How to remove colored hair

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
how to REMOVE hair color WITHOUT bleach NO DAMAGE
Video: how to REMOVE hair color WITHOUT bleach NO DAMAGE


Oh! Your newly dyed hair turns out to be the wrong color! Luckily, there are many ways you can get rid of your hair color. Feel free to try more than one method or several times if you haven't got the results you want. Remember that these methods will work best if you apply them immediately after dyeing your hair and give the best results for semi-permanent or demi permanent dyes.


Method 1 of 4: Dandruff shampoo and baking soda

  1. Buy a dandruff shampoo. You can buy this shampoo at drugstores or supermarkets. The shampoo bottle label will clearly state that it is a dandruff product. Head & Shoulders and Original Formula Prell are popular brands.
    • The dandruff shampoo is a little stronger than regular shampoo; People with dandruff often have a lot of sebum that causes the skin to flake off so they need a stronger formula.

  2. Take some baking soda. Make sure it's baking soda, not baking soda. The packaging for these two products is usually the same, but baking powder won't do any good in this. Baking soda is a natural (though not very strong) bleach.

    Why use baking soda?
    Baking soda is a natural cleanser — you may have used it in the past to remove stains! Baking soda will lighten the color and remove the color without bleaching your hair. When you combine this cleansing powder with dandruff shampoo, which has an active ingredient that fades hair color, you will have an effective dye remover.
    Advice: If you don't have baking soda available, try a dandruff shampoo. Just wash your hair and you can remove the dye from your hair, especially for semi-temporary dyes.

  3. Mix baking soda and shampoo in equal proportions. You can mix in a container, or just pour an equal amount of each into the palm of your hand. No need to be exact!

  4. Wash your hair with the mixture. Rub the mixture onto the foam and let it sit on your hair for a few minutes before rinsing.

    Tips for washing hair:
    Wet your hair completely before applying shampoo. Stand under the shower and let the water run to your hair for about 1 minute as you would wash with regular shampoo.
    Rub the shampoo over all of your hair evenly. Use both hands to stroke the hair from root to tip.
    Wait for the mixture to soak. Shampoo and baking soda take some time to penetrate the strands of hair to remove the color. You need to leave the mixture on your hair for 5-7 minutes before rinsing it off.

  5. Rinse your hair clean. The color will fade when draining. You can wash your hair with this mixture as many times as needed. This will work best if you are new to hair coloring. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Dishwashing liquid

  1. Mix 4-5 drops of dish soap with regular shampoo. Palmolive and Dawn are two popular dishwashers that you can try. Take a small coin-sized amount of shampoo and mix it with a few drops of dish soap.
  2. Wet your hair and rub the mixture. Rub the mixture over your hair to create lather and let the dish soap penetrate deeply into your hair. Rub like this for at least 2 minutes.
  3. Rinse hair thoroughly. Dish soap will dry out your hair and strip your hair of natural oils, so be sure to rinse it thoroughly. You may have to do this more than once, but don't do it too many times, as dish soap is very strong.
  4. Check your hair after each wash with dish soap. You may not see immediate results, but the color should start to fade significantly after 2-3 days of washing.
  5. Use a deep conditioner after each shampoo with a mixture of shampoo and dish soap. After the last rinse, be sure to use an intensive hair conditioner, like hot oil. Dishwashing liquid will make hair extremely dry; Your hair will need to be moisturized after each shampoo.
    • You can even sit under a hairdryer to increase the effectiveness of the conditioner.

Method 3 of 4: Vitamin C Crushed

  1. Use vitamin C tablets to make a paste. If you dye your hair dark with a semi-temporary dye (the one that is supposed to fade after 28 washings) and have only been dyeing your hair for a few days, give it a try. Place a handful of vitamin C tablets in a bowl, add a little water, and grind it into a paste with a spoon.

    How to take vitamin C tablets
    Why choose vitamin C? Vitamin C is a safe and non-abrasive option if you dye your hair dark. The acid in vitamin C oxidizes the dye and reduces adhesion to the hair.
    Buy vitamin C at the pharmacy. Go to a vitamin and supplement store to find vitamin C in pill or powder form. The powder form is easier to dissolve in water, but both work equally well.
    Vitamin C works best if you've only been dyeing your hair for less than 3 days. If your hair has been dyed for more than 3 days, this can still work but not very clear.

  2. Apply the paste to wet hair and let it sit for 1 hour. Remember, your hair must be wet. Vitamin C penetrates best when hair is wet. After you've applied the mixture to your hair, put on a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic. Leave it on for 1 hour.
  3. Rinse off the mixture and wash your hair. Rinse the mixture thoroughly, then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner as usual. As long as you take vitamin C within a few days of dying, you should see noticeable results.
    • You do not need to re-dye your hair; Vitamin C blends do not damage hair.

Method 4 of 4: Vinegar solution

  1. Make a mixture of vinegar and warm water. Remember to use white vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is less acidic, so it's not as effective.
    • Most dyes can tolerate alkalis like soaps and shampoos, but not acids. The acidity in white vinegar will help remove the dye.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed esthetician Laura Martin is a licensed esthetician based in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and has been a beauty salon teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin
    Licensed esthetician

    Laura Martin, licensed beauty expert, said: "Depending on the type of dye, vinegar may cause the color to fade, but it is unlikely that the dye will be completely removed. However, avoid using vinegar to remove the red color from your hair."

  2. Soak the vinegar mixture in your hair. Bow your head over the sink or tub and pour the vinegar solution over your hair for a smooth, even consistency.
  3. Cover your hair and wait 15-20 minutes. Use a shower cap or plastic bag to cover wet hair. Let the vinegar mixture soak into your hair for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair and rinse it off. You should see the color fade with the water. Once the water is clear, wash it again with shampoo. Repeat the entire process as many times as you need to. advertisement


  • Always give your hair a deep conditioning after trying any of the above methods.

What you need

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Oil treatment shampoo
  • Vitamin C tablets
  • Shower cap
  • Deep conditioning conditioner