How to pass all exams for OASO

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Primera Sevillana - Tutorial
Video: Primera Sevillana - Tutorial


The exams for the General Certificate of Secondary Education or OASO in the UK are considered very important tests of knowledge, and a solid degree from "A" to "C" will significantly increase your resume rating and make you more attractive to future employers. Start with Step 1 below for some helpful tips on how to pass all of your OASO exams.


Method 1 of 3: Preparation

  1. 1 Go through all the materials related to your exams through and through. In order to succeed in achieving your goal, you must know exactly the content of all your OASO assignments.
    • Ask your teacher or find information on the website in the sections of each of your CSAE exams. The most common ones are: "AQA", "Edexcel", "OCR" and "WJEC".
    • By looking at the exam sections, you can find out a lot of important information:
  2. 2 Make friends with your teachers. If ever was the right time to build relationships with your teachers, then that moment is now: you need them more than ever. You should ask teachers to comment on your preparation, etc.
  3. 3 Find out which books you will need to revise. Editorial books can be very helpful as they contain only the information you need for the exam.
    • Before spending around £ 50 on revising books, ask your teacher if the school will provide any textbooks.
    • Buy textbooks that are specific to your examination board, not general books with obscure information.
  4. 4 Find out how each exam will be scored. If you are in the beginning of your 11th year of study, you may be wondering how much time will have to be spent on paper and how important OASO grades are. Also, it is recommended to read each specification (they are very long).
  5. 5 Get motivated. Think about why you want the best OASO results, and remind yourself of this goal constantly to keep you motivated.
    • Write down your goals for each subject and always aim for the top mark whenever possible. It is always better to set high goals!
    • Be positive, calm and confident about taking these exams. Once you are immersed in your work, there is no need to panic about potential poor results. Preparation is the key to success.
  6. 6 Read Excel as articles for English students. This will be helpful for your learning.

Method 2 of 3: Study and Effectiveness

  1. 1 Schedule the review. Try not to be too precise and plan every minute of the day. It can be tiring and you get tired of it very quickly. Instead, make a list of topics you need to revisit each day and calculate how much time you need, making sure you have enough.
  2. 2 Repeat. Repeat so hard that you get a headache (in a good way). You think that your preparation for the OASO will take a long time, but it is not. The main idea of ​​this article is to get you started preparing for your exams now.
    • Write notes from the textbook, and do not just read, otherwise the information will not linger in your memory. Try to write legibly so that you can easily view your notes later.
    • Prioritize subjects and topics so you know which ones need more study
  3. 3 Process as many of last year's exam tickets as possible. You really need to become familiar with the structure of your exam and the specifics of the questions. You can find past tickets and charts online, from teachers or from the examination board.
  4. 4 Study with a friend. Ask a friend to ask you after you finish studying the topic. This will test how much you remember the material of the studied topic.
    • Offer the same survey to arrange for him - thus, joint efforts will be beneficial for both of you.
    • Learning with a friend can be fun and effective, but only if you focus on the material.
    • You can also get help from people who have already passed OASO exams, such as parents or older siblings and friends.
  5. 5 Learn even if you are not really learning. Review your notes throughout the day, even if you are not actively "studying" that day.
    • Five minutes with note cards every day for a long period will be better than six hours of cramming without interruptions and rewards.
    • This is something that you can easily do while traveling on the bus or waiting for your friends at a cafe.
  6. 6 Take breaks - but not too often. It is important to give your brain a break during extended training - so try to take one fifteen minute break every hour of work. This will keep you awake and help you remember information better.
    • If you are younger and are using this guide for other exams, you will probably need shorter breaks, but more often ten minutes breaks every half hour.
    • Try not to be distracted by others or the internet during your break from school - take a walk in the courtyard. Your fresh air will do you much more value than browsing the Web on Facebook!
  7. 7 Sleep more. Adequate sleep time is very important for effective study and good performance in exam preparation.
    • Without enough sleep, your mind becomes clouded and it is more difficult for you to remember information.
    • Set yourself a clear sleep schedule and sleep at least eight hours a night.
  8. 8 Maintain a strict daily routine. Do a variety of daily activities to keep your body up to date for effective repetition and reduce fatigue.
    • An example of a routine might be: get up at 7:30, breakfast at 7:45, lunch at 13:00, dinner at 18:00, and sleep at 21:00.
    • This is easier if you go to school, but some schools give you the option to study at home. In this case, you just have to be more disciplined!
    • If you have schoolwork, you should consider signing up for an afternoon prep class.

Method 3 of 3: Examining Individual Subjects

  1. 1 Study English language and literature. English is difficult to repeat as many of the necessary skills can only be developed, not memorized. There is no right answer, it all depends on your abilities. Practice on the final notes and ask your teacher to take notes on them and tell you what to look out for. This can include checking spelling, grammar, learning rules, and more. In any case, many of these skills will be useful for lessons or coursework.
    • For reading records, there is an easy way to learn how to repeat them. Don't just watch TV. Read the newspapers as often as possible, the tabloids, but not the tabloids like the Sun. Read with an active, analytical attitude, taking into account the target audience and goals, sharing opinions and facts, and any techniques the author uses to persuade / inform / explain. Not everyone benefits from this, however, so try reading good books on any topic that interests you as an alternative.
    • Make a list of examples of questions you might be asked (for example, in writing) and practice. Write down your teacher's last notes and questions. Then give them to the teachers for notes, who will be pleased with your readiness for additional knowledge and keen interest in learning. Homework is not exam preparation, it is just homework.
  2. 2 Study math. Last year's tickets and practice. Mathematics is an exam that is easy to pass if you understand how it works. And you can easily learn it through practice. In last year's tickets, if the questions are not repeated, you can find specific specific topics.
  3. 3 Study exact sciences. Last year's tickets will help pinpoint your knowledge gaps. Review this knowledge and take new notes until you have learned everything you need to know for the exam.
  4. 4 Study religion, geography and other subjects. These are exams that require specific knowledge.
    • It is important to revise the books and find out all the necessary information and references.
    • For convenience, it is a good idea to take detailed notes with important information from the beginning of the year and revise those notes constantly. It will be easier for you to remember what you have always known.
    • Flashcards and mnemonics are also useful for memorizing a lot of information.
  5. 5 Study history. Just knowing all the facts from history is not enough - you have to become an expert in finding information from all kinds of sources that is relevant to your topic. Review everything that may relate to your topic and materials from past years.
  6. 6 Study music. You probably already know how to play an instrument, take advantage of this - you can use it as a "reward" for good work in another direction, if playing a musical instrument is your favorite hobby.
    • Listening to summaries requires a lot of prior knowledge in your Area of ​​Study in order to take the information in the right direction.
    • Also, you have to listen to a lot of different music from active consciousness.
  7. 7 Explore creative topics such as art and "DT". It is more than theory or memorization of facts. Make sure to do some work on your album / etc. every day, and remember to explain how well you did this task.


  • List all the topics you need to learn. Start repeating one by one with short breaks in between. You must start preparing well in advance.
  • Keep calm. Just try to study one subject for a while and memorize it.
  • Eat during and before revision, but not too much.
  • Don't be overconfident: it's better to be safe than sorry!
  • Keep a glass of water close at hand - but keep it away from your notes so you don't turn it over! Refill in between and don't drink too much, or you will often have to be distracted.
  • If you are recording something on your phone or MP3, listen to the recordings at night. This way you will remember everything better. Write down things that are difficult for you to learn.
  • Do not repeat after your classmates! It's a good idea to do group work to help each other, but don't repeat the same thing. For example, if learning English is your top priority and your friends are maths, practice your English.


  • Don't forget to be humble: If you declare that you have prepared a lot, but in the end you will not, you will be very embarrassed.
  • Never try to cheat on your exams. If you get caught on any of the AOCO exams, you will get zero points and ruin all of your AOCO scores.
  • Do not be distructed.
  • Don't overexert your brain. He also needs breaks.
  • Be sure to get a good night's sleep and get up early. Preparing as much as possible is good, but if you don't get enough sleep, you will not remember anything.