How to find people who have unfollowed you on Instagram

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To See Who Unfollowed You On Instagram 2022 (Safe Method) | NO APPS
Video: How To See Who Unfollowed You On Instagram 2022 (Safe Method) | NO APPS


Instagram is a fun way to enjoy the artistic perspective of a friend, relative, celebrity or even a complete stranger. Seeing your followers decrease for no apparent reason can be frustrating, especially if you can't find someone who has unfollowed you. Even though Instagram doesn't announce who unfollowed you, there is a way to track that person down.


Method 1 of 2: Online

  1. Find an Instagram monitoring website. Believe it or not, there are many websites out there that make it easy to track down who has unfollowed you. It all works by the basic principle: that website loads your list of followers into a database, then when you request an update, they compare the current listing with the old one. . If a name is missing, the site will recognize that person as the person who unfollowed you. The following is some the website is suitable for this purpose - in addition to many others:
    • The site is easy to use with a simple interface (also has the ability to monitor your Twitter account).
    • This site offers special tools for managing large followers, including the ability to place followers on a "white list" or "blacklist".
    • Simple website, suitable for newbies, allows you to check who you follow without following you back.
    • The sites mentioned above are all great, but for the purposes of this article we'll dive into Unfollowgram, a service popular with a lot of users wanting to monitor their Instagram followers (available at Note that All web pages work the same way so you can apply the manual steps of Unfollowgram to other sites.

  2. Create Account. You visit and click on "Login with Instagram" (Login with Instagram). You are asked to enter your Instagram username and password. The first time you login, you will see a dialog box asking for permission to access your Instagram account. Click on the green authorization button to continue.
    • Note if you have linked your Instagram account to Facebook and you are logged in to Facebook, your login information will be provided automatically.
    • Finally, provide your email address when asked to complete the new account creation process.

  3. Click on "Who Unfollowed Me. After creating an account, the process of detecting who has unfollowed you will become extremely simple, just click on the corresponding button at the top of the screen. You will be taken to a screen showing a list of users who have unfollowed you since you created your Unfollowgram account. However Since you just created an account, this list will be empty.
    • There is no way of identifying users who have unfollowed you before when you create an account Unfollowgram. Unfollowgram does not access your follower list until you have logged in and granted access, so it cannot identify who has unfollowed you in the past. The same goes for the sites that monitor Instagram.

  4. You can refer to additional functions for the new account. Unfollowgram is not only helpful in finding out who unfollowed you - it also manages many other metrics. Here are a few of the options available on the Unfollowgram navigation bar:
    • Who Does Follow Me Back (People who did not follow me in response): a list of Instagram users that you follow but have not responded to. You may choose to unfollow anyone in this list by pressing the "Unfollow" button.
    • Who I Don, Follow Back (People I don't follow in response to): Contrary to the above, this is a list of users that follow you but you do not follow them. If you change your mind and want to follow anyone, just press the "Follow" button next to their profile picture.
    • Followers (Followers): This is a complete list of users following you, exactly like the list on the Instagram app. Here, you can click on a user's profile picture to visit their profile.
    • Following (Following): This is a complete list of the people you are following. Here, you can unfollow them, or if you want to view their profile, click on their profile picture.
  5. Refresh figures for continuous updating. Every reload, the Unfollowgram page will automatically update with the latest statistics. If there is a change from the last update - for example, having followers or unfollowing you - the page will reflect immediately after you reload the page. However, you don't need to use your browser's refresh button, just refresh the database by clicking the "Check" button in the upper right corner of the screen. After a few seconds you can find out who has unfollowed you! advertisement

Method 2 of 2: On Mobile Devices

  1. Find the Instagram follower app on the app store. Since you use this mobile device to access Instagram, there are resources available to identify who recently unfollowed you. Unlike on the website, you must download the application to your device. But after downloading the application, you can use it whenever you need it. Here are a few of the recommended apps for popular mobile platforms:
    • On the device Apple iOSThe "Followers on Instagram Free" app developed by Sepia Software LLC is a highly regarded (as the name implies) app because it's completely free.
    • On the device AndroidThe "Follower Tracker for Instagram" app developed by 2 Creative Monsters LLC is also a great, easily accessible solution on the Play Store.
    • On the device Windows Phone, "UnfollowSpy" application developed by Elliott Forde offers many options for Instagram and Twitter.
  2. Download and install the app. When you find the right app on the app store, download it to your device (the apps listed above are free). Wait for the app to install, then open it.
    • We will take the application Follower Tracker for Instagram on Android as an example. Most Instagram monitoring apps work similarly, so you can follow the steps in the article.
  3. Provide Instagram account information. Similar to the online method above, any mobile Instagram follower application needs a login to access data, so please provide a username and password when possible. request after starting the application.
    • On the next screen, if asked, agree to give Instagram permission to access your account information. The app will not access your follower list without your permission, so you need to give your consent before the app will continue to function.
  4. Select "Followers Lost" to see users who have unfollowed you. After running the application, the rest of the job is as easy as eating a cake. You just need to click on the "Followers Lost" button to see which users have stopped following you since you launched the application. Similar to the method above, the app only starts monitoring Instagram followers after it's installed, you can't tell who stopped following you before.
    • Notice the "Clear" button at the top of the screen - press this button to reset your Followers Lost list.


  • It's fun to know who's coming and going, but don't worry too much about who follows and doesn't follow you. You'd better look for new followers instead of worrying about people already finding a different path.
  • Note that when you link the Instagram monitoring app to your Twitter account, they can automatically tweet your metrics to Twitter. Although this is enabled by default, you can disable it by going to the "Settings" or "Options" menu, depending on the application you are using.