Ways to Stop Snacking

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Are you addicted to packaged chips, pretzel, candy, or any other "food" from a vending machine? While snacking can satisfy your cravings and help you enjoy the delicious food you enjoy, in the long run, eating too many junk foods can cause obesity, lethargy, and in many extreme cases. Seriously, it can cause depression.The sooner you replace junk food with healthy foods, the faster you will live a healthier and happier life.


Method 1 of 4: Setting a Plan

  1. Think about why you want to stop snacking. Once you have considered the effects that junk food can have on your body and the potential health risks, you should think about why you want to stop snacking. Maybe it's because you worry about your body weight and want to make big changes to a healthier weight. Or perhaps you are a hardworking athlete who wants to improve your performance by providing better energy for your health. Whatever your reason, you should think about it.
    • Try to write about one or more reasons why you might want to stop snacking. Writing down your thoughts on paper can help motivate you to stop eating unhealthy foods and make a difference.

  2. Commit to yourself. Once you've identified your motivations, you should make a commitment to yourself. You can do this by writing a contract outlining the foods you no longer want to consume. You should also include details about which foods you will use instead or how you cope with your junk food cravings. Once completed, read the contract again and then sign and date.
    • You should remember to write down the contract specifically so that you can clearly understand what you are committed to doing.
    • Place the contract in a spot that you can see every day, such as on the mirror or on the refrigerator.

  3. Eliminate junk food. After you have made your commitment to stop snacking, throw away any junk food that is already in the home. Storing junk food around the house while you're trying to stay away will only contribute to failure, so it's best to throw them away immediately. You should also stop buying junk food and ask family members to keep junk food away from the common area so you won't be tempted.
    • "Out of sight out of mind". Most of the time, junk food is consumed on the basis of convenience and boredom. If there are no snacks in your home, you won't want to leave home and buy them.

  4. Store healthy foods in your kitchen. To make sure you won't be tempted to go out and find junk food when you're hungry, keep healthy foods in your kitchen. You can find whole (less processed) foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, milk, eggs, and whole grains. The best way to stay away from unhealthy supermarket stalls is to avoid going inside (usually the confectionery section) and instead choose to buy almost any of your foods at the ring. outside of the supermarket.
    • The best way to make sure you eat healthy is to always have the foods you need. You can also prepare your own food!
    • Prepare healthy snacks before snacks so that a quick and healthy option is always on hand. You can store sliced ​​fruit or vegetables in a food bag and refrigerate. Store some nuts and dried fruits in your gym bag. Or store fat-free Greek yogurt and cheese in the refrigerator.
  5. Drink plenty of water every day. Water keeps your body hydrated and helps you feel full between meals. Drink plenty of fluids during the day to prevent yourself from indulging in junk food. Staying hydrated will also help you avoid using carbonated water or other unhealthy sugary drinks. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Hold Your Stance

  1. Tell your friends about your commitment. Getting support from friends and family is important when trying to make big changes in your life. Tell people about your commitment to stop snacking and seek their support. You will be more successful if you ask others to help you instead of facing the problem yourself. It also keeps others interested in you. It's easy to give up on your resolve when no one is watching you.
  2. Develop mindful eating habits. You will probably want to snack because you tend to eat unconsciously. To change this, try to practice mindful eating habits. Pay attention to the smell, the shape, and the taste of the food you are eating. Eat slowly and avoid eating when you are distracted or stressed.
    • Ask yourself a few questions before you approach food. Ask yourself: 1) Am I really hungry or is there any other reason why I want to eat something right now? 2) What do I want to eat? Asking yourself these questions can help you keep yourself from eating junk food or other foods that you don't really want to eat.
  3. Learn how to think seriously about food advertisements. People are more likely to overeat and enjoy snacking after they see ads for fast food or junk food. Since commercials are unavoidable while you're watching TV, teach yourself how to see them in critical eyes. You should not simply accept anything that the ad offers you.
    • Ask questions about advertisements and consider how they represent food. Would they exaggerate anything or not? If so, what is it?

Method 3 of 4: Developing a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Learn about healthy cooking techniques. If you eat junk food because you don't know how to cook, now is the right time to study. Knowing how to cook the healthy foods you want to eat will keep you away from junk food when it's time to eat. If you're new to cooking, you can find a cookbook with simple, healthy, and delicious recipes you can create.
    • Consider this: vegetables are healthy until you batter them and fry them. The cooking method you choose can ruin the healthiness of the food. You should focus on baking, baking, charcoal baking, steaming and sautéing.
  2. Begin to form an exercise routine. Having an exercise routine can have a number of health benefits for you, from burning more calories to reducing your risk of developing certain medical conditions. If stopping snacking is a small part of your bigger health goal, you should consider exercising. Try to exercise for 30 minutes a day. Walking is a great option if you're just starting out.
  3. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can affect your ability to control impulses and make decisions, and this can keep you from making healthy food choices. Sleep deprived people generally prefer to consume foods high in fat and sugar and generally more calories.
    • Research has shown that sleep deprived people crave more carbohydrates. You can avoid this by getting enough sleep each night.
    • To keep yourself from snacking on junk food, make sure you sleep for 7-9 hours a night. Everyone is different, so you may need more or less sleep depending on your age and activity level.

Method 4 of 4: Understand a Snacks-Related Problem

  1. Think about the purpose of the food. What do you think about food? If you see them as your source of energy, you will have less cravings for junk food. Think about the benefits of eating healthy foods such as fruits, whole grains, and lean protein instead of junk food. Healthy foods will provide you with a better source of energy for your body so you can exercise, think, and function to the best of your ability.
  2. Consider snacks-related issues. Knowing about a few junk food related issues can help you stop consuming them.Not only do junk foods contain more sugar, fat, and calories than healthy foods, they also have less nutritional value and don't feel as full as other healthy foods.
    • Nutritional value. Nutritional value of a food refers to the amount of vitamins and minerals that a food provides. Vitamins and minerals are natural parts of healthy foods, but they are often removed from junk food because the ingredients used to prepare junk food are often processed.
    • Satiety. Snacks don't keep you full for as long (without hunger) as healthy foods, so by opting for junk food you will give your body more calories.
  3. Learn about how junk food can affect your health. Snacking will increase the number of calories you consume, and this will cause you to gain weight. If you are overweight or obese, you are at increased risk for certain medical conditions. Some of the medical conditions associated with obesity include:
    • Stroke
    • High blood pressure
    • Heart-related diseaes
    • Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • The disease stops breathing while sleeping
    • Cholecystitis
    • Gout (Gout)
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Depression


  • Call a friend if you're having trouble fighting a snack cravings. Or you can do something to distract yourself from thinking about junk food, like taking a walk or reading a book.