How to Plant a Flower Garden

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips for Planting a New Flower Bed // Garden Answer
Video: 5 Tips for Planting a New Flower Bed // Garden Answer


  • In tropical climates, shade the harsh afternoon sun, so planting flower beds on the east side of a building or fence is best. The flowers are also protected from hot, dry winds blowing from the west.
  • You can plant your garden even in a 12-hour full sun, but keep an eye on what kind of flower to plant. Choose one that fits the maximum amount of sunlight. Also, you need to water regularly.
  • Choose a location with good soil if possible. All soil types can be rehabilitated, but avoid shallow, water-filled or steep areas. Stay at least 6 meters from large trees or 1.5 meters from large bushes. Plants will compete for water and nutrients with your flower beds.

  • Check the soil. This step isn't essential, but it will help you determine the type of nutrients the soil needs to add and the type of fertilizer for the soil and the soil pH. You can find the information at your local Agricultural Extension Center.
  • Start digging the garden. After you locate and outline the boundary with your tap, you will need to pluck the entire patch of weeds so they cannot regrow. Use a spade or plow the soil to be at least 20 cm deep, preferably about 30 cm. Remove gravel or other debris.

  • Flatten beds and use rake to loosen soil. Add several centimeters of compost or green manure and more if the soil is nutrient poor. If the soil is heavily sandy, add peat moss or cut grass to enhance the soil's water-holding capacity. Add lime if the soil is too acidic. Most plants are adapted to neutral or slightly acidic soils.
    • Soil amendments such as compost can be sold in bags or sometimes in pails. Add the amendment to the soil to about 15 cm above the surface, along with a multipurpose fertilizer, such as a 10-20-10 fertilizer.
  • Buy a plant or seed, then plant it according to the instructions. Plant a small tree in front of the bed. Most plants are planted to the same depth when growing. Squeeze the soil around the base of the plant. Keep in mind that your plants will begin to grow when planted in the ground, so prepare more space and read the information carefully to determine where to plant your tree.
    • Plant a variety of flowers because each blooms at a different time and helps to keep the flower garden brilliant.
    • If you don't have a lot of flowers blooming in early spring or late summer, you can walk around to see which flowers are in bloom. Then buy that to grow. After a few tries, for almost a year you will always have flowers in bloom.

  • Water thoroughly. Just like a professional waiter, a good gardener checks the water requirements before watering. The amount of water to irrigate depends on the plant's needs, climate and exposure, as well as the amount of precipitation the garden receives.
  • Cut flowers bloom periodically. Many flowers will re-bloom, but only if the old flowers are cut off. In addition, you will need to prop and prune if necessary. advertisement
  • Advice

    • A perennial tree is the type that you plant every year. They are usually low priced and many have bright bright colors that pay off for the beginner horticulturist. During the following seasons, you will need to replant or plant new seeds. Some perennial plants are "soft perennials", meaning they perennial in their native environment but often die in winter when planted in cold climates.
    • Perennial trees live from year to year.They also need annual care but do not need to be replanted. Perennial plants need to have division, support, intensive care in winter, pruning or trimming dead flowers and stems.
    • You can grow a variety of perennials that bloom at different times of the year (Don't just plant one flower, or you'll only see flowers bloom for a few weeks a year). You can plant a perennial plant intercropped with a perennial. Perennial plants often give your garden brilliance as they tend to have more striking colors than perennials, so combine both types. The annual tree also blooms at different times of the year, so it's a good idea to plant a variety of varieties.
    • When planting flowers, remember their names. If there is no care guide on the packaging or the nursery, you can consult it online. If you don't know or can't find the information, you can experiment, but it can be expensive to learn gardening.
    • Healthy, vigorous plants are usually not susceptible to insect damage or infection. Hence prevention is better than cure. You should give your plant good quality soil and the right moisture, as well as choose plants that are suitable for climate and sunlight.
    • If the plants become sick, burn them instead of treating them as they can spread to other plants in the garden. Also you can pull the tree into a plastic bag and throw it away.


    • Make sure that you are willing to devote the time and effort to gardening.