Ways to Stay Energized When You Don't Get Enough Sleep

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Happens to Your Body on Little Sleep?
Video: What Happens to Your Body on Little Sleep?


One of the main consequences of not getting enough sleep is feeling tired. If you find yourself on the other side of poor sleep, you'll need enough energy to get through the day. Thankfully, you can take these simple steps to stay energized.


Method 1 of 3: Wake up

  1. Use the sun. Sunlight and even other lights in your home can signal to your body that it's time to wake up. By taking in the light after waking up, whether you go out or lie down in bed with light, you remind your body that it's time to start the day, helping you to have energy in the morning.

  2. Drink caffeine in the morning. Caffeine can help boost energy. It prevents cells in the body from receiving adenosine, a substance that blocks the transmission of signals from nerve cells, allowing cells to sleep. Caffeine signals these cells to wake up, and promotes faster brain function.
    • Coffee, tea, and soft drinks all contain caffeine. For example, a cup of green tea contains 24-45 mg of caffeine, while a wide variety of coffee contains 95-200 mg.
    • Try not to drink more than 200 mg (one to two 150 ml cups of coffee) per day. While this number can vary depending on your weight, sensitivity, and gender, you should not take more than 600 mg a day (about 4 to 7 cups). And avoid caffeine pills, drugs that people often take when they're too tired. They can be dangerous and even life threatening.
    • Since you are building up stamina if you drink coffee every day, try to drink only when you really need it.

  3. Take a periodic bath to stay awake. Taking a warm or hot bath can make you more sleepy than awake. However, you can prevent this effect by taking a cold-hot-cold shower last. That means when you have finished showering, turn on the shower head to cold water for 30 seconds. Then switch to hot water for 30 seconds. Finally, return to cold water for 30 seconds. This cycle helps blood circulation and increases energy for the whole day. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Maintain More Energy with Food

  1. Stop filling in sugar. Instead of eating a lot of sugar, it's tempting when you're tired, take in complex carbohydrates and proteins. Sugar can give you a lot of energy, but then your energy is consumed.Energy-generating complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are constantly maintained, especially when you combine them with protein.
    • For example, eat a peanut butter spread whole-wheat bread or a piece of fruit with a piece of cheese.
  2. Drinking water is a priority. Dehydration can also cause fatigue. Therefore, always drinking water will help you increase energy. Drink water all day to make sure you drink enough.
    • The American Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 13 cups and women should drink 9 cups a day.
    • Other liquids can contribute to the amount of water you drink, like juice and coffee. However, drinking too much juice can increase excess calories and cause hypoglycemia, so try to limit your juice intake. Also, although you can drink caffeinated beverages, you should not drink them as your main beverage of the day.
  3. Eat gum. Keeping something in your mouth, such as gum, can help increase alertness. The best time to use this method is when you're in a meeting that really needs alertness. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Increase Energy with Other Methods

  1. Take a nap. If you find you can't keep your eyes open, a nap can help restore your energy. In fact, a 10-20 minute sleep is all you need; If longer, it can put you into deep sleep, leaving you feeling groggy.
    • If you can't take a nap, try paradoxical relaxation. Close your eyes for a moment. Focus on a group of muscles in your mind, such as your shoulder or back muscles. Focus on what you feel on those muscles for 15 minutes. Repeat with another muscle group on your body. Doing so can help you get as effective as a nap without having to take a nap.
  2. Let light in. Light not only keeps you awake, but also keeps you energized all day. To help overcome afternoon stagnation, pull up the curtains, leaving your room full of natural light.
  3. Turn on music. According to one study, music can help increase energy when you lose weight. To be more effective, beat or hum, to help increase your alertness.
    • If the lyrics distract you, listen to energetic lyricsless music.
    • Another advantage is that music can help reduce stress.
  4. Take a relaxing walk. When you sit for too long, you will feel sleepy. Just getting up for about an hour and going for a walk can help increase your energy and alertness when you return to your seat.
  5. Laugh. Whether it's just a few minutes chatting with coworkers or friends or browsing through funny pictures online, laughing can help. It helps blood circulation, increases energy.
  6. Massage the aromatherapy. The scent can help keep you awake. For example, you can use mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary to help you stay awake. Try aromatherapy or light a candle with one of these five scents; You can also use scented lotions.
  7. Go out. Walking outside, especially on green grass, for just 20 minutes a day can increase energy. If you feel sluggish from getting enough sleep, try taking a walk in the park at lunchtime to help you get through the afternoon. advertisement


  • Stop drinking, it can tire you out.


  • If you don't get enough sleep for several days, it will be the alarm bell. These tips may only get you through a day or two, but keeping a regular sleep routine is the best way possible.