How to be the perfect girl

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mareux - The Perfect Girl
Video: Mareux - The Perfect Girl


Every girl wants to be perfect in life. Some people want perfect manners and others want perfect looks. While there is no way to achieve absolute perfection, there are a few steps you can take to perfect yourself! When you aim to be the best version of yourself, never forget that everyone is an independent individual and deserves love for their own appearance and inner self.


Method 1 of 3: Dress perfectly

  1. Fill your wardrobe with elegant attire. The key to helping you look feminine and trendy is choosing basic clothes that can easily be combined into the perfect outfit. Here are a few clothes that should not be missing in your wardrobe:
    • Buy jeans of different designs so that you have the outfit beautifully coordinated throughout the week. Your wardrobe shouldn't be without stand-up jeans and light flared tubes with the right size to change your style.
    • “Buy” adds simple t-shirts, warm sweaters, light cardigan coats and a few stylish tops that can be worn in any case. These are the basic types of outfits that can be combined to create many different outfits.
    • Beware of the latest fashion trends. You'd better not buy trendy clothes as you probably won't be wearing them next year.

  2. Choose jewelry with a simple design. The rule to keep in mind is to wear only one piece of jewelry when you leave the house. This is a way to keep you from becoming flashy and still having a standout style. Choose beaded bud earrings, silver or gold necklaces with decorative faces, and a few thin bracelets.
    • Large jewelry combines perfectly with simple clothing. However, you should only wear one piece of jewelry, such as if you have chosen to wear a large necklace, do not wear earrings or bracelets that are too big.

  3. Buy a perfect black dress. Every girl knows that wearing a black dress can help cover most of the blemishes. However, a black dress is not enough; You must choose a special dress. Please note the following when you are looking for the perfect black dress:
    • Choose knee-length dresses with outstanding accents. A slightly long dress is suitable for any occasion of the year, and the adornment makes it stand out. The accents on the sleeve or waist often make the wearer look more beautiful.

  4. Buy more leather socks. Although you may not be perfect, wearing leather socks and skirts can help make your legs look almost perfect. Stockings make the legs look slimmer and help conceal blood vessels or defects in the legs. In the cold season, choose thick leather socks to keep your feet warm.
  5. Choose to buy beautiful shoes. Girls who want perfection should have some basic shoe styles for each season. When choosing shoes, look for shoes with simple designs and colors that can be combined with any outfit. Here are a few shoe styles to add to your wardrobe:
    • Look for shoes that are comfortable to wear. You should have a pair of black and leather shoes, along with two pairs of shoes of your choice.
    • Prepare to add black and brown boots for autumn and winter.

Method 2 of 3: Look Perfect

  1. Keep personal hygiene. This is a clean and clean way to look and feel at your best. Cleanliness is the first thing that people notice about you, so personal hygiene is very important. Your daily routine should include the following:
    • Take a shower every day. Although you don't need to wash your hair every day, you should shower every day to keep your body clean. If you showered in the morning and then got dirty or sweaty, take another shower. This way, you will have clean skin and a fresh body.
    • Use a deodorant every morning. No matter what you will do during the day, always use a deodorant. This is a way to keep you smelling good.
    • Brush your teeth for 2 minutes every morning and every night before going to bed. Not only does good oral hygiene help you have beautiful teeth, but it is also very important to your health. In addition to brushing your teeth, be sure to floss and rinse your mouth; Bring floss when you go out so you can use it after every meal.
  2. Careful skin care. You will look better with clear, glowing skin. Skin is fragile and needs proper care and hygiene to stay healthy. Take the following tips for spot-free skin:
    • Be extra careful with the delicate skin around the eyes by not rubbing your eyes with your hands.
    • Use a quality moisturizer for smooth, supple skin. Immediately after you wash your face or shower, use a moisturizer to lock in moisture. Use a mild moisturizer in the morning and a more concentrated moisturizer before bed. Use warm water and a facial cleanser to clean your skin first (to make the pores open so that the vitamins in the cleanser soak into the skin), then rinse your face with cold water (to tighten pores to allow for bacteria cannot penetrate).
    • Apply sunscreen to prevent skin from drying out and getting sunburned. Many moisturizers have sunscreen combinations so you can moisturize and protect your skin with just one product.
    • Wash your face every morning and before bed for clear skin. After washing your face, use a towel to gently pat dry the water on your skin instead of rubbing your hands vigorously. You can use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide when your skin is blemished. If you still have skin problems, see a dermatologist for the right treatment.
    • Do not squeeze hidden pimples, acne or blackheads. This can cause scarring of the skin and worsen clogged pores.
  3. Hair care. Your hair should be carefully cared for every day and look healthy. After each shampoo, do not use a round brush to brush wet hair to avoid damaging your hair. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb and dry your hair naturally or with cool breeze.
    • Hair cleaning. Depending on the type of hair you can wash your hair every 3 days. Observe the condition of your hair and when it starts to greasy, clean it with shampoo and conditioner.
    • Use shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for your hair. For example, hair care products are often classified by groups of thick, thin, curly, straight, and frizzy hair, so that the user can choose the right one for his or her hair.
    • Cut your hair every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends.
  4. Nail care. You should not neglect nail or pedicure care as they also speak about your personal hygiene. Cut or file your nails neatly. When applying nail polish, be sure to paint your nails evenly. If the paint comes off, apply more paint or remove it.
  5. Healthy eating. Eating healthy foods will help you look and feel at your best. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat protein into your diet for healthy inside and out. Nourishing foods also help keep your skin clear and glowing.
    • Women should eat 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables per day.
    • You need to get 3 to 5 servings of whole grains every day.
    • Also, don't forget to make sure your daily diet contains about 48 grams of protein.
  6. No smoking. This is a habit that creates a multitude of negative consequences, along with many problems related to health. Tobacco smoke causes skin to dry out, wrinkles and age faster. If you want to live the perfect lifestyle, quit smoking. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Behave perfectly

  1. Show respect for the people in your life. Always show the right attitude toward relatives, teachers, friends, and people you meet. Even if you disagree with their views and actions, you can still respect them by not judging or mistreating them. Accepting a different point of view shows your maturity. You should learn to behave calmly and subtly so that you can get the respect you have for others. Here are a few techniques you can practice:
    • Always say "please" and "thank you".
    • Never say negative things about other people.
    • Treat others the way you want to be received.
  2. Respect yourself. It's important to remember that no one is perfect, and there will be times when you make mistakes, feel regretful, and fall into embarrassing situations. However, making mistakes is unavoidable. Instead of blaming yourself or blaming yourself in front of others, you will look back and learn from your mistakes and move forward. Criticizing yourself is not something you should do every day. If you tell others bad things about yourself, you are giving them a chance to say difficult things about you.
  3. Build sustainable living values. Values ​​are a guideline to help you stay mentally stable and avoid making bad decisions. These values ​​also contribute to your reputation and are among the things that help others understand your personality. It can take a lifetime to formulate your own values ​​of life, but they can also be destroyed in a brief moment by making bad decisions.
    • Listen when your grandparents, parents or anyone older and more discerning than you offer advice and share life experiences.They can teach you how to avoid bad situations and make the best choices in life.
    • Every time you face pressure from peers or have difficulty making a decision, think about your values. Don't be impatient to make bad decisions that you will regret later.
  4. Show maturity. The key to achieving perfection is to act responsibly and be able to handle every situation you encounter. That doesn't mean you have to be serious and can't have fun, but don't make fun of yourself. Here are a few tips to help you show maturity:
    • Don't complain or complain when something is not going as you expected. Remember that life doesn't always have to be fair, and you have to learn to adapt to the challenges.
    • Be aware of your responsibilities at home, at school, and towards friends and family. Adults understand and strive to fulfill their responsibilities well. For example, they know how to help their loved one, behave kind to their friends, and try to do well in school.
  5. Appreciate your studies. Understanding is part of being perfect. Focus during class, build good study habits, take time to complete homework, and try to show special interest in the part of the knowledge you are lucky to learn.
    • Perform well when you go to school, even when studying is a bit hard. Although you cannot achieve absolute perfection, but surely you can still try with iron will and smile on your lips.
    • Be grateful for the opportunity to go to school. You may have difficulty with a subject or feel tired of studying, but knowledge is important and will help take you further in life.
  6. Show confidence. She is usually a very confident girl. Others recognize how you value yourself and they will appreciate your abilities. Here are a few tips to help you act with confidence:
    • Puffed up the chest and raised his head. Your body language says a lot about you, and having confident body language shows that you are capable and responsible.
    • Smile often and laugh when you can. Smiling is a great way to show that you are comfortable with yourself and have a joy in life, and a good smile spreads the joy of those around you. Many people will crave your sense of humor.
    • Stay optimistic by looking on the bright side of any situation.
  7. Modest. Even if you're almost perfect, bragging will make you less attractive. You can be proud of your achievements, but don't show off your success in front of others. This is rude, complacent, and disrespectful. Feel free to accept compliments and don't be afraid to let others know the things you've worked so hard to achieve, but still keep an attitude of gratitude and appreciation.
    • For example, if you are the top scorer in a basketball match, take pride in it and accept praise from others. However, don't tell everyone that you are the winner for the team. This is an act of showing a boastful attitude.
    • Compliment others instead of just competing with them. When you see the success and effort of others, let them know with a sincere compliment. Doing this shows your good qualities and shows that you are not upset by the success of others.