How to get your ex-girlfriend back

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to GET YOUR EX BACK! | Get your Ex-Girlfriend back after a Breakup
Video: How to GET YOUR EX BACK! | Get your Ex-Girlfriend back after a Breakup


Relationships often end in quarrels and accusations. You probably said a lot too much. Now that a little time has passed, you realized that you got excited and were wrong. Do you want to get her back but don't know where to start? We'll tell you how to do it!


Part 1 of 3: You Need to Improve Your Life

  1. 1 First, you need to understand what is happening in your life. You have been in a relationship with a girl for a long time, but recently this relationship ended. Now you are sad and lonely, but if you want to return to your old relationship, you need to change.
    • Girls want their boyfriends to improve themselves. Perhaps your girlfriend often complained about some quality of your character, or something else, when you were together. Or you have a few not-so-good habits or qualities that you want to get rid of.Now is the time. Stop playing video games all day (if that's what she always wanted you to do), or it's time to start wearing clean clothes so that she will notice that you have changed. If you focus on getting better, she will notice that you have changed, and this will work in your favor.
    • Stabilize your emotional state. You don't have a single chance of getting your ex back until you bring yourself back to a normal, calm, and balanced state. Women don't like emotionally dependent, annoying guys. So pull yourself together, don't look unhappy, overwhelmed, don't bother her - fix your life before asking her to come back to you. She will love that you act as if everything in your life is great. Girls like guys who are self-sufficient and confident. Start going to the gym, go to the movies with friends, or do something else. If you feel good and have fun, she will notice it and want to join you.
    • Buy new clothes. Fashion is constantly changing. External changes in this case will symbolize your internal changes for the better - she will definitely appreciate it. Buy some trendy new shirts and jeans. If you look good, she will be drawn to you even more; when she meets, she will see you in new clothes and understand that you have changed.
  2. 2 Change your attitude. Girls like adults, courageous and independent guys, optimistic and self-confident. Yes, we know that it is not easy to change so dramatically, but you have to start somewhere!
    • Stop being jealous. It won't do anything. Jealousy is always associated with fear and anxiety - very unattractive traits. When you are jealous, she takes it as if you want to control her. Nobody wants to be controlled. So learn to control and not show your jealousy. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
    • Act like everything is okay. Even if you just shake with jealousy or resentment - never show it in front of her. She won't want to be with you if you are depressed, whine, jealous, and angry all the time. Laugh and have fun when she's around. Try to do it sincerely. Who knows, you might actually feel better about it. If not, you are depressed and sad, try to communicate more often with friends and family. You don't have to be alone, sit around doing nothing and hope that she will come back.
    • Don't forget your sense of humor. What quality do girls value most in guys? Girls like funny guys with a sense of humor. These qualities are very attractive, as they are a sign of confidence, youth and optimism. So it doesn't hurt to remember a few jokes (try them on your friends), pick out the funniest of them - and go. Learn to laugh at yourself, but no need to whine and complain, be always confident in yourself, no matter what. Be relaxed and cheerful when she is around - joke with her, laugh - and no negative emotions! You will immediately notice how her attitude towards you will change.

Part 2 of 3: Prepare for the Offensive

  1. 1 Give her some time. Let her think about everything that happened, about your relationship. If you had, by and large, a good relationship - she will remember this, and she will miss you.
    • Stop communicating with her. Don't talk to her for weeks or even months. It will be very difficult and you will miss her, but she will also feel bad. And then, it will help you calm down and put your thoughts in order.
    • You need to give her some time for three reasons: 1) People just need to spend time alone. If in your relationship you did not give her time to be alone, do it now. Perhaps she will see that you have changed. 2) She will have enough time to understand how well she was with you.When she is alone, she will feel it more clearly. 3) It will provide you with an opportunity to show her that you are self-reliant and emotionally independent. Single guys usually attract girls by their independence from others - they don't need anyone.
  2. 2 Start chatting with another girl. No need to flirt and flirt with her. Just become friends. You will increase your value in her eyes if she sees that other girls are interested in you.
    • Don't misunderstand this advice - don't hit another girl. Just walk together and talk, go for a pizza. Be friends. After all, if you appoint another girl a date, your ex will never forgive you for this, and is unlikely to return to you.
    • Go for a walk with a group of girls. Show her that the girls love your company. If you surround yourself with beautiful and prominent girls, your ex will automatically take an interest in you.
  3. 3 Show her that you are a real alpha male - the leader of the pack, that you are a natural leader who can do everything, who always comes first.
    • Most girls are attracted to these guys for purely biological reasons. They believe that such a guy can better provide them, protect, give her healthy children. Even if you think your ex doesn't like guys like that, try changing a little in that direction, it won't hurt you. Pump up a little - let them notice your manly chest and pumped-up legs.

Part 3 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Apologize to her. It doesn't matter who dumped whom - you still have to apologize. This will show her that you are able to put her, and not yourself, in the forefront, that you are not afraid to admit your mistakes. If you do everything right, it will be a huge plus for you.
    • Send her flowers. Girls love flowers. Despite the fact that the flowers will wither in a week and have no practical use - no girl can resist them. Your ex won't miss the chance to brag to your friend that someone gave her flowers. So, let this "someone" be you!
    • Send her a letter. Girls love to receive letters. If you wrote a letter, it means that you spent your precious time on it, not being too lazy to express your feelings. Start your letter with something like: “I know that one letter will not correct all my mistakes, but I want you to know that you are very dear to me and I will never forget you. You have always been very important to me. I'm a fool because I missed a girl like you "
    • Talk to her face to face. Make an appointment with her in a public place - a cafe or a park. Pick a place that she probably likes. When the moment is right, tell her, “I know I made a lot of mistakes. I understand and admit my mistakes. The biggest one is I lost you. I don't expect anything from you ... I just wanted you to know that. "
  2. 2 Try to reconnect with her. Maybe you betrayed her trust in the relationship. Become her friend to regain lost trust. Trust is very important for girls. Show her that she can trust you again.
    • Do something nice for her. If she is preparing for the exam, tell her that you believe in her success and that she will definitely pass everything well! If something happened to one of her friends, go to her and wish her a speedy recovery. A friend will definitely pass this on to your ex. If your ex wants to see a movie, buy her two tickets to go to the movies with her friend. Take your time, your time will come soon!
    • Go for coffee or pizza together. Go cycling. Visit a pool or park. Talk about your common interests. Remember to be confident, funny and funny.
  3. 3 Tell her that you still have feelings for her. After you apologize and become her friend again, you can proceed to the next step - say that you want to return her.Choose the right moment, for example, when you are alone with her. Put on your best clothes and thoroughly prepare for this conversation.
    • Be sincere. You don't need to tell her what was wrong in your relationship or what she did wrong. Concentrate on yourself. Tell her that you admit all your mistakes and are not going to repeat them. Show her how much you have changed. Say that you are now more patient, understand your flaws and work on them.
    • Tell her something like, “After we parted ways, I realized that I was looking for love where it was not. You were everything to me, but I did not understand this and did not appreciate you properly. I only realized this after I lost you. I'd be a fool if I didn't try to get you back. I need you!
    • Or you can say something like this: “You may not like this, but everything I do, I do for you. You made me better than I was. I realized how happy I was with you, only now, after I lost you. I want to take care of you again, I have changed for the better and I want to show it to you. I still have feelings for you - I can't deny it. "
    • Reassure her that you can still fix the mistakes and solve the problems that were present in your relationship. Don't forget why you quarreled and don't repeat your mistakes again. Discuss a plan of action with her - there is simply no point in restoring a relationship doomed to inevitable death. You should do things differently this time. Listen to her, try to understand her feelings. If you didn't treat her friends very well, change that. May you succeed this time!


  • When your ex starts talking to you again, you don't need to talk about your relationship! Even if she wants to return to you, you should not rush things, otherwise you will soon disperse again! Treat her like a friend - to begin with. This will help you and her rebuild trust and friendships.
  • Be gentle with her. Tell her that she is beautiful.
  • Many people don't appreciate what they have until they lose it.
  • You do not need to force her to do what she does not want, you do not need to convince her that you have changed - let her see it herself.
  • Do not quarrel with her in any way. Ask her what you were wrong about and try not to do it again.
  • Don't let her know your intentions too quickly. But if you do decide to take such a step - be yourself! Girls like guys who are confident. If you don't change your attitude and admit your mistakes, sooner or later she will leave you again!
  • If you managed to get her back, appreciate her and love her as if today is your last day on earth!
  • Always be yourself! Be confident and optimistic about everything. Always listen to her carefully, tell her that she is beautiful, joke with her, be romantic. If you don't, there will always be another guy who will appreciate her.
  • When she says she wants you to be friends, be her friend. Once you've become good friends, you can tell her how you really feel.
  • Let her know that you have changed for the better.
  • Never take everything she does for granted.
  • If you see her on the street, do not pass by. Come up, say hello, kiss her and talk to her.
  • Be yourself, do something nice to her, give gifts, and even if she is wrong - apologize, you will not regret it!