How to Be Wise

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be wise: Simon Cohen at TEDxTransmedia 2013
Video: How to be wise: Simon Cohen at TEDxTransmedia 2013


Confucius once said that there are three methods to learn how to become knowledgeable: "First, by contemplation, this is the highest method; second, by imitation, this is the easiest method. ; and thirdly, by experience this is the most bitter "method. Achieving wisdom, the most valuable achievement in almost any culture, is a lesson you need to learn for life, carefully analyze, and act critically.


Method 1 of 3: Learning from Experience

  1. Nurturing the spirit of the careless Do you remember the first time you saw dinosaur bones in a museum? Or the first time you got a pretty good peach? At that point, your world expands a bit and you will become a little wiser. The Buddhist concept of "mindfulness" refers to a beginner's approach to understanding all challenges, filled with questioning, and constantly challenged by it. This is the most comprehensible mental state that the knowledgeable person possesses.
    • Instead of anticipating the situation, learn to open your mind and tell yourself "I don't know what will be waiting for me", this will help you learn and gain wisdom. When you no longer keep your rigid thoughts about people, things, and situations around you, you will be able to become wiser by surrounding yourself with change, with new ideas. , and should not place anyone above or below you.

  2. Ask questions. The learning process will not stop just because you have graduated from high school or university, or because you already have children and possess many other experiences that you want to teach them. Even if you are a teacher at the highest level, or an expert in a certain field, your learning is not finished. A wise person often questions their motives, questions well-known knowledge, and loves to question his ignorance, because wise people can always perceive. the right time to study.
    • Anais Nin summarizes the need for learning as follows: "Life is a self-shaping process, a combination of many states that we must overcome. Where people fail only when they choose. a certain state and attached to it. This is a form of death ".

  3. Slow down. Stop at least once a day to allow yourself a break and stop chasing the hustle of the world. Being constantly busy and constantly worrying that you might be seen by others as if you weren't the right person can make you the perfect image but won't make you wiser. Please stop. Stand still. Recognize what a gradual perspective can do for you.
    • Fill up your time with reflection. Spend free time studying instead of distractions. If you feel that you are wasting time watching television or playing games, try to spend an hour reading to make up for the hour you spent watching TV, or watching a documentary. about nature you've always wanted to see. Better go outside and go hiking in the woods. Soon you will get better.

  4. Think first and say later. It is not always important to express your opinion among people or participate in an activity just because you are capable. Wise people do not need to show their understanding. If your opinion is absolutely necessary, present it. An old adage once said that "The best martial artist is someone who allows his sword to rust in the scabbard".
    • This doesn't mean you should stay away from social interactions, or never speak up. Instead, take other people's opinions and become a good listener. Don't just wait for your turn to speak up because you think you are wiser than everyone else. This is not an act of wisdom but just an act of pride.

Method 2 of 3: Imitate wisdom

  1. Learn from instructor. Find someone you respect and who emulates values ​​and ideals that represent wisdom. Find someone who likes to do things that you think are interesting and important. Ask them questions. Listen carefully to what they say as you will probably learn a lot from their experiences and opinions. When you are unsure of something, ask for advice and guidance from your mentor; Although you don't necessarily agree with everything they say, they will definitely help you develop your own thinking.
    • The mentor doesn't have to be the person to be successful, or the person you "want to be". The smartest person you know might be a bartender, not a professor of mathematics. Learn how to perceive wisdom in people.
  2. Read everything. Read the work of a philosopher or social commentator. Read comics. Read adventure novel by Lee Child. Read online or on mobile. Sign up for a library card. Read contemporary Irish poetry. Read the work of Melville. Read as if your life depended on it and form opinions about what you have read and talk to others about them.
    • In particular, read about your area of ​​interest, whether it's related to your job or interest. Read about other people's experiences and learn how they use to deal with situations you might face.
  3. Share with instructor. It is a mistake to think that the knowledgeable person knows everything. Never get into trouble with their own feelings, or wise people outperform most people because they're emotionless. These are not true.
    • When you feel sad or disappointed about something, you will want to share it with someone who understands the problem. Surround yourself with knowledgeable people who are willing to accept your emotions, who listen to your words. If you are open to them, they will be open to you too.
  4. Practice humility. Is "selling yourself" a wise act or not? The world of business and marketing has convinced us that self-promotion is a necessity, because we've turned ourselves into goods and we need good offers, and business language. often reflects this. However, the act of showing yourself and others that you are good at something is completely different from the act of exaggerating a range of skills outside your comfort zone just to keep up with the competition.
    • Being humble doesn't mean denying yourself; instead, it means being realistic and emphasizing only your virtues and abilities. In turn, others will know they can count on these qualities from you.
    • Being modest is wise because it gives your true nature the chance to shine. Humility will also show people that you respect their abilities, not fear them; the wisdom in accepting one's own limitations and associating with others' strengths to increase one's own strength is limitless.
  5. Always present for others. The knowledgeable people do not need to live in caves, to have long and wandering beards in their seclusion. Exchange your own understanding with others to guide them. As you become a mentor and mentor, you can help others learn to think seriously, cherish your emotions, enjoy lifelong learning, and believe in yourself.
    • Avoid using knowledge as a barrier against others. Knowledge is about sharing, not hiding, and wisdom develops once you approach another person's ideas no matter how opposed to yours.

Method 3 of 3: Reflection

  1. Learn to acknowledge your mistakes. The toughest journey is often the one that requires you to look into your own soul and be honest about everything. Try to find out what beliefs, opinions, and prejudices you cultivate. If you aren't ready to get to know yourself well and learn how to love both your strengths and your weaknesses, it will be difficult to become wise. Understanding yourself will help you grow and forgive yourself along the way in life.
    • Be wary of any self-improvement tips that claim that this process requires you to have "secrets". The only "secret" to self-improvement is that you need to be diligent and persistent. Alternatively, you can make small changes (which have been markedly proven through the success of self-help) but you can't change the fact that you have to do it for yourself. and think about the world.
  2. Accept that you cannot know everything. The most knowledgeable people are often those who realize that they really know very little, even though they have spent decades studying and pondering. The more you think about people, things, and events that unfold around you, the more clearly you realize that there are quite a few things you don't know and that the things you know are just the tip of a tree needle in countless knowledge. Accepting that your understanding is limited is the key to becoming wise.
    • Expert knowledge should not be confused with wisdom. Expert knowledge refers to a high amount of knowledge about a particular field, while wisdom refers to a broader concept of seeing the bigger picture from that amount of knowledge, and calmly make decisions and act in the direction of knowledge.
  3. Take responsibility for yourself. Only you know who you are and only you can be responsible for your own choices. If you spend years doing things right by someone else's standards instead of yourself, you've given up the right to take responsibility for yourself. Do not do work that others do not recognize your talent, but look for work where others can see your abilities. Go to a place where you are comfortable. Find ways to make a living without sacrificing your kindness, care and care. Taking responsibility for yourself, including learning how to accept the consequences of your own decisions will increase your wisdom.
  4. Simplify your life. For many, life's meaning is "made up of" from being overly busy and complicating everything from work to love. Complexity can make someone feel important and needed, but it is not wisdom. Instead, it is a form of self-distraction and the process of solving important life problems, such as thinking about your purpose and your meaning in life. Complications make us unable to ponder, leave you vulnerable to inexplicable things, and can make you think about things in a way that is harder than they really are. Keep things simple and your wisdom will flourish. advertisement


  • You may doubt some of your own decisions, because your decisions are as valid as yours, arguments that - over time - you may think they are not. price. But if you don't make a decision, you won't get what you want. No article can help you learn how to balance these needs, it's entirely up to you.
  • We can learn to become knowledgeable through the following three methods: First, by contemplation, this is the most noble way; second, by imitation, this is the easiest way; and three is, by experience, this is the most bitter way.
  • If you use your mindset to make a decision, consider this: When you have too much doubts about your own reasoning, it can be difficult for you to make a decision.
  • Think before you act or you will regret it.