How to perform in front of a large number of people

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Excel’s LARGE Function and SMALL Function
Video: Excel’s LARGE Function and SMALL Function


The time has come. You should make an important speech in front of a large audience. You get up, get ready, open your mouth ... silence envelopes the room. Below are some tips on how to deliver an effective speech in front of a large number of people.


  1. 1 Record your speech on paper. Mark what you would like to add to the speech. Will you talk about a specific topic or talk on a free topic? Do your research! Find interesting materials on your topic, add them to your speech. Give it effects. Where you need to think deeply, pause if you talk about something that happened in the past, ask a question, or give some opinion. Give people time to reflect! Write phrases or sentences that encourage people to submit something. "Imagine" ... or "What if ..." Add some humor to your speech. Jokes attract people and make speech more interesting.
  2. 2 Review your speech. Make sure that there are no points in it that you are embarrassed to say or they sound ugly. In addition, this way you exclude words whose meaning you do not know, so as not to use them off topic. Also, using a lot of smart words, you will embarrass listeners who simply will not understand what is being said and will not pay enough attention to it. Prepare your speech as if you were writing an essay at school, check for grammatical errors, punctuation, etc. Even the slightest mistake can catch you off guard. Give your speech to a few friends to read, ask their opinion, get advice on what you need to fix, ask questions to see if they understood anything they read. Check to see if they got anything useful from your speech. Use these tips and you will have the perfect speech.
  3. 3 If you tend to be anxious, practice at home. The safer you feel, the more confident you will be when reading a speech. If you are pushed onto the stage, imagine yourself in your room (or somewhere else where you practiced) as if you are doing your last workout.
  4. 4 Be yourself. Don't write all this for the sake of impressing. Add something original, for example: "I am speaking to present a speech that is not like the others." The more you appeal to the crowd, the less you need to worry.
  5. 5 Take notes to yourself. They are easier to work with, you can always go to any topic of discussion that your speech covers. Try not to write too much on your notes. Usually they write one short note for one note, but if there is too much information, then break one note into two or three, so that it is easier for you to follow them. Do not write full sentences, write in abbreviated form, just cover the topic briefly so that you can understand and remember what it is about. This will give you more attention to the audience and less stare at the paper.
  6. 6 When it's time to speak, breathe in deeply. Deep inhalation does not mean inhaling and exhaling for one second, inhale for 10 seconds and exhale in the same way. As you inhale, make sure your belly bulges and your shoulders don't lift. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat the exercise several times until you feel relaxed and know that you are ready. Only with this exercise can you relieve anxiety and move on to your performance.
  7. 7 Find friends or family in the crowd. Motivate yourself with them and feel like the best speaker. If you cannot find them, know that they are there and even if you cannot see them, they can see you.
  8. 8 Start talking. Wait, start slow! What seems too slow to you is actually perfect speech. What seems right to you is too fast for people. Formulate everything! It will look funny if you put the wrong stress on a word, but it will not make you laugh! Consider this and speak. Some time after you start speaking, you will realize that everything is not so scary and it will be easier for you to continue speaking. If not, just keep talking, you need a little more time.
  9. 9 Add some emotion. How often have you listened to someone's speech that sounded monotonous and felt like it was being read from paper. Boredom! Imagine that you are an actor or actress. People are watching your actions, but you, in turn, want to make money for the film and do not want to be fired. If you can, move around the stage, use gestures, go further, play the scene on the topic. If in this way you do not attract the attention of people, then nothing will help you. In the middle of your talk, ask the crowd a question to get their opinion on what you are talking about, then give your correct opinion. Reach out to those who seem lost in thought, bring him back to your show. Some people will agree with your opinion, while others will laugh, believing that you are wrong. This means that you were able to get their attention. Be sure to ask questions and pause. Make people think! Try to create eye contact with those present (or just look into the crowd if you don't want to look everyone in the face).
  10. 10 Enjoy the process. If you don’t like your talk, the audience won’t like it. But if you are happy, it will show in your performance, and it will be passed on to the crowd.


  • If you start to freak out, take a couple of deep breaths in and out, calm down, and keep talking louder, especially if you have a large audience.
  • The main thing is to know the essence of your speech.
  • Smile!
  • Believe in yourself!
  • Show your personality!
  • Speak slowly!
  • It is important to know what kind of audience you have in front of you in order to choose the right words.
  • Exercise. Exercising regularly in front of a small audience will improve your speech and confidence. Go to www.Toastmasters.Org to find the appropriate club in your area.
  • Be confident in yourself, recharge with energy that will positively affect people.
  • Use emotions


  • If you are confused, do not act as if the end of the world has come, otherwise it will be so, in particular for you.
  • Don't be negative about yourself or your performance.
  • Don't overdo it when preparing your speech. If you are tired, take a break.

What do you need

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Friends / Family
  • Mentor
  • Strength and confidence