How to be strong

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!
Video: Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!


When faced with difficult circumstances, some people tend to falter and shrink into "shells", while others survive and become stronger when the "thunderstorms" are over. Adversity comes from no one, but some people seem to be able to cope with it and stay calm even in the toughest of situations. To develop mental, physical, and mental strength, follow these tips.


Part 1 of 3: Becoming Mental Strong

  1. Remember that you are in control. Being strong means having power and the ability to influence one's own life, while being weak means being helpless and incapable of taking care of yourself. Whatever your situation, there are things you can do and things you can't. It is important that you focus on what you "can" control. Make a list of the problems you are facing, then create another list of what you can do to make the situation change for the better. Learn to accept the first (because you can't change it) and focus your energy on making the second list.
    • In studies of people with a high AQ (the pass-through score), resilient people not only always found aspects that allowed them to control in the face of problems, but they also felt they could. the responsibility to take action to improve the situation, even if the problem is caused by others. On the contrary, people with low AQs ignore opportunities to take action and take no responsibility to improve the situation, because they think they are not the ones who created them, so they are not the right ones. change them.

  2. Choose a life attitude. Sometimes, we are really powerless to try to change the situation. Even so, you can become the controller because no matter what, you can control your attitude towards life. As Victor Frankl once said: "Those who lived in concentration camps still remember the images of people walking through huts to comfort others, giving away the last piece of bread they had. This may not be much, but they are proof that one can be deprived of everything but one thing: freedom - the right to choose attitudes and behavior in the face of any situation. Regardless of how difficult you are, stay optimistic.
    • If someone is making your life miserable, don't let them beat you mentally. Continue to be proud, have confidence, and remember that no one can take your attitude away from you. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".
    • Try not to let a crisis or trouble in one area of ​​your life spread to other parts. For example, if you are having a hard time at work, avoid acting irritable towards your partner when she / he did nothing wrong but try to help you. Get rid of the effects of your troubles by controlling your attitude. Resilient people do not turn failures into disasters, nor do they let negativity affect their lives according to the domino effect.
    • If possible, memorize the Calm Prayer: "Give me the peace to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. difference between the two ".

  3. Rediscover your passion for life. Emotional people see each day as a gift. And they try to make full use of this gift. Remember when you were a kid, you used to enjoy the simplest things in life - play with leaves in the fall, draw pictures of fantasy animals, eat cookies. Be that child. Your ability to become mentally and emotionally strong depends on it.

  4. Believe in yourself. You have come a long way, you can also pass another day. And if you try every day, or every minute, you can survive a difficult situation. It certainly won't be easy, and you are not invincible, so please try it little by little. When you feel like you are about to fall, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Remember the following:
    • Don't listen to those who oppose you. For whatever reason, someone will always suspect you. What you need to do is not listen to them, and in the end, prove them wrong. Don't let them steal your trust just because they lose it in themselves. The world around you is waiting for you to change it. Don't hesitate.
    • Think about when you were successful. Use them as motivation to continue the journey. Whether that moment is when you do a great job with your homework, when you talk to someone special, or when you give birth. Let these moments feed your desire to motivate you to become stronger and more calm. A desire to be reborn!
    • Try, try and keep trying. There will be times when you doubt yourself because you have tried but failed. But did you know that failure is only part of your journey, just one chapter in the book. Instead of surrendering because you are unsuccessful and feel frustrated, take a closer look. Keep trying and remember that "failure is the mother of success".
  5. Be wise in your choice. Are the small taunts in your life - colleagues questioning you, the driver not picking you up - worth your attention? Ask yourself why and if these are important. Pay attention to the important things in your life and "ignore" other little things. As Sylvia Robinson once said: "Many people think that trying to hold will make them strong - but sometimes letting go is the solution."
  6. Get help from someone you love. Spend time with friends and family, and others who are supportive and positive.If you can't meet them, make new friends. And if you can't find anyone, you can help those who need more help than you do. Sometimes when we feel helpless in making situations for the better, we can find strength in helping others improve their lives.
    • There is no doubt - humans are social animals. All scientific studies have shown that social interaction is an important factor in improving emotional and physical health. If you feel that you are having difficulty socializing, you can seek help. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
      • Have a real conversation with someone
      • Overcome your mistakes - don't let them affect you!
      • Get over a breakup
      • Overcome shyness
      • Act like an extrovert
  7. Balance work and play, rest and exercise. Sounds easy, doesn't it? However, we often ignore these principles because they seem to be difficult to implement. Either we often overwork and go places often, or we are too lazy to allow ourselves to lie down like hippos, indifferent to countless opportunities. Balancing work and play, rest and exercise will allow you to cherish the moments you have. You won't fall into "standing here and there" as long as you don't "stamp your feet".
  8. Let's grateful what you have. Life is difficult, but if you pay attention, you will find that life brings many things to appreciate. Even when the things that made you happy in the past are over, there is still a lot to be grateful for. The joy the world around you gives you fuel will fuel you through the toughest times, so pay attention to what you have and enjoy their value. You may not have a new shirt, or you may not get the things you want, but at least you have a computer with an internet connection to use. Many others cannot read letters, have no computers, and even have no home to live in. Think about it.
  9. Don't take the problem seriously. Charlie Chaplin knows comedy. He once said: "Life is a tragedy at first sight, but if you look at it from a distance, life is a comedy." It's easy for us to get caught up in the little tragedies of life that make us act petty. But take a step back and see life in a more philosophical, more mischievous, romantic way. The magic, the extraordinary possibilities, the absurdity of life - enough to make you laugh and realize how lucky you are.
    • Honestly, life will be more "bustling" if you don't take all matters too seriously. Even though happiness and happiness are not everything life offers, they also do quite a bit.
  10. Remember that nothing is eternal. If you are in a sad mood and you lose control, face it. And if you are having a hard time, always remind yourself that it will pass. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Becoming Physically Strong

  1. Healthy eating. One of the biggest obstacles we face when exercising to get stronger is day in and day out by consuming foods that provide nutrients and energy to our bodies. We've all gone through a period: Fast food "beckons", even though we tell ourselves we'll eat fish and broccoli for dinner. If we become aware of the importance of nutritious foods, can we change our diet?
    • Focus mainly on consuming fruits and vegetables. Add proteins that can be found in poultry, fish, dairy, legumes and nuts.
    • Know the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates and prioritize complex carbohydrates because they tend to be absorbed more slowly but provide more fiber.
    • Prioritize consuming healthy fats. Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and omega 3 fatty acids are commonly found in salmon and flaxseed, which are really beneficial if you consume them in moderation. Avoid harmful fats such as saturated fat and trans fat.
    • Use a variety of foods. Add a variety of foods to your diet. Of course you want to be strong, but make a slightly enjoyable meal as well. Food is not just for building muscle. Really enjoying the meal will make you more rounded and firmer.
  2. Do excerise. Muscle is not just lifting weights. Instead, your entire body must be exercised to burn excess fat, increase muscle mass, and increase endurance. There are many exercises you can try for full-body workouts, but it's important to remember to stick to it. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, even if those 30 minutes include walking the dog for 20 minutes and stretching the muscles for the other 10 minutes.
  3. Start with lifting weights. Building muscle will keep you strong, but achieving results is not easy. The easiest part to achieve is fatigue and boredom (just kidding!). Basically, lifting weights breaks down muscles to rebuild them, so they become stronger. In order for muscles to develop evenly, focus on moving the whole body. You don't want your body to become a "rat-tailed elephant head" when you're only interested in training your biceps and neglecting the other parts.
    • Chest muscles tightening
    • Exercise leg and thigh muscles
    • Exercise the arm muscles and shoulder muscles
    • Exercise your core muscle group
  4. Get enough sleep. To rebuild muscles, reduce stress, and balance emotions, for the most part every adult body needs about 8 to 10 hours of sleep. 4 hours of sleep doesn't help you set a health record. And if you don't get enough sleep and don't get a good night's sleep, you'll have to "make up" the next night because your body has a lack of sleep.
  5. Should not smoke, drink a lot of alcohol and use other drugs. Everyone understands that smoking cigarettes, abusing drugs, and drinking a lot of alcohol will impair health. And people often justify these behaviors, or ignore all warnings when "addiction" comes. To help you keep your desires under control, here are some harmful stats:
    • Every year in the US, about 500,000 people die from smoking. And on average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than the average person. It means you've wasted a quarter of your life.
    • 49% of all murders, 52% of rapes, 21% of suicide, 60% of child abuse, and over 50% of traffic accidents are partly caused by alcohol.

Part 3 of 3: Becoming Spiritually Strong

  1. Direct your belief in a power greater than you. Whether that force is religion or merely a cosmic influence, know that spirituality is in yourself and your beliefs. Your beliefs do not necessarily have to be in God. Explore the beliefs of yourself, and those around you, to choose which religion you want to follow.
  2. Always ask questions and keep learning. Becoming a person with a strong "faith" and a strong "spiritual worker" is not the same thing. A person with a strong spiritual activity can mechanically accept and believe without ever learning about the principles or necessity of faith. People of strong faith often question scriptures, study their behavior, and constantly seek answers "within" and "outside" of their faith framework.
    • For example, a Protestant with a strong faith will not hesitate to discuss and debate with atheists about the good points of the orthodox Bible. They took the opportunity to learn, a completely new departure from common thought. Their faith is often strengthened after encounters, and otherwise the doubts they raise are a way for them to discover calmly and discreetly.
  3. Never touch other people's beliefs. Imagine if your neighbor or a stranger comes to you and tells you that your faith is completely wrong and forces you to believe their religion - without your consent.How will you feel? Probably not good. This is the same feeling that others experience when forced to renounce the beliefs they follow or are forced to believe in others. Balance your faith life in as little fanfare as possible.
  4. Recognize blessings in your life. Most religions believe in the idea that people will be blessed, given blessings by God or by the universe. What's the blessing in your life?
    • Try this helpful exercise for a week to realize the luck you have. Over the next seven days, identify the blessings you have received from those on the following list:
      • Relatives
      • Neighbor
      • Friend
      • Colleague
      • Stranger
      • Children
      • Enemy
  5. Please spread love to everywhere. Spiritual strength is ultimately just a form of faith in which the universe is a mystery, but new human love exists. Be the agent of change and the force that brings love everywhere. Whether it is only expressed through a simple gesture like giving food to homeless people, smiling at strangers, or sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of others, bringing love to everyone will help people move closer together so that they can understand the reasons why people are connected. advertisement


  • You may not win every challenge in life, but you can live one more day to fight it. The challenges you face now will no longer matter in the future. You can even look back and laugh. Live your own dream, never mind the criticism, but if you want, you can prove them wrong.


  • In difficult times, we are often more vulnerable than ever, and we may be "tempted" to do things we would never have thought of. You may feel hopeless when you want to find a way out or an acknowledgment, but the momentary actions will only make things worse. Do not use alcohol, drugs, or any other temporary means. If you want to run away from circumstances, look for things that matter to you, like music, books, or art.