment or sponsor you. Thank them for their consideration.
    • Don't forget to thank them if you get sponsored.
  6. Proofreading. You may lose your chances of getting funding if you do not review the open letter carefully. Letters filled with spelling or grammatical errors look unprofessional. Plus, why would anyone want their name to go with such a lack of professionalism?
    • Check the punctuation. A lot of people do not know how to use commas or apostrophes properly. These little things also play a very important role.
    • Test out a copy of your letter and read it over and over over a few hours. At times your eyes are so familiar with online content that it is easy to ignore the basic typos when you read on a computer.
    • Make sure you send it in a dedicated business envelope.
  7. Here is an example: advertisement
Letterhead (if applicable) Date: ______

Address: _________ _________________ _________________

Dear mr and mrs: _______,

I was recently invited to participate in the preliminary round of the Miss States of America contest. And at the Preliminary Examination Round, I will have the opportunity to be selected as the state representative to participate in the Miss American States.

I would be very grateful if you could help sponsor me in the Miss Colorado competition. The contest will have about 20-50 contestants. This event will be televised on a local channel with around 200,000 - 300,000 spectators and the names of all my sponsors will appear during the performance as well as on the official website of the competition.

There are different levels of funding. You can choose one of the options below to assist me.

$ ____ - Your name, information and logo

$ ____ - Your name and information

$ ____ - Your name and logo

$ ____ - Your name

If you are interested in this sponsorship please reply to me at ___________________.

I sincerely thank.

Best regards,


Full name


  • Don't give orders. Ask politely.
  • Look for one primary contact person instead of secretary or third party.
  • Unless your handwriting is very nice, type. This will look more professional.
  • Print the letter on high quality paper
  • Businesses often get a lot of sponsorship offers for different events so make sure you give them the reason why that company is the most suitable sponsor for the event. your lawsuit.
  • Please include a sponsorship form for the business to fill out.